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Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2021
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WA, 2100 posts
22 Aug 2021 12:53PM
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The officer taking the shot has his mask down, hope he's had both his jabs

NSW, 4453 posts
22 Aug 2021 3:49PM
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Just some brain issues.
Levels of antibodies in the blood of vaccinated people that are able to recognise and fight the new SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant first discovered in India (B.1.617.2) are, on average, lower...

NSW, 6451 posts
22 Aug 2021 7:10PM
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japie said..
I have a friend who is a producer on Big Brother. That is also essential. Should tell you something!

Of course the gov. would let the filming of Big Brother continue,
I know you never ever watch tv by choice japie, but its a show about isolating people in a house for it would be hypocritical of the gov. to say " No you cant do that atm"

NSW, 2215 posts
22 Aug 2021 7:30PM
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Just had a thought and not pointed at either side.
When I was young I was told nature sorts things out ultimately. Eg if one does not clean out the roof guttering it becomes clogged with leaves etc creating a fire risk, water damage etc so ultimately those that are not taking the proper precautions including being fully informed Darwin theory sorts it out.
I ask mum who is Darwin as I thought it was a city in Australia.
Now try and undstand that.

Chris 249
NSW, 3333 posts
22 Aug 2021 7:35PM
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japie said..

Rupert said..

Japie said; "Tell me something. Why would an eminent physician disseminate false medical information?"

Tell me something. Why would tens, hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of his peers NOT support his "medical information?"I mean even Wakefield had some support from his peers before being a proven fraudster and drummed out.

If you have a little stroll through Discernible Interviews you will find a relatively recent one with an Australian lady doctor explaining that she runs the risk of losing her medical license if she speaks out or questions APHRA.

Its pretty simple really Rupert. There are thousands or tens of thousands of scientists and doctors whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat.

Rubbish. My wife is a scientist in the health sciences. We and her friends have had endless chats about livelihoods and careers. One of her recent research studies was looking into something that, if correct, could have rocked a vast boat.

If her studies had proven that the conventional science was wrong,it would have made her career, just like it made the careers of Einstien, Crick, Rutherford and the other scientists who proved facts that astonished the scientific world. Just like her former boss, who proved a fact that astonished the scientific world.

When her ex boss proved that fact, the scientific world didn't ignore it. They gave him a phreakin' Nobel prize.

By the way, if you can't actually say who the "lady doctor" is, and explain whether she is right about her claims about AHPRA, then your anecdote says nothing. Exactly how much time, ,may I ask, have you spent examining AHPRA decisions? What do you know about AHPRA's application of the relevant ethical principles?

If you don't know about such things, how in the world can you assume that she is correct in her claims?

Chris 249
NSW, 3333 posts
22 Aug 2021 7:49PM
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japie said..

lotofwind said..

If they wanted people to believe their call for mass protest they shouldnt have tried to prove their claims using Peter A. McCullough who has had all his covid 19 theories completely proven false and have been well proven to have actually increased the spread of covid in Brazil based on his opinion.


Tell me something. Why would an eminent physician disseminate false medical information?

Do you think perhaps he'd had an attack of Lotifwinditis and his brain had stopped functioning?

The pharmaceutical industry has unlimited funds available. They use a portion of this to malign physicians and medicines that stand to affect their profit margins.

Here is an example for you. The study published in the Lancet, (the medical publication which used to be considered the pinnacle of medical journalism), published the article which sunk hydroxychloroquin based on a trial which was fraudulent. The article was subsequently retracted but not until after the damage had been done.

Google the pharmaceutical fines issued. If you think they've suddenly developed a conscience you're even more stupid than I originally thought.

And if you think I'm likely to tell you what my movements are you're equally delusional.


OK - so why would far more eminent physicians, epidemiologists and others who say that Covid is bad and lockdowns are good disseminate false information?

Where is your evidence that big pharma use funds to malign those who stand to affect their profit margins? What proof do you have? Do you have bank account data? Where did you get it? How did you confirm that it's correct?

Sure, the Lancet study had issues. Plenty of people have known about that - my wife, sitting next to me as I write this, is in the same "data thug" group, dedicated to examining and exposing dodgy science, as James Heathers, one of the people who blew up the Lancet piece and who we have known since she was doing her PhD.

