Forums > Surfing Longboarding

My goal to lose 34 kg's by Xmas.

Created by NewScotty > 9 months ago, 15 Jul 2013
WA, 9675 posts
14 Aug 2013 7:42PM
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Riccko said...
Congrats on your quest to get healthier. One thing I have learnt is that most doctors and nutritionists are WAY behind the latest research. I won't bang on about the long term effectiveness of dieting, so much info makes things confusing, but PLEASE watch last weeks Catalyst about sugar and insulin at

Good luck!!

That was a tripper episode. Regulate sugar the same as cigs and booze. The tests were quite scary

2350 posts
16 Aug 2013 5:39PM
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Riccko said..

Congrats on your quest to get healthier. One thing I have learnt is that most doctors and nutritionists are WAY behind the latest research. I won't bang on about the long term effectiveness of dieting, so much info makes things confusing, but PLEASE watch last weeks Catalyst about sugar and insulin at

Good luck!!

I clicked on the link and watched the clip (yes, all 18 minutes).
My attention span is good for videos.
I found it very interesting.
We have been conned for too long by food packaging about 99%fat free,etc.
As much as fat is a killer for putting on the kg's, sugar is the silent killer.
The video mentioned the low fat Mayonaise had 6 times more sugar then normal (low fat = higher sugar).
I will watch it again tomorrow to understand more about how sugar affects insulin levels and the body's metabolism.
Worth watching guys if you have a spare 18 mins.

WA, 9675 posts
16 Aug 2013 6:23PM
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NewScotty said...
Riccko said..

Congrats on your quest to get healthier. One thing I have learnt is that most doctors and nutritionists are WAY behind the latest research. I won't bang on about the long term effectiveness of dieting, so much info makes things confusing, but PLEASE watch last weeks Catalyst about sugar and insulin at

Good luck!!

I clicked on the link and watched the clip (yes, all 18 minutes).
My attention span is good for videos.
I found it very interesting.
We have been conned for too long by food packaging about 99%fat free,etc.
As much as fat is a killer for putting on the kg's, sugar is the silent killer.
The video mentioned the low fat Mayonaise had 6 times more sugar then normal (low fat = higher sugar).
I will watch it again tomorrow to understand more about how sugar affects insulin levels and the body's metabolism.
Worth watching guys if you have a spare 18 mins.

Too many word Scotty. What did you say?in two lines or less would be good thanks

2350 posts
17 Aug 2013 7:41AM
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Sorry Chrispy.
I need to practice what I preach.
50 words or less Scotty.

WA, 2519 posts
17 Aug 2013 10:03AM
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Riccko said..

Congrats on your quest to get healthier. One thing I have learnt is that most doctors and nutritionists are WAY behind the latest research. I won't bang on about the long term effectiveness of dieting, so much info makes things confusing, but PLEASE watch last weeks Catalyst about sugar and insulin at

Good luck!!

Thanks for the link - very interesting and just a little disturbing at the same time!

WA, 9675 posts
17 Aug 2013 3:29PM
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NewScotty said...
Sorry Chrispy.
I need to practice what I preach.
50 words or less Scotty.

2350 posts
18 Aug 2013 9:29AM
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Just had my 6th 666 in 8 days.
Enjoying my time back on the dark side.

WA, 24860 posts
18 Aug 2013 9:45AM
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NewScotty said..

Just had my 6th 666 in 8 days.
Enjoying my time back on the dark side.

these are dark days indeed

2350 posts
18 Aug 2013 10:47AM
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62mac said...
NewScotty said..

Just had my 6th 666 in 8 days.
Enjoying my time back on the dark side.

these are dark days indeed

WA, 9675 posts
18 Aug 2013 2:53PM
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So Scotty,what are you weighing in at now you fat tnuc. Me I have put on another 2kg, still not smoking though.
Chrispy starts his...........tomorrow lol

2350 posts
18 Aug 2013 5:38PM
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chrispy said..

So Scotty,what are you weighing in at now you fat tnuc. Me I have put on another 2kg, still not smoking though.
Chrispy starts his...........tomorrow lol

Weighed this arvo at 140 kg.
So I have lost 4kg which is not as much as I would have liked at this stage from when I started.
This week has been my most active and will continue the exercise.
Eating better as well.
Probably 17 or 18 weeks til Xmas.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
18 Aug 2013 7:41PM
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Tremendous work Scotty - you should be stoked!!! Think positive bro. Loving this thread.

2350 posts
18 Aug 2013 5:48PM
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Thanks Ted.
Although it's been a slow start, I am ready to ramp up the exercise.
The past 8 days of 666 have got me hooked again.
After Ricko's post about sugar, I have cut sugar out.
That is good viewing.
Hell, I might even grab the LB for a paddle.

WA, 24860 posts
18 Aug 2013 6:08PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

Tremendous work Scotty - you should be stoked!!! Think positive bro. Loving this thread.

