Forums > Surfing Longboarding

My goal to lose 34 kg's by Xmas.

Created by NewScotty > 9 months ago, 15 Jul 2013
2350 posts
15 Jul 2013 7:52AM
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Just jumped on the scales and I am currently at 144kg.
I last jumped on at Xmas and was 142 kg so it's comforting knowing I have only put on 2 kg since.
Xmas year before I was 127kg.
Losing 34kg over 23 weeks equates to 1.5kg per week so it's reachable.
I will weigh my self every Monday morning and post my weight.

Food: I will start with a 5 day salad & raw vege detox to clean me out.
Exercise: Just walked the dog 2.5 km's and plan to do each day. Also plan to jump on the mountain bike as low impact is the key until weight drops. The 666 should get a good workout as well.

I came back to post this as I reckon it will keep me honest and also hoping to inspire others to follow suit for a lifestyle change.

I plan to mix up what I eat and as I have 23 weeks and I will need some ides off you guys to mix it up a bit.

I will post regularly my eating and exercise regime.

So tell me what has worked for you.

VIC, 3829 posts
15 Jul 2013 9:57AM
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Good luck bro...I just started eating real clean and ditched the 12-14kms 3 times a week and 14-21km once a week...have dropped about 20kg since the start of the year amd only 3kg's of my rugby playing weight grains or legumes after breakfast just meat and salad/vegetables works for me

VIC, 8020 posts
15 Jul 2013 10:10AM
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Good work Scotty (and Tux - well done!)
Scotty, remember, the Green Grocer, Butcher, and Fish Monger have everything you need!
Try and avoid the supermarket!

I've heard of an "Appetite Suppressant Spray" (spray into mouth) that jockey's also use... mainly just in the days leading into a race... Might be worth asking the doc about it.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
15 Jul 2013 10:17AM
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Good luck Scotty and Tux - hats off to you....I need to break out those running shoes...I was doing dry July but Friday night got the better of me.....back on it now though

QLD, 32 posts
15 Jul 2013 10:27AM
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Look into the basic philosophies of Paleo "cave man" eating. Fundamentally, if you can't grow or kill it, don't eat it. Stay away from anything packaged/refined and a couple of other things. I try and be realistic and aim for 80% Paleo and 20% other.

QLD, 3808 posts
15 Jul 2013 10:37AM
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Good to have ya back mate.

Below is what has/is working for me, I've now dropped 11kg since end of April, it's based on "Primal" eating it's not so much a diet but more the choices on the type of foods you eat, with the right foods there's no limit to how much you eat so I'm never hungry at all, no weighing foods or counting calories.

Mac first got onto this topic & it got me interested -

It then led me to this site -

Then got onto the main site -

Do yourself a favour & download any Mark Sisson podcast & listen to them it will really start to make sense, I have downloaded a couple of his books that are a must to read & will also give inspiration & motivate you. (pm me your address & I'll send you a copy of them).

Ted's right mate, the green grocer & butchers are the keys here for my success, I was averaging around 1.2kg/week loss, while still eating as much steak, eggs, bacon, veggies, nuts, berries etc as I wanted, I also tapered off the alcohol a lot & dropped all types of soft drinks except for mineral water or soda water but you can add a squeeze of lemon or lime, you will get used to it & I now have no desire for any type of soft drink at all. For this lifestyle carbs & sugar are the enemies & without them your body will train itself to use your own fat stores as fuel rather than the carbs & sugar you ingest.

Sorry not tying to preach or convince anyone of anything but I know that this has worked for me & will continue to do my best to keep it up as I've had positive results in both energy, my surfing has I believe improved as a result of less weight on the board etc.

All the best mate, we're here to support you as much as we can.


2350 posts
15 Jul 2013 8:37AM
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Just had a detox fresh juice to replace my usual 2 large flat whites.
Coffee is out btw.

379 posts
15 Jul 2013 8:44AM
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In the middle of the HCG diet

Drops three times a day and did 27 days on 500 calories per day. The HCG drops retrains your body to release the stored fats particularly the toxic fats.

So energy requirements are provided by the body burning through fat.

Dropped about 15kg and now in phase 3 moving slowly up to 1500 cal over 27 days

Not easy but does strip off weight

NSW, 7269 posts
15 Jul 2013 11:32AM
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Good luck with that and remember no carbs after lunch. Progress pics too thanks.

SA, 1739 posts
15 Jul 2013 11:16AM
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Eat right, crossfit (Bust yo ass) and ****loads of surfing.

WA, 24860 posts
15 Jul 2013 10:12AM
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Good on you Scotty I have faith in you reaching your goal weight mate,getting started is the hard part imo.

For the first month smash the sh1t out of it,eat clean and stay lean say this to yourself when temptations come
your way.Watch the results in the first month and you will be stoked and look at all the bad things we eat and
you will say no thanks and go for the healthy option,this will give you all the motivation you will require.I for one
was a bundy pig and loved it,now I haven't had a drink for three weeks I just don't feel like it,beer in the fridge for footy
nights un touched. Haven't had a rum since Mid Jan.

Scotty the first couple of weeks are the hardest,go hard mate I have faith buddy.

WA, 2222 posts
15 Jul 2013 10:46AM
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NewScotty said..
So tell me what has worked for you.