Have you used the GRIM test of stats (granularity-related inconsistency of means) that James and Nick Brown created? Do you know the basic idea of the GRIM test? Have you applied it to studies that DO conform to your beliefs?

Have you held the studies that you believe in to the same level of analysis that people like James, Nick and others held the studies you don't believe in to? If you believe the attacks on the Lancet article, why not believe the attacks on the pieces you believe in?

The fact that ONE or SOME pieces of science are dodgy does NOT mean, to any reasonable person, that they are all dodgy. Statistically, some WA windsurfers have probably committed vile crimes, but that does not mean that we say that you all have done so. Statistically, some Japies are racist scum, but that does not mean that all South Africans are. You can't throw 90% away because of the problems with a minority.

883 posts
22 Aug 2021 5:54PM
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Ahpra position statement is not a secret

"Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign (including via social media) is not supported by National Boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory action"

The key part is:
'....seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign...'

Chris 249
NSW, 3333 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:04PM
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TonyAbbott said..
Ahpra position statement is not a secret

"Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign (including via social media) is not supported by National Boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory action"

The key part is:
'....seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign...'

That's not "questioning AHPRA", which was the claim; it's questioning something very different. AHPRA is an authority; it is not a national campaign or scientific evidence.

How many AHPRA decisions have you read in detail? How much do you know about the relevant standards, etc? I've read plenty of them. What about you?

We're still back to the same illogical standard, where people say "oh look, this qualified person disputes the views" and then ignores the vastly higher number of qualified people who do not dispute the views. The fact that a certain small proportion of people hold views does not mean that those views are correct.

NSW, 6852 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:09PM
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Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Rupert said..

Japie said; "Tell me something. Why would an eminent physician disseminate false medical information?"

Tell me something. Why would tens, hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of his peers NOT support his "medical information?"I mean even Wakefield had some support from his peers before being a proven fraudster and drummed out.

If you have a little stroll through Discernible Interviews you will find a relatively recent one with an Australian lady doctor explaining that she runs the risk of losing her medical license if she speaks out or questions APHRA.

Its pretty simple really Rupert. There are thousands or tens of thousands of scientists and doctors whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat.

Rubbish. My wife is a scientist in the health sciences. We and her friends have had endless chats about livelihoods and careers. One of her recent research studies was looking into something that, if correct, could have rocked a vast boat.

If her studies had proven that the conventional science was wrong,it would have made her career, just like it made the careers of Einstien, Crick, Rutherford and the other scientists who proved facts that astonished the scientific world. Just like her former boss, who proved a fact that astonished the scientific world.

When her ex boss proved that fact, the scientific world didn't ignore it. They gave him a phreakin' Nobel prize.

By the way, if you can't actually say who the "lady doctor" is, and explain whether she is right about her claims about AHPRA, then your anecdote says nothing. Exactly how much time, ,may I ask, have you spent examining AHPRA decisions? What do you know about AHPRA's application of the relevant ethical principles?

If you don't know about such things, how in the world can you assume that she is correct in her claims?


NSW, 6451 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:11PM
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Maybe we should believe and trust the people who know the truth, the ones who tried to protest in Sydney.
I had to chuckle at one of them carrying a protest sign saying,
" The Answer Is Hugs, Not Masks"
Why didnt any of the 100;s of thousands of doctors world wide not see that.

Chris 249
NSW, 3333 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:11PM
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lotofwind said..
I think they have got you scared, they are useing that exact fear on you. This fear is clouding reality and you have read too many CT and are brain washed

So now we are slaves, what have the government achieved by paying us not to work, closing borders stopping tourism dollors etc.
What have they won?

Hopefully Seabreeze will pull the vid off this site, Im sure they dont want to advertise illegal protests.

Well, they've got a huge deficit. So they won't be able to win elections by promising tax cuts, etc. They won't be able to afford to throw carparks and sports grants at marginal electorates, as much. They have become very unpopular among many people. They have pissed off lots of big business by closing down shops, etc.

From the government's point of view this has probably been a complete PITA. And I would never vote for the guys in power in my state, nor would I defend their actions. But they probably know those actions could cost them dearly.