Same here keep it going mate

QLD, 3808 posts
18 Aug 2013 8:56PM
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Well done on the 4kg mate, keep it up mate & enjoy yourself along the way.

2350 posts
18 Aug 2013 7:18PM
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Cheers Mac & Vanders

13831 posts
18 Aug 2013 7:23PM
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NewScotty said..

Cheers Mac & Vanders

I have another idea for trimming some weight my boy involves boards , water & studded paddling ..... you know .... sort of thing

WA, 24860 posts
18 Aug 2013 7:23PM
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No worries Scotty are you still smash the water down?

2350 posts
18 Aug 2013 7:25PM
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thePup said...
NewScotty said..

Cheers Mac & Vanders

I have another idea for trimming some weight my boy involves boards , water & studded paddling ..... you know .... sort of thing

Nice find Pup.
She's something isn't she.

13831 posts
18 Aug 2013 7:55PM
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get into a bit of this froffers ...... good medication when on the piss/vinegar/nectar/sherbets/gange buuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrppppppp

1195 posts
26 Aug 2013 9:53AM
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Hey Scotty... you've seen this Paleo/Primal thread before I know -- but it works.
There's a shipload of info - sometimes too much - cos it's pretty simple. i basically stopped grains, dairy and spuds. Now it's lots of fruit, lots of salads, lots of meat if you want. I have a red wine if i want one (or 3). And all the good experts say lash out and treat yourself now and then with whatever. It's a change of habit/lifestyle rather than a set-period diet.
You might post a crazy number today that means you don't need the paleo/primal thing - but if not, if it looks like you are trapped on a crazy merry-go-round... make the (slight) effort to get your head around it... and your shopping/meal preparation.... and you will be posting pix like the ones Supthecreek shared in that thread...
like i said... IT WORKS.

WA, 9675 posts
26 Aug 2013 12:37PM
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wavelength said...
Hey Scotty... you've seen this Paleo/Primal thread before I know -- but it works.
There's a shipload of info - sometimes too much - cos it's pretty simple. i basically stopped grains, dairy and spuds. Now it's lots of fruit, lots of salads, lots of meat if you want. I have a red wine if i want one (or 3). And all the good experts say lash out and treat yourself now and then with whatever. It's a change of habit/lifestyle rather than a set-period diet.
You might post a crazy number today that means you don't need the paleo/primal thing - but if not, if it looks like you are trapped on a crazy merry-go-round... make the (slight) effort to get your head around it... and your shopping/meal preparation.... and you will be posting pix like the ones Supthecreek shared in that thread...
like i said... IT WORKS.

I will disagree. If you stick to all off this diet you might lose weight,but your cholesterol will go through the roof,while your arteries are hardening and your heart will then just stop. Yes you will lose weight but is it the safe and healthy way to do it? It is called the caveman diet,how long did the caveman live for?.
Everything in life life will come down to a few things.
The more you put through your cake hole the more exercise you need. No special diet just common sense. Sugar is evil but tastes great,booze is bad yet :t is good on so many levels lol.

WA, 24860 posts
26 Aug 2013 1:08PM
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You tell them Chrispy,no pain no gain Lazy non exercising lot

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Aug 2013 4:43PM
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chrispy said..

wavelength said...
Hey Scotty... you've seen this Paleo/Primal thread before I know -- but it works.
There's a shipload of info - sometimes too much - cos it's pretty simple. i basically stopped grains, dairy and spuds. Now it's lots of fruit, lots of salads, lots of meat if you want. I have a red wine if i want one (or 3). And all the good experts say lash out and treat yourself now and then with whatever. It's a change of habit/lifestyle rather than a set-period diet.
You might post a crazy number today that means you don't need the paleo/primal thing - but if not, if it looks like you are trapped on a crazy merry-go-round... make the (slight) effort to get your head around it... and your shopping/meal preparation.... and you will be posting pix like the ones Supthecreek shared in that thread...
like i said... IT WORKS.

I will disagree. If you stick to all off this diet you might lose weight,but your cholesterol will go through the roof,while your arteries are hardening and your heart will then just stop. Yes you will lose weight but is it the safe and healthy way to do it? It is called the caveman diet,how long did the caveman live for?.
Everything in life life will come down to a few things.
The more you put through your cake hole the more exercise you need. No special diet just common sense. Sugar is evil but tastes great,booze is bad yet :t is good on so many levels lol.

totally agree with chrispy on this one. cut the crap food, soft drinks etc, eat your protein in the morning and lunch, carbo's for dinner and exercise.

i was/am reasonably fit but my cholesterol level was ****e from crap food

i've lost 7 kgs ver 6 weeks- 83 to 76 kgs and eating heaps, i sleep a lot better, a lot calmer and happier in my self

you just have to eat the right foods at the right time and exercise.

i think a slower weight loss is more long term than the quick fix, crash and burn/ failure methods

1195 posts
26 Aug 2013 3:25PM
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Glad I got yas fired up. I agree with the people who disagree with me ... some of the Paleo/Primal stuff (too much bacon, egss etc) IS clearly crazy.
I'm vouching for the cutting right back on dairy and grain (especially bread) side of it cos that works for me. I was only a bit over 89kg and not a midget - i just want to shift 6 to 8 kg and keep it off... I reckon there are really sound principles in the paleo basics and then each person needs to use their brains and customise it from there. It's like a good Burford Blank - use it wisely. I like it for people who are waaay overweight because it's not something you do and then stop and then end up going round the cycle again.
I'm on fruit, salads, lean meat, fish. And have only cut out most dairy and grains - nothing dangerous there. I make sure Iget my calcium needs etc..
And of course ya gotta excercise too. So yeah - disagree away boys but if Scotty goes Paleo he WILL reach his target and he (probably) WON'T die on the way.

