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Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2021
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NSW, 6451 posts
21 Aug 2021 4:19PM
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Japie, did you go and protest today ?? How'd it go ??

NSW, 6451 posts
21 Aug 2021 4:31PM
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A bit over cast and not much swell in lockdown today, but good for getting some exercise, kayak paddle in the ocean.
Life is good.

NSW, 6852 posts
21 Aug 2021 5:46PM
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lotofwind said..
Japie, did you go and protest today ?? How'd it go ??

No I didn't. I worked. As I usually do.

I didn't kite either. Which I was hoping for as the forecast looked vaguely promising. The northerly turned out to be a southerly though as you probably realise.

NSW, 6852 posts
21 Aug 2021 5:54PM
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Rupert said..

Japie said; "Tell me something. Why would an eminent physician disseminate false medical information?"

Tell me something. Why would tens, hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of his peers NOT support his "medical information?"I mean even Wakefield had some support from his peers before being a proven fraudster and drummed out.

If you have a little stroll through Discernible Interviews you will find a relatively recent one with an Australian lady doctor explaining that she runs the risk of losing her medical license if she speaks out or questions APHRA.

Its pretty simple really Rupert. There are thousands or tens of thousands of scientists and doctors whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat.

NSW, 6852 posts
21 Aug 2021 6:03PM
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airsail said..

kiterboy said..

japie said..
I envy you your faith in our advisors but assure you it's goals are control and a drive for mass stabbing.


'By using statistics from a time period when the U.S. as a whole was largely unvaccinated, the CDC is now claiming we're in a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," in an effort to demonize those who still have not agreed to receive this experimental gene modification injection.'

Here's what Canadian viral immunologist and vaccine researcher Dr. Byram Bridle told Ingraham about the claim that we're in a pandemic of the unvaxxed, and that the unvaccinated are hotbeds for dangerous variants:

"Absolutely, it's untrue to be calling this a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And it's certainly untrue . that the unvaccinated are somehow driving the emergence of the novel variants. This goes against every scientific principle that we understand.

"The reality is, the nature of the vaccines we are using right now, and the way we're rolling them out, are going to be applying selective pressure to this virus to promote the emergence of new variants. Again, this is based on sound principles.

"We have to look no further than . the emergence of antibiotic resistance .
The principle is this: If you have a biological entity that is prone to mutation - and the SARS-CoV-2, like all coronaviruses is prone to mutation - and you apply a narrowly focused selective pressure that is nonlethal, and you do this over a long period of time, this is the recipe for driving the emergence of novel variants.

"This is exactly what we're doing.
Our vaccines are focused on a single protein of the virus, so the virus only has to alter one protein, and the vaccines don't come close to providing sterilizing immunity.

"People who are vaccinated still get infected, it only seems particularly good at blunting the disease, and what that tells you therefore is that these vaccines in the vast majority of people are applying a nonlethal pressure, narrowly focused on one protein, and the vaccine rollout is occurring over a long period of time.
That's the recipe for driving variants."

So what is the answer? Should we stop vaccination, seems like that is what you are suggesting. Where to then for NSW and Vic?

The answer is staring you in the face. Medicate. Using proven protocols.

NSW, 6451 posts
21 Aug 2021 6:04PM
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Its good you have an essential job japie. Bunnings ??? lol

Surely being Doctors they would happily rock the boat and lose their job if it saved millions of lives world wide from the government culling us??

NSW, 6852 posts
21 Aug 2021 7:16PM
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lotofwind said..
Its good you have an essential job japie. Bunnings ??? lol

Surely being Doctors they would happily rock the boat and lose their job if it saved millions of lives world wide from the government culling us??

No. I drive an agi. Essential in that it is for a corporation. I have a friend who is a producer on Big Brother. That is also essential. Should tell you something!

Surely being doctors? Well obviously not. Although many have spoken out most haven't. A certain percentage would have to be at least sceptical. Many would not.
Regardless it's a big sacrifice to risk your livelihood. Particularly when you've studied for six years at roughly $60k a year.

NSW, 6451 posts
21 Aug 2021 7:21PM
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Thats a worry that 100's of thousands of doctors know the truth but are choosing money over their morals and millions of human lives world wide.