Chris 249
NSW, 3333 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:15PM
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japie said..

Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Rupert said..

Japie said; "Tell me something. Why would an eminent physician disseminate false medical information?"

Tell me something. Why would tens, hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of his peers NOT support his "medical information?"I mean even Wakefield had some support from his peers before being a proven fraudster and drummed out.

If you have a little stroll through Discernible Interviews you will find a relatively recent one with an Australian lady doctor explaining that she runs the risk of losing her medical license if she speaks out or questions APHRA.

Its pretty simple really Rupert. There are thousands or tens of thousands of scientists and doctors whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat.

Rubbish. My wife is a scientist in the health sciences. We and her friends have had endless chats about livelihoods and careers. One of her recent research studies was looking into something that, if correct, could have rocked a vast boat.

If her studies had proven that the conventional science was wrong,it would have made her career, just like it made the careers of Einstien, Crick, Rutherford and the other scientists who proved facts that astonished the scientific world. Just like her former boss, who proved a fact that astonished the scientific world.

When her ex boss proved that fact, the scientific world didn't ignore it. They gave him a phreakin' Nobel prize.

By the way, if you can't actually say who the "lady doctor" is, and explain whether she is right about her claims about AHPRA, then your anecdote says nothing. Exactly how much time, ,may I ask, have you spent examining AHPRA decisions? What do you know about AHPRA's application of the relevant ethical principles?

If you don't know about such things, how in the world can you assume that she is correct in her claims?


Well, what a great answer. So on what logic-based grounds are you disputing it?

Do you actually think that merely saying "rubbish" is logic? Do you think it's reasoned? Is it really the best that you can come up with?

If all you can come up with is a frankly silly one word comment, why should anyone respect your ability to question reality?

By the way, you are simply a liar. Yep, a dishonest bull****ting, falsifying, distrustful liar. My post was NOT rubbish. Even if you dislike some of it, it is simply a lie to claim that is all rubbish.

If you are a completely dishonest person, as you just said, then why should anyone ever trust you in any way?

NSW, 6852 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:16PM
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FlySurfer said..
Just some brain issues.
Levels of antibodies in the blood of vaccinated people that are able to recognise and fight the new SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant first discovered in India (B.1.617.2) are, on average, lower...

Ryan Cole is a conspiritard nutjob.

He probably has shares in Ivamekton Hidrxikloroqin vitamon d and zink.

Anyway what would he no. He doesn't believe in the siance

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
22 Aug 2021 6:20PM
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FlySurfer said..
Just some brain issues.

Wow! And the Astra Zeneca, the Sputnik and probably half the others they're not telling us about are based on the Chimp virus!

NSW, 6852 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:26PM
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Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Rupert said..

Japie said; "Tell me something. Why would an eminent physician disseminate false medical information?"

Tell me something. Why would tens, hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of his peers NOT support his "medical information?"I mean even Wakefield had some support from his peers before being a proven fraudster and drummed out.

If you have a little stroll through Discernible Interviews you will find a relatively recent one with an Australian lady doctor explaining that she runs the risk of losing her medical license if she speaks out or questions APHRA.

Its pretty simple really Rupert. There are thousands or tens of thousands of scientists and doctors whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat.

Rubbish. My wife is a scientist in the health sciences. We and her friends have had endless chats about livelihoods and careers. One of her recent research studies was looking into something that, if correct, could have rocked a vast boat.

If her studies had proven that the conventional science was wrong,it would have made her career, just like it made the careers of Einstien, Crick, Rutherford and the other scientists who proved facts that astonished the scientific world. Just like her former boss, who proved a fact that astonished the scientific world.

When her ex boss proved that fact, the scientific world didn't ignore it. They gave him a phreakin' Nobel prize.

By the way, if you can't actually say who the "lady doctor" is, and explain whether she is right about her claims about AHPRA, then your anecdote says nothing. Exactly how much time, ,may I ask, have you spent examining AHPRA decisions? What do you know about AHPRA's application of the relevant ethical principles?

If you don't know about such things, how in the world can you assume that she is correct in her claims?


Well, what a great answer. So on what logic-based grounds are you disputing it?

Do you actually think that merely saying "rubbish" is logic? Do you think it's reasoned? Is it really the best that you can come up with?

