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Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2021
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WA, 9503 posts
22 Aug 2021 9:13PM
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inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin".. he never said the vaccine puts the spike protein into your body?

no it just hacks your own DNA which then produces the inflammatory spike protein.
Nothing weird going on here

WA, 9503 posts
22 Aug 2021 9:16PM
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Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Rupert said..

Japie said; "Tell me something. Why would an eminent physician disseminate false medical information?"

Tell me something. Why would tens, hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of his peers NOT support his "medical information?"I mean even Wakefield had some support from his peers before being a proven fraudster and drummed out.

If you have a little stroll through Discernible Interviews you will find a relatively recent one with an Australian lady doctor explaining that she runs the risk of losing her medical license if she speaks out or questions APHRA.

Its pretty simple really Rupert. There are thousands or tens of thousands of scientists and doctors whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat.

Rubbish. My wife is a scientist in the health sciences. We and her friends have had endless chats about livelihoods and careers. One of her recent research studies was looking into something that, if correct, could have rocked a vast boat.

If her studies had proven that the conventional science was wrong,it would have made her career, just like it made the careers of Einstien, Crick, Rutherford and the other scientists who proved facts that astonished the scientific world. Just like her former boss, who proved a fact that astonished the scientific world.

When her ex boss proved that fact, the scientific world didn't ignore it. They gave him a phreakin' Nobel prize.

By the way, if you can't actually say who the "lady doctor" is, and explain whether she is right about her claims about AHPRA, then your anecdote says nothing. Exactly how much time, ,may I ask, have you spent examining AHPRA decisions? What do you know about AHPRA's application of the relevant ethical principles?

If you don't know about such things, how in the world can you assume that she is correct in her claims?


Well, what a great answer. So on what logic-based grounds are you disputing it?

Do you actually think that merely saying "rubbish" is logic? Do you think it's reasoned? Is it really the best that you can come up with?

If all you can come up with is a frankly silly one word comment, why should anyone respect your ability to question reality?

By the way, you are simply a liar. Yep, a dishonest bull****ting, falsifying, distrustful liar. My post was NOT rubbish. Even if you dislike some of it, it is simply a lie to claim that is all rubbish.

If you are a completely dishonest person, as you just said, then why should anyone ever trust you in any way?

And where is your evidence apart from anecdotal conversations with your wife and associated people ? Pot calling the kettle black buddy.

ps not discounting your position but asking Japie for hard evidence but giving sweet FA yourself is a bit rich.

NSW, 6869 posts
23 Aug 2021 3:58AM
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Dr David Martin's company has reviewed the over 4000 patents which surround the SARS Corona virus.

His information will help with the sending to prison.

Should be the gallows in my honest opinion!

NSW, 6869 posts
23 Aug 2021 4:47AM
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Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Rupert said..

Japie said; "Tell me something. Why would an eminent physician disseminate false medical information?"

Tell me something. Why would tens, hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of his peers NOT support his "medical information?"I mean even Wakefield had some support from his peers before being a proven fraudster and drummed out.

If you have a little stroll through Discernible Interviews you will find a relatively recent one with an Australian lady doctor explaining that she runs the risk of losing her medical license if she speaks out or questions APHRA.

Its pretty simple really Rupert. There are thousands or tens of thousands of scientists and doctors whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat.

Rubbish. My wife is a scientist in the health sciences. We and her friends have had endless chats about livelihoods and careers. One of her recent research studies was looking into something that, if correct, could have rocked a vast boat.

If her studies had proven that the conventional science was wrong,it would have made her career, just like it made the careers of Einstien, Crick, Rutherford and the other scientists who proved facts that astonished the scientific world. Just like her former boss, who proved a fact that astonished the scientific world.

When her ex boss proved that fact, the scientific world didn't ignore it. They gave him a phreakin' Nobel prize.

By the way, if you can't actually say who the "lady doctor" is, and explain whether she is right about her claims about AHPRA, then your anecdote says nothing. Exactly how much time, ,may I ask, have you spent examining AHPRA decisions? What do you know about AHPRA's application of the relevant ethical principles?

If you don't know about such things, how in the world can you assume that she is correct in her claims?


Well, what a great answer. So on what logic-based grounds are you disputing it?

Do you actually think that merely saying "rubbish" is logic? Do you think it's reasoned? Is it really the best that you can come up with?

