Just about finished laying the new carpet! Looking at getting cream/off white macro suede upholstery simular to the hunter 45 in the above pic! Should have just brought a hunter production boat!
Just about finished laying the new carpet! Looking at getting cream/off white macro suede upholstery simular to the hunter 45 in the above pic! Should have just brought a hunter production boat!
Its sealed up and that was the aim and not to be worried about pretty both foam and ply veneer are sealed up will be still ok when I'm gone
I used this stuff seems to have a slower rate of expansion than the two pack mix I used last time on the Rudder.
Didn'thave the room to mix my own
This where my batteries are going there just wet cell but Im contemplating making a a frame so they will pivot so the fluid inside will always be level. There is a bulk head either end so a sharft can be fixed both end a frame for the batteries can be mounted
So the battery holding frame will act similar to a hammock
a perfect night sleep to me would be a hammock with the mountings either end on a pole and the pole mount off the cabin roof giving you a perfect night sleep as any angle of sail
much like a pedestal compass
If I was sailing Hugo Boss Id fit one of those hammock and put it away after my sleep giving a lot more room when needed
hang one of these off the cabin roof and then use a long pole tied to a
carbon fibre sleep shape bed so it gimbals
then Id add a mesh chair to do my PC work off the same hook or other hook and put the hang mech chair away when done
bring my lap top power down one of the ropes and make a bench top to suit out of carbon fibre for the Hugo Boss Lap top
You could fit another hook off the spray dodger and sit in comfort in the cock pit and on a good run hook it off the boom
and run a tiller extension
or instead of the bucket for a thunder box you use your hanging seat off the boom just make sure no one is filming
and just drop the boom down to near water level to wash watts needed no paper needed on Hugo Boss
no furniture mould needed
i think the swinging batteries would make your boat a bit less stable too. kinda like the free surface effect:
She's another addition; everyone needs two yachts, a F18 cat, a Tasar, a Laser, an International Canoe (in the roof of the shed) and lots of windsurfers. :-) I lucked into a trailer for the old 28'er and with one thing and another, she's out of the water for a multi-year refit and renovation. When she's finished she'll sit on her trailer at the club and be used for trailering to distant cruising grounds and regattas or if the bar silts up too much for this boat (which it often does). The old boat is too much part of the family to be let go, and she's still a bundle of fun to sail on; in fact in many ways the two boats are quite similar.
The new boat is one of just two J/36s in Australia. I was really impressed with them when they came out when I was a kid, and when I saw one or two in the USA. It's pretty much the up-market version of the J/35; the 36 came earlier and has a fractional rig and is more fitted out down below; full timber lining to the gunwales, huge vee berth in the forward cabin, etc. The 35 was designed as a stripped-out budget version using the same hull, deck and rudder when the early '80s recession hit and the J/36 became too expensive.
Not my boat but I would buy it in a heartbeat!
Gave a young bloke a hand to put his yacht on the slips Thursday. It's "Waterwitch" Jock Sturrocks yacht from 1962, the same year he skippered "Gretel". She is a Tasman Seabird, Oregon on hardwood frames with teak decks. Stunning boat!
Bought a new seconds hand 40 litre hot water system its going in the starboard stern bunk
also 3 TMC fans second hand still in there boxes
and fitted a couple of hinges to the fridge lids and started on a couple of lid handles for them as well. Once there finished I will square up the lids so the gaps are even and fit well
slept on it last night and thought as my boat is short on room I altered a few things
I decided to not go ahead with the Isotherm as room was a problem. So I bought a 12 volt /240 volt instant hot water system.
I figure as I have enough solar and wind gen I can afford a few watts wasted
I tried the water tank on the side of the hull and Im happy with how it will fit
It was originally made for trailer mud guards I intend to get some more as they can be fitted in many placed and should help balance the boat a bit. There only 30 litres but well made out of Queensland
The other thing I had a look at was the 240 volt instant hot water unit it was priced around$220 from memory and it would mean it your in a marina just plug it into 240 volt or add a sine wave inverter and you have instant hot water
Ordered my Anderson's 28's self tailors today . I'm determined to get her floating in the next week maybe a fortnight
Spent a few hours this afternoon cleaning the main cabin out at l;east I can walk around in it again
I reckon the 240 volt instants would be great in a house just turn your tap on and the water is hot no waiting for it to come down from the normal hot water system same as a shower
Finished rebuilding my manual windlass (Simpson Lawrance Hyspeed).
The sideplate was cracked, the clutch cone siezed to shaft due to a mangled roll pin and one of the two ratchet sprockets inside was toast. It would only retrieve on the forward stroke instead of forward and back.
I could have repaired the sideplate but decided to machine a new, stronger one.
I bought two new sprockets from the bike shop (BMX), Three new O rings, new roll pin and new machine screws for the side plate. Total expenditure, $48.00.
I then painted the case and reasembled.
If any one is having trouble with their manual windlass I am happy to lend a hand as this has been a good learning experience for me.
Fitted my latches today Ill sand the top at some stage and flow coat some more west system try and smooth it out
I have this sine wave 3000 watts which ill fit up and perhaps then buy a instant hot water for the sink and just keep the 10 litre for showers
Then ad the instant for the dishes
Have not bought this unit below yet but Ill think on it means I only need one tap for fresh water as it will do both then I only need seawater tap
Welding grinding ,painting new solar panels aerial for Vhf and new curtains and other works still love the boat
Hey whiteout, how did you do the backstay through the solar panel trick? Or are my eyes going using this little phone?
Glorious day on the water but the Bogans were about on their jet skis and stink boats were discovering "New" sandbars. I spent my time at the mooring servicing my primary winches and talking with my neighbours. Two speed winches were pretty dry on the gears and the shaft bearings the grease had hardened up. I had been meaning to service them for awhile but time slips by.
This is an Amel 54 that's parked next to my boat.