Doesn't matter what you eat. You just need to balance the equation:

what you put in < what you take out

in terms of raw kilojoules. Raw, atkins, no carbs after x pm, paleo, whatever. All the same, just make sure you burn more than you feed.

The hardest part is maintaining discipline. It's much easier to overfeed.

Coffee's fine. Learn to drink espresso or ristretto. Not so much cappuccino.

You can sit around all day and do no exercise, but you need to put in almost no food to do that.

You can eat heaps if you work hard all day.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
15 Jul 2013 11:02AM
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NewScotty said..
So tell me what has worked for you.

Simple eat less exercise more.

WA, 9675 posts
15 Jul 2013 12:16PM
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We'll done.Scotty. for putting it out there to challenge yourself mate. I have no tips for you mate. Except may the force be with you

WA, 6913 posts
15 Jul 2013 12:32PM
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A good phone APP also is MyFitnessPal. you can track what your eating, then add your excerise and you simply will get a straight up equation on how your going. You will only need it for a few weeks, but it will really help you plan you diet and excise.

The other is when hungry drink water..

The best bit of advice though is make it a lifestyle change. If you make it a diet or a 10 week challenge once its over you will be back to bad habits. Small goals along the way though will help. A life style change will be with you for ever. I still eat junk, but i work it off with excise.

After a while the weight will drop start to drop of and you'll be happier for it. Use it as "So i can surf better" Or even in my house Surf Safer". That way my wife is all for me training, but also happy for me to surf as she knows thats my motivation

Weight loss is like religion. When some one or mate discovers it they just have to share. Mac would agree with me but i'd give anything to have figured it out earlier..

VIC, 8020 posts
15 Jul 2013 3:01PM
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Scotty, you should also mix it up with 1 hour SUP sessions. 30-45-60 minute walking sessions too.

Also, if it's in a packet, don't eat it.
Perhaps also consider cooking classes.
Learn to cook up YUMMY FISH!

WA, 24860 posts
15 Jul 2013 1:14PM
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I've got some before man boob shots and no man boob shots but I wont share hereI dont want any of you bring up your lunch

NSW, 2110 posts
15 Jul 2013 5:35PM
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Scotty I have got one word for you "Gastroenteritis" always good for a cleanse and to lose a couple of kilos good luck mate if I was going to suggest a tip make sure you approach the whole thing as a change in your way of life forever, not just a diet

NSW, 7269 posts
15 Jul 2013 6:30PM
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62mac said..

I've got some before man boob shots and no man boob shots but I wont share hereI dont want any of you bring up your lunch

Come on Mac give us a quick peek. It will save me logging on to Asian babes.

QLD, 5396 posts
15 Jul 2013 7:32PM
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Good luck Scotty you'll be right mate.
Shizz whats the go with all the SBers here..... what no surf boys
its cool.. Hey you may even learn something

day eight of my 12 day detox, Fark i could kill for a steak.

i have lost 6kgs i think that was just sh!t though

10979 posts
15 Jul 2013 5:42PM
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Good luck Scotty.

2350 posts
15 Jul 2013 6:07PM
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The green room is alive and well.
Thanks for the advice and encouragement.

Day 1 exercise:
Morning walk 2.5 k and same 2.5 k walk in arvo.
Total 5 k walk today.

Day 1 food:
Fresh detox juice for breaky.
Lunch salad - red cabbage, green cabbage, tomatoe, Leb cucumber, carrot, celery.
Had to mix in a can of tuna (in spring water).

Arvo had 2 apples.

Pre dinner: 2 kiwi fruit

Dinner: same salad as lunch and the Mrs has Atlantic Salmon in the oven.

Have a headache from caffeine withdrawals allready. Or my body is just saying WTF is going on.

VIC, 8020 posts
15 Jul 2013 8:11PM
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The headaches wont last long! Great start. Go hard! As in go hard on health and fitness!

WA, 24860 posts
15 Jul 2013 6:19PM
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That's as awesome start Scotty,some may disagree here but its ok to have a bad day once a week, just don't over do it.Its a weekly treat for me but never over do it.A bad day for me mite be a meat pie or something small but that's it straight back on the good intake.

QLD, 3954 posts
15 Jul 2013 8:22PM
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62mac said...
That's as awesome start Scotty,some may disagree here but its ok to have a bad day once a week, just don't over do it.Its a weekly treat for me but never over do it.A bad day for me mite be a meat pie or something small but that's it straight back on the good intake.

I read somewhere Mac that it can be good for you to blow out once a week, for your sanity but also as your body reacts to change.

The other thing I've found is eating more often works wonders.

Go get into it mate!!

QLD, 5396 posts
15 Jul 2013 9:01PM
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good idea Scotty not looking at the scales your clothing and belt will tell you.

QLD, 5396 posts
15 Jul 2013 9:05PM
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i play golf every morning and it keeps me in shape.

WA, 24860 posts
15 Jul 2013 7:11PM
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OK what's wrong with that photo

VIC, 8020 posts
15 Jul 2013 9:13PM
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62mac said..

OK what's wrong with that photo

I can't see anything wrong with it!

WA, 24860 posts
15 Jul 2013 7:16PM
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do you need a hint

QLD, 5396 posts
15 Jul 2013 9:19PM
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62mac said..

OK what's wrong with that photo

No Jocks

thats the way i roll brother


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"My goal to lose 34 kg's by Xmas." started by NewScotty