If all you can come up with is a frankly silly one word comment, why should anyone respect your ability to question reality?

By the way, you are simply a liar. Yep, a dishonest bull****ting, falsifying, distrustful liar. My post was NOT rubbish. Even if you dislike some of it, it is simply a lie to claim that is all rubbish.

If you are a completely dishonest person, as you just said, then why should anyone ever trust you in any way?

Bollocks. The reason her statements had to be anecdotal was because I could not find the Discernable episode. I will have a look tomorrow. Might be an idea for you to watch the Ryan Cole interview Flysurfer posted though.

Thats hardly anecdotal. And he's not hiding behind an avatar. Nor does he have to use a scientist wife's anecdotal bits and pieces to shore up his evidence.

Now if you will pardon me I'm going to meditate for an hour before I have a kip. Got stacks of essential concrete to deliver tomorrow

Rubbish. I'm not using "anecdotal bits and pieces to shore up evidence". I'm talking about people I know, who are (contrary to your implication) well aware of dodgy science and who are (unlike you) extremely well qualified and motivated to identify dodgy science. It's their passion, their expertise.

Because you seem to have missed the point, my point was that the Lancet article WAS seen as dodgy. But people like James blew the whistle. The whistle they blew got plenty of publicity. Plenty of scientists HAVE "rocked the boat" and it has not cost them their job - in fact rocking the boat is what often makes a scientists' career.

My other point was that your claims showed no evidence. You provided no evidence about your claims about big pharma. You provided no evidence to discredit what my own family tell me about what "rocking the boat" will do to their career.

Sure, Ryan Cole raises some possible issues. There's also some complete BS. So people may look into his claims. That's the way science works. It's NOT perfect, but it's better than just about anything else comparable I've seen in human activity.

I'm not "hiding behind an avatar". It's my name and my AWA life-long sail number which I have carried to a lot of championship wins and placings. Plenty of people know who I am, whereas you seem to keep your own identity pretty damn quiet.

If you're going to deliver concrete, cool. If I ever had a question about how to do that, I'd respect your expertise. I'd respect the fact that you may have done it for years and know far more than I do or other people do about how to do your job. Some of us respect other people and their knowledge. So why don't you seem to respect the knowledge that most scientists and doctors have?

Apropros your anecdotal liar rant:

I was looking for the original interview to find her name. Which was why I didn't post it but you're going to have to settle for that!

I will now toddle off to deliver concrete, a job I chose to do rather than follow my training which is in fisheries management. I studied in the UK in order to be able to fulfil immigration requirements to Australia.

After qualifying and when I got here I figured out quite quickly that not only was there no freshwater fishery management but what there was was riddled with petty politics and incompetence.

14 posts
23 Aug 2021 3:31AM
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NSW, 5780 posts
23 Aug 2021 6:05AM
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Chris 249 said..

Rubbish. My wife is a scientist in the health sciences. We and her friends have had endless chats about livelihoods and careers. One of her recent research studies was looking into something that, if correct, could have rocked a vast boat.

If her studies had proven that the conventional science was wrong,it would have made her career, just like it made the careers of Einstien, Crick, Rutherford and the other scientists who proved facts that astonished the scientific world. Just like her former boss, who proved a fact that astonished the scientific world.

When her ex boss proved that fact, the scientific world didn't ignore it. They gave him a phreakin' Nobel prize.

By the way, if you can't actually say who the "lady doctor" is, and explain whether she is right about her claims about AHPRA, then your anecdote says nothing. Exactly how much time, ,may I ask, have you spent examining AHPRA decisions? What do you know about AHPRA's application of the relevant ethical principles?

If you don't know about such things, how in the world can you assume that she is correct in her claims?

you realise you didn't actually say anything.

i know a fact that was a big fact, so big a fact that other people that know facts said, " whoa, that's a big fact" let's give that big fact the closed circle big fact prize. so nerr, you don't know big facts.
I also have a lady friend who claims to work as a medical scientist, despite the big fact she mostly screens middle aged men's poo samples that arrive by mail to her pathology clinic.

Brent in Qld
WA, 1031 posts
23 Aug 2021 4:32AM
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Speaking of middle aged men's poo, please precede with caution digesting this weeks stools of wisdom. The truth is out there but doubt discovering it will change your mind if it doesn't align with your dogma. Many thanks from your sponsors.