If all you can come up with is a frankly silly one word comment, why should anyone respect your ability to question reality?

By the way, you are simply a liar. Yep, a dishonest bull****ting, falsifying, distrustful liar. My post was NOT rubbish. Even if you dislike some of it, it is simply a lie to claim that is all rubbish.

If you are a completely dishonest person, as you just said, then why should anyone ever trust you in any way?

Bollocks. The reason her statements had to be anecdotal was because I could not find the Discernable episode. I will have a look tomorrow. Might be an idea for you to watch the Ryan Cole interview Flysurfer posted though.

Thats hardly anecdotal. And he's not hiding behind an avatar. Nor does he have to use a scientist wife's anecdotal bits and pieces to shore up his evidence.

Now if you will pardon me I'm going to meditate for an hour before I have a kip. Got stacks of essential concrete to deliver tomorrow

Chris 249
NSW, 3333 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:28PM
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Razzonater said..
Thank you sea breeze

I waited 12-14 weeks after registering and today at lunch they jammed that sweet sweet Pfizer into my body.
After the jab I got to sit in a chair for 15 minutes and an orange juice

see how I pull up tomorrow but it seems the 5G network in my house is working better already.

Really wished they mixed a bit of lsd in with the Pfizer at least that would of made the waiting room a bit more entertaining

On a serious note, all those who gave personal reports in this thread I appreciate it,

Will report in on second jab and any affects positive or negative from this one

I got my second Prizer at 2. Feel fine so far. But what I'm reckoning is that if Bill Gates has somehow stuffed a micromicromicromicromicro chip into my veins, then I'll be considered as being .0000000001% Bill Gates. So when he dies, I'll get .00000000001% of his fortune. That will buy me a nice new board or two.

QLD, 6806 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:34PM
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Ian K said..

FlySurfer said..
Just some brain issues.

Wow! And the Astra Zeneca, the Sputnik and probably half the others they're not telling us about are based on the Chimp virus!

That is quite interesting hypothesis. Maybe our chimps are testing now viruses and cures on human population.
secretly for their zoo apartments.
In few years time , that Olympic torch will be passed on them to carry out the role of most intelligent species left on Earth.

QLD, 6806 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:37PM
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Chris 249 said..

Razzonater said..
Thank you sea breeze

I waited 12-14 weeks after registering and today at lunch they jammed that sweet sweet Pfizer into my body.
After the jab I got to sit in a chair for 15 minutes and an orange juice

see how I pull up tomorrow but it seems the 5G network in my house is working better already.

Really wished they mixed a bit of lsd in with the Pfizer at least that would of made the waiting room a bit more entertaining

On a serious note, all those who gave personal reports in this thread I appreciate it,

Will report in on second jab and any affects positive or negative from this one

I got my second Prizer at 2. Feel fine so far. But what I'm reckoning is that if Bill Gates has somehow stuffed a micromicromicromicromicro chip into my veins, then I'll be considered as being .0000000001% Bill Gates. So when he dies, I'll get .00000000001% of his fortune. That will buy me a nice new board or two.

and you will have 0.1% rights to his wife Belinda,.
The will be like a one hot night or two....ooops , you are married, so could could take his dogs for a walk, twice a week.

Chris 249
NSW, 3333 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:48PM
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japie said..

Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Rupert said..

Japie said; "Tell me something. Why would an eminent physician disseminate false medical information?"

Tell me something. Why would tens, hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of his peers NOT support his "medical information?"I mean even Wakefield had some support from his peers before being a proven fraudster and drummed out.

If you have a little stroll through Discernible Interviews you will find a relatively recent one with an Australian lady doctor explaining that she runs the risk of losing her medical license if she speaks out or questions APHRA.

Its pretty simple really Rupert. There are thousands or tens of thousands of scientists and doctors whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat.

Rubbish. My wife is a scientist in the health sciences. We and her friends have had endless chats about livelihoods and careers. One of her recent research studies was looking into something that, if correct, could have rocked a vast boat.

If her studies had proven that the conventional science was wrong,it would have made her career, just like it made the careers of Einstien, Crick, Rutherford and the other scientists who proved facts that astonished the scientific world. Just like her former boss, who proved a fact that astonished the scientific world.