NSW, 6451 posts
21 Aug 2021 7:21PM
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Thats a worry that 100's of thousands of doctors know the truth but are choosing money over their morals and millions of human lives world wide.

NSW, 6451 posts
21 Aug 2021 7:21PM
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Thats a worry that 100's of thousands of doctors know the truth but are choosing money over their morals and millions of human lives world wide., seems the gov. or seabreeze rulers wanted me to post that 3 times.

NSW, 6852 posts
21 Aug 2021 7:33PM
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lotofwind said..
Thats a worry that 100's of thousands of doctors know the truth but are choosing money over their morals and millions of human lives world wide., seems the gov. or seabreeze rulers wanted me to post that 3 times.

Well you did say that you knew nothing of history!


2614 posts
21 Aug 2021 5:38PM
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lotofwind said..
Its good you have an essential job japie. Bunnings ??? lol

Surely being Doctors they would happily rock the boat and lose their job if it saved millions of lives world wide from the government culling us??

You're an arse. And I love how you pretend that you don't know why people wouldn't speak out.
Your daddy issues must be so huge for you to suck on the authoritarian schlong the way you do.

883 posts
21 Aug 2021 5:55PM
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japie said..

Rupert said..

Japie said; "Tell me something. Why would an eminent physician disseminate false medical information?"

Tell me something. Why would tens, hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of his peers NOT support his "medical information?"I mean even Wakefield had some support from his peers before being a proven fraudster and drummed out.

If you have a little stroll through Discernible Interviews you will find a relatively recent one with an Australian lady doctor explaining that she runs the risk of losing her medical license if she speaks out or questions APHRA.

Its pretty simple really Rupert. There are thousands or tens of thousands of scientists and doctors whose livelihoods would be at risk were they to rock the boat.

Remember when the Qld health officer said she didn't recommend astrazee for healthy kids....

She was threatened with being unregistered unless she changed her mind and spruiked the new fed govt and ahpra position on the vaccine.

The ama medical board may still be considering punishing her in some form.

Any doctor or scientist worth their weight on this that didn't accept the gov dogma has already been censored ages ago. We are only allowed to hear one perspective through any govt depts, any gov employee, ahpra registered health worker and social media.

NSW, 6451 posts
21 Aug 2021 8:01PM
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japie said..

lotofwind said..
Thats a worry that 100's of thousands of doctors know the truth but are choosing money over their morals and millions of human lives world wide., seems the gov. or seabreeze rulers wanted me to post that 3 times.

Well you did say that you knew nothing of history!


Arent you kinda doing the same ? Not trying to have a dig at you personally but,
you have spent hours over the last month trying to convince us we need to stand up to the gov. before they have total control.
That if we dont stand up to them they will get away with culling us.
Even post the videos promoting the protests.
But chose to go to work and make a days wage instead and pay your taxes. I think if I was that certain and convinced that it was the end of life as we know it I would have protested my heart out.
I just dont understand the passion you have to not let the gov. control you and take you freedom away forever, but when given the chance to stand up to them, you dont.

Its like the people who organize the protests today didnt actually attend them themselves.

QLD, 6806 posts
21 Aug 2021 8:06PM
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Vaccines passports ?
I have better idea.
Why not to add something to vaccine to make you fluorescently glow in the dark ?

We should be able to perfect the system and for example after first dose you glow green,
on second red, after booster Blue.

NSW, 6852 posts
21 Aug 2021 8:12PM
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lotofwind said..

japie said..

lotofwind said..
Thats a worry that 100's of thousands of doctors know the truth but are choosing money over their morals and millions of human lives world wide., seems the gov. or seabreeze rulers wanted me to post that 3 times.

Well you did say that you knew nothing of history!


Arent you kinda doing the same ? Not trying to have a dig at you personally but,
you have spent hours over the last month trying to convince us we need to stand up to the gov. before they have total control.
That if we dont stand up to them they will get away with culling us.
Even post the videos promoting the protests.
But chose to go to work and make a days wage instead and pay your taxes. I think if I was that certain and convinced that it was the end of life as we know it I would have protested my heart out.
I just dont understand the passion you have to not let the gov. control you and take you freedom away forever, but when given the chance to stand up to them, you dont.

Its like the people who organize the protests today didnt actually attend them themselves.

There's more than one way to skin a cat.