NSW, 6869 posts
23 Aug 2021 7:43AM
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A Barber in Bathurst told me an interesting story whilst cutting my hair in the early 90s.

The subject got onto doctors as I had just dislocated my shoulder for the sixth time.

His wife suffered from serious varicose veins and had gone to the doctor and returned home in tears telling him that they were going to have to amputate her leg. Of course he was naturally very upset and stormed down to the surgery and fired a charge up the bastard for not having spoken to him first and then demanded a second opinion.

They ended up going down to Sydney and seeing a specialist who told her that it was pretty serious.

"So you're going to have to amputate?"

"Good god no nothing like that but we're going to have to do a pretty invasive operation to strip your veins. When you have recovered from the operation you are going to have to take your exercise very very seriously otherwise you will be back in here again and then there will be a possibility that you will lose your leg."

The operation was duly done and for the next four years they took up walking very seriously.

And then they discovered dancing which they currently did four or five times a week.

I asked him how long ago this was and he said to me 20 years.

There are many on here who would have been hobbling around with a wooden leg for 20 years!

Chris 249
NSW, 3336 posts
23 Aug 2021 7:58AM
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eppo said..

Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Chris 249 said..

japie said..

Rupert said..

Japie said; "Tell me something. Why would an eminent physician disseminate false medical information?"

Tell me something. Why would tens, hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of his peers NOT support his "medical information?"I mean even Wakefield had some support from his peers before being a proven fraudster and drummed out.

If you have a little stroll through Discernible Interviews you will find a relatively recent one with an Australian lady doctor explaining that she runs the risk of losing her medical license if she speaks out or questions APHRA.

Its pretty simple really Rupert. There are thousands or tens of thousands of scientists and doctors whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat.

Rubbish. My wife is a scientist in the health sciences. We and her friends have had endless chats about livelihoods and careers. One of her recent research studies was looking into something that, if correct, could have rocked a vast boat.

If her studies had proven that the conventional science was wrong,it would have made her career, just like it made the careers of Einstien, Crick, Rutherford and the other scientists who proved facts that astonished the scientific world. Just like her former boss, who proved a fact that astonished the scientific world.

When her ex boss proved that fact, the scientific world didn't ignore it. They gave him a phreakin' Nobel prize.

By the way, if you can't actually say who the "lady doctor" is, and explain whether she is right about her claims about AHPRA, then your anecdote says nothing. Exactly how much time, ,may I ask, have you spent examining AHPRA decisions? What do you know about AHPRA's application of the relevant ethical principles?

If you don't know about such things, how in the world can you assume that she is correct in her claims?


Well, what a great answer. So on what logic-based grounds are you disputing it?

Do you actually think that merely saying "rubbish" is logic? Do you think it's reasoned? Is it really the best that you can come up with?

If all you can come up with is a frankly silly one word comment, why should anyone respect your ability to question reality?

By the way, you are simply a liar. Yep, a dishonest bull****ting, falsifying, distrustful liar. My post was NOT rubbish. Even if you dislike some of it, it is simply a lie to claim that is all rubbish.

If you are a completely dishonest person, as you just said, then why should anyone ever trust you in any way?

And where is your evidence apart from anecdotal conversations with your wife and associated people ? Pot calling the kettle black buddy.

ps not discounting your position but asking Japie for hard evidence but giving sweet FA yourself is a bit rich.

It's not "anecdotal" when the subject has been one of the biggest parts of your life for decades. We've moved cities twice for a scientific career. Seriously, I don't uproot my life and move interstate and buy and sell houses because of "anecdotal" conversations. And science history is also one of my interests, so I'm well read about what happens to many scientists who "buck" the system. Many of them become famous and well-rewarded for it. It's also not "anecdotal" to have read plenty of scientific papers about the scientific process and to go to quite a few lectures on it.

The other thing is that it's generally the person who makes a statement who provides evidence. If I said that Japie was being paid by the Illuminatii, I couldn't demand that he provided hard evidence that he's not. If I said that every anti-vaxxer is a lizard person, I couldn't demand that the anti-vaxxers here provide DNA samples. If I said that someone here bashed their wife, they don't have to provide evidence that they don't.

The people who make the claim are the ones who should provide evidence.

2614 posts
23 Aug 2021 6:12AM
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Chris 249 said..

The people who make the claim are the ones who should provide evidence.

Cool story bro.