When her ex boss proved that fact, the scientific world didn't ignore it. They gave him a phreakin' Nobel prize.

By the way, if you can't actually say who the "lady doctor" is, and explain whether she is right about her claims about AHPRA, then your anecdote says nothing. Exactly how much time, ,may I ask, have you spent examining AHPRA decisions? What do you know about AHPRA's application of the relevant ethical principles?

If you don't know about such things, how in the world can you assume that she is correct in her claims?


Well, what a great answer. So on what logic-based grounds are you disputing it?

Do you actually think that merely saying "rubbish" is logic? Do you think it's reasoned? Is it really the best that you can come up with?

If all you can come up with is a frankly silly one word comment, why should anyone respect your ability to question reality?

By the way, you are simply a liar. Yep, a dishonest bull****ting, falsifying, distrustful liar. My post was NOT rubbish. Even if you dislike some of it, it is simply a lie to claim that is all rubbish.

If you are a completely dishonest person, as you just said, then why should anyone ever trust you in any way?

Bollocks. The reason her statements had to be anecdotal was because I could not find the Discernable episode. I will have a look tomorrow. Might be an idea for you to watch the Ryan Cole interview Flysurfer posted though.

Thats hardly anecdotal. And he's not hiding behind an avatar. Nor does he have to use a scientist wife's anecdotal bits and pieces to shore up his evidence.

Now if you will pardon me I'm going to meditate for an hour before I have a kip. Got stacks of essential concrete to deliver tomorrow

Rubbish. I'm not using "anecdotal bits and pieces to shore up evidence". I'm talking about people I know, who are (contrary to your implication) well aware of dodgy science and who are (unlike you) extremely well qualified and motivated to identify dodgy science. It's their passion, their expertise.

Because you seem to have missed the point, my point was that the Lancet article WAS seen as dodgy. But people like James blew the whistle. The whistle they blew got plenty of publicity. Plenty of scientists HAVE "rocked the boat" and it has not cost them their job - in fact rocking the boat is what often makes a scientists' career.

My other point was that your claims showed no evidence. You provided no evidence about your claims about big pharma. You provided no evidence to discredit what my own family tell me about what "rocking the boat" will do to their career.

Sure, Ryan Cole raises some possible issues. There's also some complete BS. So people may look into his claims. That's the way science works. It's NOT perfect, but it's better than just about anything else comparable I've seen in human activity.

I'm not "hiding behind an avatar". It's my name and my AWA life-long sail number which I have carried to a lot of championship wins and placings. Plenty of people know who I am, whereas you seem to keep your own identity pretty damn quiet.

If you're going to deliver concrete, cool. If I ever had a question about how to do that, I'd respect your expertise. I'd respect the fact that you may have done it for years and know far more than I do or other people do about how to do your job. Some of us respect other people and their knowledge. So why don't you seem to respect the knowledge that most scientists and doctors have?

QLD, 6493 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:56PM
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Buster fin said..
Kamikazu isn't wrong. But neither am I. SIL is a nurse in a public Tokyo hospital who is rostered onto the covid ward this month. So a little insight is being gleaned. It's far from unicorns and fairy bread.

Close friend is a trainer of nursing staff in Osaka, Kyoto and Shiga, another couple are doctors in public hospitals.

It is far from unicorns and fairy bread. But it's very far from the apocalypse, and the facts are still the facts

QLD, 6493 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:59PM
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psychojoe said..
Hmm, I've got a guy talking about Tokyo who's not in Tokyo, and another guy who is in Tokyo. I don't know who to believe.

Why not ... check for yourself. I'm not sharing top secret data

QLD, 6493 posts
22 Aug 2021 9:03PM
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lotofwind said..
Maybe we should believe and trust the people who know the truth

What, like you? You've repeatedly claimed to "just know" what "the truth" about certain things is.

But then, who am I to question divine revelation, I'm not a minister of religion.

Oh wait yes I am

QLD, 6493 posts
22 Aug 2021 9:07PM
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Chris 249 said..
But they probably know those actions could cost them dearly.

People have a short memory. If they can keep the number of deaths down by whatever means, they'll spin that for the next election. It's what Biden did.