NSW, 6451 posts
21 Aug 2021 8:16PM
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Let me guess, its a secret though

WA, 14643 posts
21 Aug 2021 6:44PM
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Macroscien said..
Vaccines passports ?
I have better idea.
Why not to add something to vaccine to make you fluorescently glow in the dark ?

We should be able to perfect the system and for example after first dose you glow green,
on second red, after booster Blue.

Can't we just tattoo the unvaccinated and then insert some 5G chips if they do get vaccinated?

Might be a challenge with some finding a spot they are not already tattoed.

NSW, 5780 posts
21 Aug 2021 9:41PM
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uncensored issue 64
so much info in this edition about vaccines
also, remember how the government came out and admitted ufo's were real and no one even seemed to notice.....

QLD, 6806 posts
21 Aug 2021 9:43PM
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FormulaNova said..

Macroscien said..
Vaccines passports ?
I have better idea.
Why not to add something to vaccine to make you fluorescently glow in the dark ?

We should be able to perfect the system and for example after first dose you glow green,
on second red, after booster Blue.

Can't we just tattoo the unvaccinated and then insert some 5G chips if they do get vaccinated?

Might be a challenge with some finding a spot they are not already tattoed.

we could apply low tech to unvaccinated
Swiss bell hanging on the neck should to well
to warn others

Buster fin
WA, 2576 posts
21 Aug 2021 7:44PM
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Pfizzy #2 in the shoulder this morning. So far so good.
On another note, not sure if it's in the new here, but in Tokyo, covid is running a touch rampant and the hospitals can't cope. If you turn up at hospital, you get turned away and have no option other than go home and fight for your life. This is Tokyo yo. Now!

Oh, but don't worry, it's just like the flu. Pffft.

NSW, 1314 posts
21 Aug 2021 10:09PM
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"Despite being the most vaccinated nation on the planet, Israel's cases have begun to skyrocket again after travellers brought the Delta strain back home from overseas. The nation of 9.2 million, boasting a 78 per cent double vaccination rate, registered over 6,500 cases this week."

So if this is case and we go down covid passport could could businesses be sued for unsafe work practices ?

"With the prospect of a vaccine "passport" already making its way through developed countries, there is currently no indication as to how world governments deal with the varying levels of freedom it will allow citizens, should booster shots be required across the board."

QLD, 6493 posts
21 Aug 2021 10:12PM
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Buster fin said..
On another note, not sure if it's in the new here, but in Tokyo, covid is running a touch rampant and the hospitals can't cope. If you turn up at hospital, you get turned away and have no option other than go home and fight for your life. This is Tokyo yo. Now!

Oh, but don't worry, it's just like the flu. Pffft.

Some misinformation there that lacks context I'll address it as I assumed it's directed at me...

You turn up to a hospital, you might well get turned away, period. That's not how the system works here.

If you're talking about people who've called an ambulance and been turned away, that's fairly normal too; not all hospitals can deal with whatever "emergency" you're experiencing, you may find yourself sitting in the back of the ambulance while the medics call the surrounding areas looking for a hospital to take you.

There has also been a change in policy regarding treatment -- used to be, you'd be admitted with any level of symptoms. Now, mild to moderate are asked to convalesce at home. Reports of people being turned away tend to include a paragraph (lower down the article, of course) that medical professionals have "determined that home recuperation should be continued".

There are a set number of beds that are dedicated to COVID treatment and isolation, which is obviously less than the total number of hospital beds available. There are 9,636 beds in Tokyo, last info I saw earlier this month was ~50% occupancy. Media likes to report that "infections outstrip the number of beds"...but that's disingenuous. Literally the same thing happens in flu season.

Yes, infections are up. No, deaths are rising at the same level. In fact, the 7-day average is down since Delta (I assume) started surging since June 16.

WA, 2100 posts
21 Aug 2021 8:17PM
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I love the way you guys bandy around the term "doctors", as if a GP knows the first thing about neurophysiology or a neurosurgeon knows the first thing about virology.
Doctors go to work and so don't have a lot of free time to learn about Covid and see no point trying as it's virology, and even in deciding to waste time pouring through endless journal articles on the subject there's a bucket load with stupid conclusions like "having children under 15 protects against severe Covid outcomes", yes, that was a real journal article. ****ing stupid.
The Virologists and immunologists are pretty clever but it's fair to say for some that their narcissistic arrogance eclipses their brilliance, but just so we're clear, there's not tens of thousands of these specialists in the world and therefore not tens of thousands that even come close to being worthy exponents on the matter.