So the people saying there are no negative long-term side effects to the 'vaccines' should be able to provide evidence then.
Where is it?

QLD, 1356 posts
23 Aug 2021 8:21AM
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Chris 249, your wasting your time, the antivax force is strong amongst this lot. Your better off just going about your life as usual and let father time catch up with those who choose Covid over vaccination.

Freebies from Qantas for the vaccinated.

Chris 249
NSW, 3336 posts
23 Aug 2021 8:22AM
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theDoctor said..

Chris 249 said..

Rubbish. My wife is a scientist in the health sciences. We and her friends have had endless chats about livelihoods and careers. One of her recent research studies was looking into something that, if correct, could have rocked a vast boat.

If her studies had proven that the conventional science was wrong,it would have made her career, just like it made the careers of Einstien, Crick, Rutherford and the other scientists who proved facts that astonished the scientific world. Just like her former boss, who proved a fact that astonished the scientific world.

When her ex boss proved that fact, the scientific world didn't ignore it. They gave him a phreakin' Nobel prize.

By the way, if you can't actually say who the "lady doctor" is, and explain whether she is right about her claims about AHPRA, then your anecdote says nothing. Exactly how much time, ,may I ask, have you spent examining AHPRA decisions? What do you know about AHPRA's application of the relevant ethical principles?

If you don't know about such things, how in the world can you assume that she is correct in her claims?

you realise you didn't actually say anything.

i know a fact that was a big fact, so big a fact that other people that know facts said, " whoa, that's a big fact" let's give that big fact the closed circle big fact prize. so nerr, you don't know big facts.
I also have a lady friend who claims to work as a medical scientist, despite the big fact she mostly screens middle aged men's poo samples that arrive by mail to her pathology clinic.

I did actually. I pointed out that Japie's claim that " There are thousands or tens of thousands of scientists and doctors whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat" seems to be very wrong, because in the sciences it's the people who "rock the boat" who do well. People like Einstien, Crick, Doherty etc "rocked the boat" and they didn't suffer because of it, they became famous because of it and it made their careers and fortunes.

What I also said was that this is well known among those who make their careers in academic medical science - in fact it's such a big factor that it's arguably a major cause of the replication crisis.

Chris 249
NSW, 3336 posts
23 Aug 2021 8:31AM
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japie said..
A Barber in Bathurst told me an interesting story whilst cutting my hair in the early 90s.

The subject got onto doctors as I had just dislocated my shoulder for the sixth time.

His wife suffered from serious varicose veins and had gone to the doctor and returned home in tears telling him that they were going to have to amputate her leg. Of course he was naturally very upset and stormed down to the surgery and fired a charge up the bastard for not having spoken to him first and then demanded a second opinion.

They ended up going down to Sydney and seeing a specialist who told her that it was pretty serious.

"So you're going to have to amputate?"

"Good god no nothing like that but we're going to have to do a pretty invasive operation to strip your veins. When you have recovered from the operation you are going to have to take your exercise very very seriously otherwise you will be back in here again and then there will be a possibility that you will lose your leg."

The operation was duly done and for the next four years they took up walking very seriously.

And then they discovered dancing which they currently did four or five times a week.

I asked him how long ago this was and he said to me 20 years.

There are many on here who would have been hobbling around with a wooden leg for 20 years!

So because one doctor in one place at one time allegedly told one person something wrong - so what?

So because one doctor said something wrong, we are suddenly supposed to believe that a tiny proportion of doctors (the anti-vaxxers) are completely right?

So because someone once was going to get a leg cut off without a second opinion, a tiny proportion of doctors are right?

So because the expert specialist was right, suddenly we are supposed to believe that expert specialists in other fields are wrong?

Chris 249
NSW, 3336 posts
23 Aug 2021 8:51AM
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kiterboy said..

Chris 249 said..

The people who make the claim are the ones who should provide evidence.

Cool story bro.

So the people saying there are no negative long-term side effects to the 'vaccines' should be able to provide evidence then.
Where is it?

The evidence is that over 200 years of experience with widespread vaccinations show that negative effects always, or almost always, occur in the first couple of months. These vaccines were trialled for that long and have been in general use for even longer.

Many of us here have had vaccines for tetanus, the flu, mumps, measles, etc. An earlier generation had vaccines for polio, smallpox, etc. Dunno about you, but I'm quite glad that I'm not stuck in an iron lung or dead of tetanus, and I haven't seen any side effects of the shots I've had since I was about one.

