Forums > Surfing Longboarding

My goal to lose 34 kg's by Xmas.

Created by NewScotty > 9 months ago, 15 Jul 2013
1195 posts
26 Aug 2013 4:47PM
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chrispy said..
wavelength said...

Glad I got yas fired up. I agree with the people who disagree with me ... some of the Paleo/Primal stuff (too much bacon, egss etc) IS clearly crazy.

I'm vouching for the cutting right back on dairy and grain (especially bread) side of it cos that works for me. I was only a bit over 89kg and not a midget - i just want to shift 6 to 8 kg and keep it off... I reckon there are really sound principles in the paleo basics and then each person needs to use their brains and customise it from there. It's like a good Burford Blank - use it wisely. I like it for people who are waaay overweight because it's not something you do and then stop and then end up going round the cycle again.

I'm on fruit, salads, lean meat, fish. And have only cut out most dairy and grains - nothing dangerous there. I make sure Iget my calcium needs etc..

And of course ya gotta excercise too. So yeah - disagree away boys but if Scotty goes Paleo he WILL reach his target and he (probably) WON'T die on the way.

We'll state your facts then,not a around about sorta kinda way. You sound like a politician

Vote for Wavelength! I will turn back the boats 666s.

WA, 9675 posts
26 Aug 2013 4:51PM
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wavelength said...
chrispy said..
So for all the years I was being teased for eating wog food,is now now considered a super diet. Geez you blokes are way ahead of your Times lol. