Forums > Surfing Longboarding

My goal to lose 34 kg's by Xmas.

Created by NewScotty > 9 months ago, 15 Jul 2013
WA, 24860 posts
24 Jul 2013 3:21PM
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chrispy said..

I have now entered the challenge. I am going to lose 10kg in a month and be ripped grrrrrrrrr. Will pmost a scale pic tonight. I only need to losse 5kg that I put on since I stopped smoking. Yet I think I can get the extra 5 down before I broke myself.

Nothing drastic in diet or whatnot. Just Surf and skate more plus the deadly treadly yeeeeeeew.

Make that 6 weeks, it will take a few beers to work my regime out

Loved the bottom line

2350 posts
24 Jul 2013 4:17PM
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chrispy said..

I have now entered the challenge. I am going to lose 10kg in a month and be ripped grrrrrrrrr. Will pmost a scale pic tonight. I only need to losse 5kg that I put on since I stopped smoking. Yet I think I can get the extra 5 down before I broke myself.

Nothing drastic in diet or whatnot. Just Surf and skate more plus the deadly treadly yeeeeeeew.

Make that 6 weeks, it will take a few beers to work my regime out

Way to go Chrispy.

QLD, 1820 posts
24 Jul 2013 7:39PM
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i lost 2kg in the past week after scottys inspiration !!!! .. just ate soup at nite?

wasnt hard really down to 90 from 92

want to lose 3 more.. only so i can catch more soft noosa waves they wont push my fat ass

87 by wednesday ...

yup yup!!

2350 posts
24 Jul 2013 5:47PM
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jasdeking said..

i lost 2kg in the past week after scottys inspiration !!!! .. just ate soup at nite?

wasnt hard really down to 90 from 92

want to lose 3 more.. only so i can catch more soft noosa waves they wont push my fat ass

87 by wednesday ...

yup yup!!

Great to see Jas.
It's all about breaking habits.
With 3 kids in the house, there is no shortage of chocolate,snakes,etc and I have been tempted in the past. But not anymore.
The key is to have healthy food in the house - especially healthy snacks such as nuts. I find a good handful of nuts gets me through a good hour or son until dinner. The healthy greenroom

WA, 24860 posts
24 Jul 2013 6:14PM
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Gee if we keep this up we will turn into a bunch of shortboarders again

NSW, 5510 posts
24 Jul 2013 8:40PM
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62mac said..
Gee if we keep this up we will turn into a bunch of shortboarders again

you wish

13831 posts
24 Jul 2013 6:51PM
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asea said..

62mac said..
Gee if we keep this up we will turn into a bunch of shortboarders again

you wish

go hard froffer

QLD, 3954 posts
24 Jul 2013 8:58PM
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This is going next level in my house. Usually I try to go healthy and the missus tries to feed me Pizza and Chocolate.

For the past 4 or 5 months the missus however has completely changed lifestyles and our families food. She has now bought a Thermomix machine and from now on will only be using raw foods, nuts, seeds and herbs to cook in the house. Nothing packaged.

These machines are completely amazing, you literally chuck ingredients in, it chops them for you and then cooks it as well. Mills seeds and nuts to make milk substitutes and 3 million other things fast, quick and easy. Dear as poison but given you can eat healthier, faster and cheaper worth the investment.

NSW, 5510 posts
24 Jul 2013 9:00PM
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thePup said..
asea said..

62mac said..

Gee if we keep this up we will turn into a bunch of shortboarders again

you wish

go hard froffer

how are you young cock

WA, 24860 posts
24 Jul 2013 7:00PM
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Hows her longboard going CMC did she end up getting one

13831 posts
24 Jul 2013 7:04PM
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asea said..

thePup said..
asea said..

62mac said..

Gee if we keep this up we will turn into a bunch of shortboarders again

you wish

go hard froffer

how are you young cock

smoking brother smoking & trying to keep up with the Mac .... since you've been gone there's been 4 boards worn out & shipped off , I just get a glimpse of tint and whoooooooof ... she's gone

QLD, 3954 posts
24 Jul 2013 9:05PM
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62mac said...
Hows her longboard going CMC did she end up getting one

Mate this machine pretty much cost her longboard. Might be on the back burner for a while so I'll need to ride the Roto moulded one in the meantime!!

NSW, 5510 posts
24 Jul 2013 9:05PM
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thePup said..
asea said..

thePup said..

asea said..

62mac said..

wouldn't surprise me mac is the man at Mct by all accounts

Gee if we keep this up we will turn into a bunch of shortboarders again

you wish

go hard froffer

how are you young cock

smoking brother smoking & trying to keep up with the Mac .... since you've been gone there's been 4 boards worn out & shipped off , I just get a glimpse of tint and whoooooooof ... she's gone

QLD, 1820 posts
24 Jul 2013 9:08PM
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62mac said..

Gee if we keep this up we will turn into a bunch of shortboarders again

not alot of style in that stay long

NSW, 5510 posts
24 Jul 2013 9:09PM
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jasdeking said..
62mac said..

Gee if we keep this up we will turn into a bunch of shortboarders again

not alot of style in that stay long

and over weight

WA, 24860 posts
24 Jul 2013 7:09PM
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Oh come clean board bitch Asea,I see some new ones in your quiverI do like your SDR green machine,no don't tell me you sold it
You haven't have you

NSW, 5510 posts
24 Jul 2013 9:10PM
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not yet nothing better at this stage

NSW, 5510 posts
24 Jul 2013 9:12PM
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asea said..
not yet nothing better at this stage

oh i must confess a Mct has come back to me

WA, 24860 posts
24 Jul 2013 7:13PM
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Which one mate

NSW, 5510 posts
25 Jul 2013 8:00AM
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62mac said..
Which one mate

stay tuned

2350 posts
25 Jul 2013 6:25AM
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Scotty may need another long walk after getting dragged to one of those Brazilian restaurants last night where they bring the food around to your table. Went too hard too early and need to walk to Coffs to burn this off.

WA, 9675 posts
25 Jul 2013 10:31AM
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Are you at coffs yet Scotty?

SA, 1739 posts
25 Jul 2013 12:24PM
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asea said..

not yet nothing better at this stage

What about the Tube Time ??

2350 posts
25 Jul 2013 11:33AM
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chrispy said...
Are you at coffs yet Scotty?

No, why ?
Looking for walks on the beach ?

WA, 9675 posts
25 Jul 2013 11:44AM
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NewScotty said...
chrispy said...
Are you at coffs yet Scotty?

No, why ?
Looking for walks on the beach ?

Yeh why not.

QLD, 4177 posts
25 Jul 2013 7:09PM
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Do a bit every day , dont go to hard to early you will just burn out or get sick of it.Half hour exercise every day will do it to start , dont eat less just eat better , at your size your obviousley a naturally large dude , just change the lard to muscle mass , get into lifting heavy the basic compound exercises.And lots of walking , at your weight you dont want to be pounding the pavement you will just bugger your knees and hips If you like punching stuff , go to a good boxing gym when you have a good base going , nothing like boxing training to strip the fatGood Luck , oh and get on a 666 and paddle a river or creek.

2350 posts
25 Jul 2013 5:31PM
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teatrea said..

Do a bit every day , dont go to hard to early you will just burn out or get sick of it.Half hour exercise every day will do it to start , dont eat less just eat better , at your size your obviousley a naturally large dude , just change the lard to muscle mass , get into lifting heavy the basic compound exercises.And lots of walking , at your weight you dont want to be pounding the pavement you will just bugger your knees and hips If you like punching stuff , go to a good boxing gym when you have a good base going , nothing like boxing training to strip the fatGood Luck , oh and get on a 666 and paddle a river or creek.

TT, great to see you in the Greenroom.
You are on the money with all the above.
Just walking at the moment is plenty and will be pumping up the tyres on my mountain bike.
The 666 will come out next weekend when the kids winter sports drop off.
Low impact is the go for me as less stress on the body and easier to back up next day.
BTW your painting is the grouse.
You come back again real soon now.

QLD, 4177 posts
25 Jul 2013 9:10PM
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Will doRemember variety is the spice of life , just trying to keep up with the kids will help you loose weightPersonally i hate repetition but unfortunately its neccessaryOne more tip keep a training log or diary and track your progress , it will help keep you motivatedHope you get down to a 100kg mean machine

SA, 196 posts
31 Jul 2013 6:06PM
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Any of you larger gents who've lost a **load of weight by cleaning up your diet noticed other benefits such as less joint pain/stiffness etc? (keep it clean.....)

WA, 24860 posts
31 Jul 2013 6:19PM
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DaveBasher said..

Any of you larger gents who've lost a **load of weight by cleaning up your diet noticed other benefits such as less joint pain/stiffness etc? (keep it clean.....)

One thing I have noticed is I have so much energy and my days go so much faster as I take on more work load.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"My goal to lose 34 kg's by Xmas." started by NewScotty