WA, 998 posts
23 Aug 2021 6:51AM
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eppo said..
inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin".. he never said the vaccine puts the spike protein into your body?

no it just hacks your own DNA which then produces the inflammatory spike protein.
Nothing weird going on here

Like I said he didn't provide any evidence. Surely we'd be seeing this toxin having an effect in all covid cases as well?

Please stop with the DNA hacking bull****, as if the mRNA in the vaccine can get into the nucleus of a cell, let alone contain all the correct bits and pieces to ensure successful insertion into DNA.

Chris 249
NSW, 3336 posts
23 Aug 2021 9:05AM
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japie said..

Apropros your anecdotal liar rant:

I was looking for the original interview to find her name. Which was why I didn't post it but you're going to have to settle for that!

I will now toddle off to deliver concrete, a job I chose to do rather than follow my training which is in fisheries management. I studied in the UK in order to be able to fulfil immigration requirements to Australia.

After qualifying and when I got here I figured out quite quickly that not only was there no freshwater fishery management but what there was was riddled with petty politics and incompetence.

Most of my post was about the "thousands or tens of thousands of scientists ..... whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat." They aren't governed by AHPRA or anything like it. You still haven't provided a shred of evidence that "tens of thousands of scientists" would lose their jobs if they "rocked the boat".

AHPRA says that doctors should tell their patients what the best science says. They've said that for many years - far before Covid arrived. It This is a long-term policy, which as far as I can see has never been enforced with a significant penalty. And doctors like the one in the vid can clearly let people know they disagree with the AHPRA stance and the policies, just as she did.

WA, 6650 posts
23 Aug 2021 7:35AM
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Macroscien said..
.... PS. What doctor is trying to convey, that Covid is not so much a medical problem but administrative and governance how to deal with inconvenience of pandemic. Eventually that not doctors make a decisions and treat but civil administrators official treat the nations and write prescriptions.

W. T. F ?

In between blabbing on about Elon Musk and poo suppositories Macro just (nearly) wrote something that is probably the smartest thing written in the last 52 pages.

Did his cat walk across the keyboard and, by pure chance, we got something, or was it the original brain inside the Macro-bot going total recall and trying to break out ?

NSW, 6869 posts
23 Aug 2021 9:41AM
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You're a funny man

Have a little squiz at the money Pfizer "donates" to the individual politicians, political party's, scientists, scientific organisations and hospitals around the globe.

You are either naive or disingenuous.

NSW, 6869 posts
23 Aug 2021 9:42AM
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Carantoc said..

Macroscien said..
.... PS. What doctor is trying to convey, that Covid is not so much a medical problem but administrative and governance how to deal with inconvenience of pandemic. Eventually that not doctors make a decisions and treat but civil administrators official treat the nations and write prescriptions.

W. T. F ?

In between blabbing on about Elon Musk and poo suppositories Macro just (nearly) wrote something that is probably the smartest thing written in the last 52 pages.

Did his cat walk across the keyboard and, by pure chance, we got something, or was it the original brain inside the Macro-bot going total recall and trying to break out ?

Thanks for slipping that in there

Chris 249
NSW, 3336 posts
23 Aug 2021 10:04AM
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japie said..
You're a funny man

Have a little squiz at the money Pfizer "donates" to the individual politicians, political party's, scientists, scientific organisations and hospitals around the globe.

You are either naive or disingenuous.

Australian unis spend over 10 BILLION a year on research. In a typical year, Pfizer Australia donates about $400k to about 20 different organisations. How much pull do you think spending $400k gives you in a field where the annual revenue is over $10 BILLION?

There are over 1000 doctors employed in clinical medical research in Australia and 10,000 other scientists teaching and researching health subjects at unis. A typical mid-level academic medical researcher gets about $125k per year. So exactly how would Pfizer's donation of the equivalent of three years's annual pay (not including on-costs) for those working in medical research affect "thousands or tens of thousands of scientists .... whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat."???

Even if Pfizer spent all its money on researchers to promote its Covid vaccine, that would pay for about three scientists or medical research doctors out of about 11,000 people in the field. How would paying those three people silence the other 10,997?