WA, 14643 posts
22 Aug 2021 7:18PM
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Ian K said..

FlySurfer said..
Just some brain issues.

Wow! And the Astra Zeneca, the Sputnik and probably half the others they're not telling us about are based on the Chimp virus!

Ian, I think you are onto something. Be careful! They may get you.

In the remakes of Planet of the Apes they made it out that it was caused by genetic experiments on apes, now we know it was because of the chimp virus used in Covid treatments.

Soylent green is made out of people!

I mean, 'we are the apes'!

Are the 'humans' that we fight the anti-vaxxers?

QLD, 6806 posts
22 Aug 2021 9:27PM
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FlySurfer said..
Just some brain issues.
Levels of antibodies in the blood of vaccinated people that are able to recognise and fight the new SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant first discovered in India (B.1.617.2) are, on average, lower...

Should we be worry? Government will develop soon Super Pill that will cancel side effects of vaccines and boost immune system damage by vaccines.
So in year from now we will be queuing to get New and Absolutely Fantastic Pills Reversing Every Side Effects .
Pills Passports will follow and to keep your job all you need to do is swallow a pill after you proved you have vaccine passport already.

BTW. To those unbelievers that don't believe in magic power of SUPER PILL .
Super Rectal Suppository will be available and insertion will be reinforced on insubordinates

PS. What doctor is trying to convey, that Covid is not so much a medical problem but administrative and governance how to deal with inconvenience of pandemic. Eventually that not doctors make a decisions and treat but civil administrators official treat the nations and write prescriptions.

WA, 997 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:08PM
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kiterboy said..

japie said..
I envy you your faith in our advisors but assure you it's goals are control and a drive for mass stabbing.


'By using statistics from a time period when the U.S. as a whole was largely unvaccinated, the CDC is now claiming we're in a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," in an effort to demonize those who still have not agreed to receive this experimental gene modification injection.'

Here's what Canadian viral immunologist and vaccine researcher Dr. Byram Bridle told Ingraham about the claim that we're in a pandemic of the unvaxxed, and that the unvaccinated are hotbeds for dangerous variants:

"Absolutely, it's untrue to be calling this a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And it's certainly untrue . that the unvaccinated are somehow driving the emergence of the novel variants. This goes against every scientific principle that we understand.

"The reality is, the nature of the vaccines we are using right now, and the way we're rolling them out, are going to be applying selective pressure to this virus to promote the emergence of new variants. Again, this is based on sound principles.

"We have to look no further than . the emergence of antibiotic resistance .
The principle is this: If you have a biological entity that is prone to mutation - and the SARS-CoV-2, like all coronaviruses is prone to mutation - and you apply a narrowly focused selective pressure that is nonlethal, and you do this over a long period of time, this is the recipe for driving the emergence of novel variants.

"This is exactly what we're doing.
Our vaccines are focused on a single protein of the virus, so the virus only has to alter one protein, and the vaccines don't come close to providing sterilizing immunity.

"People who are vaccinated still get infected, it only seems particularly good at blunting the disease, and what that tells you therefore is that these vaccines in the vast majority of people are applying a nonlethal pressure, narrowly focused on one protein, and the vaccine rollout is occurring over a long period of time.
That's the recipe for driving variants."

The same Dr Byram Bridle, who in an interview with Alex Pierson, claims the vaccines actually contain the spike protein and that the spike protein is itself a toxin?
"We never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein so by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin"
In the interview, Bridle says that the spike proteins generated by the vaccines don't stay in the shoulder muscle, but spread and cause "so much damage in other parts of the bodies of the vaccinated."

Doesn't supply any evidence to support this claim.
And the vaccines don't even contain the spike protein.

We're already seeing the effects of a variant with a changed spike protein, Delta variant.
It emerged well before the vaccines were being rolled out.
We're lucky the vaccines provide any benefit against this variant.

WA, 2100 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:09PM
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Macroscien said..

FlySurfer said..
Just some brain issues.
Levels of antibodies in the blood of vaccinated people that are able to recognise and fight the new SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant first discovered in India (B.1.617.2) are, on average, lower...