WA, 9675 posts
26 Aug 2013 4:23PM
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wavelength said...
Glad I got yas fired up. I agree with the people who disagree with me ... some of the Paleo/Primal stuff (too much bacon, egss etc) IS clearly crazy.
I'm vouching for the cutting right back on dairy and grain (especially bread) side of it cos that works for me. I was only a bit over 89kg and not a midget - i just want to shift 6 to 8 kg and keep it off... I reckon there are really sound principles in the paleo basics and then each person needs to use their brains and customise it from there. It's like a good Burford Blank - use it wisely. I like it for people who are waaay overweight because it's not something you do and then stop and then end up going round the cycle again.
I'm on fruit, salads, lean meat, fish. And have only cut out most dairy and grains - nothing dangerous there. I make sure Iget my calcium needs etc..
And of course ya gotta excercise too. So yeah - disagree away boys but if Scotty goes Paleo he WILL reach his target and he (probably) WON'T die on the way.

We'll u should have said that then. More politician than fact

WA, 9675 posts
26 Aug 2013 4:25PM
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wavelength said...
Glad I got yas fired up. I agree with the people who disagree with me ... some of the Paleo/Primal stuff (too much bacon, egss etc) IS clearly crazy.
I'm vouching for the cutting right back on dairy and grain (especially bread) side of it cos that works for me. I was only a bit over 89kg and not a midget - i just want to shift 6 to 8 kg and keep it off... I reckon there are really sound principles in the paleo basics and then each person needs to use their brains and customise it from there. It's like a good Burford Blank - use it wisely. I like it for people who are waaay overweight because it's not something you do and then stop and then end up going round the cycle again.
I'm on fruit, salads, lean meat, fish. And have only cut out most dairy and grains - nothing dangerous there. I make sure Iget my calcium needs etc..
And of course ya gotta excercise too. So yeah - disagree away boys but if Scotty goes Paleo he WILL reach his target and he (probably) WON'T die on the way.

We'll state your facts then,not a around about sorta kinda way. You sound like a politician

QLD, 3954 posts
26 Aug 2013 6:28PM
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wavelength said..

Glad I got yas fired up. I agree with the people who disagree with me ... some of the Paleo/Primal stuff (too much bacon, egss etc) IS clearly crazy.
I'm vouching for the cutting right back on dairy and grain (especially bread) side of it cos that works for me. I was only a bit over 89kg and not a midget - i just want to shift 6 to 8 kg and keep it off... I reckon there are really sound principles in the paleo basics and then each person needs to use their brains and customise it from there. It's like a good Burford Blank - use it wisely. I like it for people who are waaay overweight because it's not something you do and then stop and then end up going round the cycle again.
I'm on fruit, salads, lean meat, fish. And have only cut out most dairy and grains - nothing dangerous there. I make sure Iget my calcium needs etc..
And of course ya gotta excercise too. So yeah - disagree away boys but if Scotty goes Paleo he WILL reach his target and he (probably) WON'T die on the way.

I've gotta back you up on this one. I now have similar eating habits to that which you describe and find it easy to stick to. Main rule is nothing processed, all food in our house is now cooked from scratch. Lots of nuts, seeds, chicken, fish and salads. I havent really lost any weight but I have lost 2 buckle holes off my belt.... I have also cut 90 seconds from by previous best 5km time, added 40kgs to my deadlift and in general feel a bunch stronger. The most interesting thing I find is that I can't train as hard when I eat crap, can not recover in time to go again. Feed your body good stuff you have more energy, you train harder, go faster and keep coming back for more.

Ohh, and fish oil, lots of fish oil.

WA, 9675 posts
26 Aug 2013 4:34PM
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So for all the years I was being teased for eating wog food,is now now considered a super diet. Geez you blokes are way ahead of your Times lol. Sorry I.will.only mock you all now. ****ing cave man diet.they.are.all dead now pffft

1195 posts
26 Aug 2013 4:42PM
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chrispy said..
So for all the years I was being teased for eating wog food,is now now considered a super diet. Geez you blokes are way ahead of your Times lol. Sorry I.will.only mock you all now. ****ing cave man diet.they.are.all dead now pffft

Paleo also makes you less grumpy.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"My goal to lose 34 kg's by Xmas." started by NewScotty