Brent in Qld
WA, 1031 posts
23 Aug 2021 8:21AM
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Chris, mate... stop with your industry knowledge and facts. We are here for internet based chinese whispers, to watch with glee as opinions turn into old wives tales and eventually salute as the ship of ignorance sets sail. You know, the stuff that elections are based on.

Chris 249
NSW, 3336 posts
23 Aug 2021 10:24AM
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Oh, of course any claim that scientists are pushing vaccines and making people scared of Covid just to keep their jobs ignores the fact that Covid, and fear of Covid, has been an absolute disaster for Australian scientists.

Lots of the money that supports Australian scientists comes from overseas student fees. The crackdown on overseas students has led the unis to slash their staff numbers. Over 17,000 staff in general have lost their jobs.

Some estimates say that 5-6,000 uni researchers will lose their job, or have lost their job, because of Covid. I've helped uni staff through their job losses. There are others like the couple I know who both worked at Newcastle Uni and both lost their jobs the same day because of Covid cuts. That couple has a mortgage and kids. I also know the person who sadly had to sack them because the uni had no money.

So if the Covid 19 vaccine agenda is somehow being driven by the $400k that Pfizer is throwing around (although not normally at Covid research) and by thousands of researchers somehow all being corrupted by that piddly amount, then why aren't the thousands of scientists who have lost their jobs because of the fear of Covid not spoken out? What possible reason do people who have gone from having comfortable incomes to now being on the dole have, for allegedly not spilling the beans?

You're saying that people who have lost their jobs, may lose their house, and will probably lose their entire careerare keeping hush to avoid upsetting companies like the one that spends $400k per year on other people? Yeah, sounds really likely.

2614 posts
23 Aug 2021 8:24AM
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Chris 249 said..

kiterboy said..

Chris 249 said..

The people who make the claim are the ones who should provide evidence.

Cool story bro.

So the people saying there are no negative long-term side effects to the 'vaccines' should be able to provide evidence then.
Where is it?

The evidence is that over 200 years of experience with widespread vaccinations show that negative effects always, or almost always, occur in the first couple of months. These vaccines were trialled for that long and have been in general use for even longer.

Many of us here have had vaccines for tetanus, the flu, mumps, measles, etc. An earlier generation had vaccines for polio, smallpox, etc. Dunno about you, but I'm quite glad that I'm not stuck in an iron lung or dead of tetanus, and I haven't seen any side effects of the shots I've had since I was about one.

You are comparing apples to oranges.
This clearly shows you have no idea what you are talking about.

I've had all my vaccinations and have no problem with proven vaccines.

You are supporting experimental treatments.

Oh, it's not experimental and is widely understood?

Answer this; how many vaccines have you had to wait in a recovery room for, after getting the jab?

QLD, 14 posts
23 Aug 2021 10:26AM
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To Chris 249
I'd like to thank you for your courage to put a different voice and your willingness to shed some light to all this crap some people post on this forum
Cheers jaran

2614 posts
23 Aug 2021 8:31AM
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airsail said..
Chris 249, your wasting your time, the antivax force is strong amongst this lot. Your better off just going about your life as usual and let father time catch up with those who choose Covid over vaccination.

Freebies from Qantas for the vaccinated.

Calling fully vaccinated people who have healthy skepticism for an experimental treatment is disingenuous at best and shows how closed minded and inflammatory you and everyone like you are.

Your fear is being tapped into and used to make you aggressively attack people.

2614 posts
23 Aug 2021 8:33AM
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Hmmm...will be interesting to see where this goes...

'A drug candidate for treating adverse reactions caused by pathogenic antibodies inducible by COVID-19 virus and vaccines.'

Chris 249
NSW, 3336 posts
23 Aug 2021 10:45AM
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kiterboy said..
You are comparing apples to oranges.
This clearly shows you have no idea what you are talking about......Answer this; how many vaccines have you had to wait in a recovery room for, after getting the jab?

Just about all of them, in fact. As the Australian Immunisation Handbook says, standard step 7 after immunisation (not just for Covid, but other jabs) is to "Keep the person under observation for at least 15 minutes to ensure that they do not experience an immediate adverse event, and to provide rapid medical care if needed."

Let's look at another source, like one about the flu shot; "you are advised to stay at the clinic or medical surgery for at least 15 minutes following vaccination in case further treatment is required."

And the same advice is repeated here; "The influenza vaccine can be administered in community vaccination clinics (which may or may not have direct medical practitioner supervision), General Practitioner surgeries or Immunisation clinics, as a single dose followed by the recommended 15 minute observation period."