Should we be worry? Government will develop soon Super Pill that will cancel side effects of vaccines and boost immune system damage by vaccines.
So in year from now we will be queuing to get New and Absolutely Fantastic Pills Reversing Every Side Effects .
Pills Passports will follow and to keep your job all you need to do is swallow a pill after you proved you have vaccine passport already.

BTW. To those unbelievers that don't believe in magic power of SUPER PILL .
Super Rectal Suppository will be available and insertion will be reinforced on insubordinates

PS. What doctor is trying to convey, that Covid is not so much medical problem but administrative and governance how to deal with inconvenience of pandemic. Eventually that not doctors make a decisions and treat but civil administrators official treat the nations and write prescriptions.

No ****! It's amazing what has been achieved with faecal transplant pills.
I see where you're going with this.
Can you add SUV39H2 to the pills please

QLD, 6806 posts
22 Aug 2021 10:18PM
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psychojoe said..

Macroscien said..

FlySurfer said..
Just some brain issues.
Levels of antibodies in the blood of vaccinated people that are able to recognise and fight the new SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant first discovered in India (B.1.617.2) are, on average, lower...

Should we be worry? Government will develop soon Super Pill that will cancel side effects of vaccines and boost immune system damage by vaccines.
So in year from now we will be queuing to get New and Absolutely Fantastic Pills Reversing Every Side Effects .
Pills Passports will follow and to keep your job all you need to do is swallow a pill after you proved you have vaccine passport already.

BTW. To those unbelievers that don't believe in magic power of SUPER PILL .
Super Rectal Suppository will be available and insertion will be reinforced on insubordinates

PS. What doctor is trying to convey, that Covid is not so much medical problem but administrative and governance how to deal with inconvenience of pandemic. Eventually that not doctors make a decisions and treat but civil administrators official treat the nations and write prescriptions.

No ****! It's amazing what has been achieved with faecal transplant pills.
I see where you're going with this.
Can you add SUV39H2 to the pills please

You could be on some path to great discovery, mate ! S88t transplant from covid infected and recovered person ! Trump is one of those, I think that plenty of followers could consume his outcome in order to be healed .So technical problem is solved to starts clinical trials, lack of volunteers shouldn't be a problem.
Now , that is a proper vaccine !

883 posts
22 Aug 2021 8:29PM
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Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Rupert said..

Japie said; "Tell me something. Why would an eminent physician disseminate false medical information?"

Tell me something. Why would tens, hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of his peers NOT support his "medical information?"I mean even Wakefield had some support from his peers before being a proven fraudster and drummed out.

If you have a little stroll through Discernible Interviews you will find a relatively recent one with an Australian lady doctor explaining that she runs the risk of losing her medical license if she speaks out or questions APHRA.

Its pretty simple really Rupert. There are thousands or tens of thousands of scientists and doctors whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat.

Rubbish. My wife is a scientist in the health sciences. We and her friends have had endless chats about livelihoods and careers. One of her recent research studies was looking into something that, if correct, could have rocked a vast boat.

If her studies had proven that the conventional science was wrong,it would have made her career, just like it made the careers of Einstien, Crick, Rutherford and the other scientists who proved facts that astonished the scientific world. Just like her former boss, who proved a fact that astonished the scientific world.

When her ex boss proved that fact, the scientific world didn't ignore it. They gave him a phreakin' Nobel prize.

By the way, if you can't actually say who the "lady doctor" is, and explain whether she is right about her claims about AHPRA, then your anecdote says nothing. Exactly how much time, ,may I ask, have you spent examining AHPRA decisions? What do you know about AHPRA's application of the relevant ethical principles?

If you don't know about such things, how in the world can you assume that she is correct in her claims?


Well, what a great answer. So on what logic-based grounds are you disputing it?

Do you actually think that merely saying "rubbish" is logic? Do you think it's reasoned? Is it really the best that you can come up with?

If all you can come up with is a frankly silly one word comment, why should anyone respect your ability to question reality?

By the way, you are simply a liar. Yep, a dishonest bull****ting, falsifying, distrustful liar. My post was NOT rubbish. Even if you dislike some of it, it is simply a lie to claim that is all rubbish.

If you are a completely dishonest person, as you just said, then why should anyone ever trust you in any way?

Cool story bro, needs more dragons

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"Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?" started by Razzonater