WA, 2100 posts
21 Aug 2021 8:22PM
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Kamikuza said..

Buster fin said..
On another note, not sure if it's in the new here, but in Tokyo, covid is running a touch rampant and the hospitals can't cope. If you turn up at hospital, you get turned away and have no option other than go home and fight for your life. This is Tokyo yo. Now!

Oh, but don't worry, it's just like the flu. Pffft.

Some misinformation there that lacks context I'll address it as I assumed it's directed at me...

You turn up to a hospital, you might well get turned away, period. That's not how the system works here.

If you're talking about people who've called an ambulance and been turned away, that's fairly normal too; not all hospitals can deal with whatever "emergency" you're experiencing, you may find yourself sitting in the back of the ambulance while the medics call the surrounding areas looking for a hospital to take you.

There has also been a change in policy regarding treatment -- used to be, you'd be admitted with any level of symptoms. Now, mild to moderate are asked to convalesce at home. Reports of people being turned away tend to include a paragraph (lower down the article, of course) that medical professionals have "determined that home recuperation should be continued".

There are a set number of beds that are dedicated to COVID treatment and isolation, which is obviously less than the total number of hospital beds available. There are 9,636 beds in Tokyo, last info I saw earlier this month was ~50% occupancy. Media likes to report that "infections outstrip the number of beds"...but that's disingenuous. Literally the same thing happens in flu season.

Yes, infections are up. No, deaths are rising at the same level. In fact, the 7-day average is down since Delta (I assume) started surging since June 16.

Hmm, I've got a guy talking about Tokyo who's not in Tokyo, and another guy who is in Tokyo. I don't know who to believe.

Buster fin
WA, 2576 posts
22 Aug 2021 7:46AM
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Kamikazu isn't wrong. But neither am I. SIL is a nurse in a public Tokyo hospital who is rostered onto the covid ward this month. So a little insight is being gleaned. It's far from unicorns and fairy bread.

WA, 14643 posts
22 Aug 2021 7:47AM
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psychojoe said..

Kamikuza said..

Buster fin said..
On another note, not sure if it's in the new here, but in Tokyo, covid is running a touch rampant and the hospitals can't cope. If you turn up at hospital, you get turned away and have no option other than go home and fight for your life. This is Tokyo yo. Now!

Oh, but don't worry, it's just like the flu. Pffft.

Some misinformation there that lacks context I'll address it as I assumed it's directed at me...

You turn up to a hospital, you might well get turned away, period. That's not how the system works here.

If you're talking about people who've called an ambulance and been turned away, that's fairly normal too; not all hospitals can deal with whatever "emergency" you're experiencing, you may find yourself sitting in the back of the ambulance while the medics call the surrounding areas looking for a hospital to take you.

There has also been a change in policy regarding treatment -- used to be, you'd be admitted with any level of symptoms. Now, mild to moderate are asked to convalesce at home. Reports of people being turned away tend to include a paragraph (lower down the article, of course) that medical professionals have "determined that home recuperation should be continued".

There are a set number of beds that are dedicated to COVID treatment and isolation, which is obviously less than the total number of hospital beds available. There are 9,636 beds in Tokyo, last info I saw earlier this month was ~50% occupancy. Media likes to report that "infections outstrip the number of beds"...but that's disingenuous. Literally the same thing happens in flu season.

Yes, infections are up. No, deaths are rising at the same level. In fact, the 7-day average is down since Delta (I assume) started surging since June 16.

Hmm, I've got a guy talking about Tokyo who's not in Tokyo, and another guy who is in Tokyo. I don't know who to believe.

Well, the guy in Tokyo is clearly going along with the official narrative.

So he must be wrong.

Standard ct logic.

883 posts
22 Aug 2021 9:41AM
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QLD, 6806 posts
22 Aug 2021 2:13PM
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TonyAbbott said..

you forgot about burqas mask and P PE all whole body coverings.
Looks like covid has been with people for several thousand years already

NSW, 4453 posts
22 Aug 2021 2:14PM
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TonyAbbott said..

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?" started by Razzonater