As this pre-Covid paper notes, "Virtually all vaccines have the potential to trigger anaphylaxis".

And here's another general bit of info about general (ie non-Covid) vaccination, complete with the same advice to "wait for 15 minutes after receiving a vaccine so you may be observed for any reactions, and for treatment to be provided if needed."

So the 15 minute wait after a vaccination is NOT something specific to Covid as you imply. It's perfectly normal for vaccinations. Perhaps you shouldn't claim that you know what you're talking about and other people don't.

2614 posts
23 Aug 2021 9:40AM
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Chris 249 said..

kiterboy said..
You are comparing apples to oranges.
This clearly shows you have no idea what you are talking about......Answer this; how many vaccines have you had to wait in a recovery room for, after getting the jab?

Just about all of them, in fact. As the Australian Immunisation Handbook says, standard step 7 after immunisation (not just for Covid, but other jabs) is to "Keep the person under observation for at least 15 minutes to ensure that they do not experience an immediate adverse event, and to provide rapid medical care if needed."

Let's look at another source, like one about the flu shot; "you are advised to stay at the clinic or medical surgery for at least 15 minutes following vaccination in case further treatment is required."

And the same advice is repeated here; "The influenza vaccine can be administered in community vaccination clinics (which may or may not have direct medical practitioner supervision), General Practitioner surgeries or Immunisation clinics, as a single dose followed by the recommended 15 minute observation period."

As this pre-Covid paper notes, "Virtually all vaccines have the potential to trigger anaphylaxis".

And here's another general bit of info about general (ie non-Covid) vaccination, complete with the same advice to "wait for 15 minutes after receiving a vaccine so you may be observed for any reactions, and for treatment to be provided if needed."

So the 15 minute wait after a vaccination is NOT something specific to Covid as you imply. It's perfectly normal for vaccinations. Perhaps you shouldn't claim that you know what you're talking about and other people don't.

I'll concede the waiting room thing. Never experienced it for any of the vaccines I've had in the past.

You are still comparing apples to oranges, and nicely avoided that point by posting another wall of text.

WA, 2107 posts
23 Aug 2021 9:48AM
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theDoctor said..

Chris 249 said..

Rubbish. My wife is a scientist in the health sciences. We and her friends have had endless chats about livelihoods and careers. One of her recent research studies was looking into something that, if correct, could have rocked a vast boat.

If her studies had proven that the conventional science was wrong,it would have made her career, just like it made the careers of Einstien, Crick, Rutherford and the other scientists who proved facts that astonished the scientific world. Just like her former boss, who proved a fact that astonished the scientific world.

When her ex boss proved that fact, the scientific world didn't ignore it. They gave him a phreakin' Nobel prize.

By the way, if you can't actually say who the "lady doctor" is, and explain whether she is right about her claims about AHPRA, then your anecdote says nothing. Exactly how much time, ,may I ask, have you spent examining AHPRA decisions? What do you know about AHPRA's application of the relevant ethical principles?

If you don't know about such things, how in the world can you assume that she is correct in her claims?

you realise you didn't actually say anything.

i know a fact that was a big fact, so big a fact that other people that know facts said, " whoa, that's a big fact" let's give that big fact the closed circle big fact prize. so nerr, you don't know big facts.
I also have a lady friend who claims to work as a medical scientist, despite the big fact she mostly screens middle aged men's poo samples that arrive by mail to her pathology clinic.

Oh, I remember Barry. Don't try and shut Chris down, Doc, this could be be going somewhere huge, of course he can't actually say anything because he has to follow protocol, but he's given enough clues for any half-assed scientist to be able to put it together.
Best of luck to your wife, Chris, can't wait to hear more.

2614 posts
23 Aug 2021 10:01AM
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Chris 249 said..
Perhaps you shouldn't claim that you know what you're talking about and other people don't.

I never claimed I did know about the long-term effects of the vaccines.
That's why I would like to wait a bit longer to see the long term data.

You and others like you are the ones claiming to know so much about it, but the simple fact is, you don't and you can't.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to know how this experiment will affect you, it just hasn't been in use long enough.

So perhaps YOU should stop pretending to know so much, when it is clear that it is impossible for you to know anything about the results of this experiment.

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"Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?" started by Razzonater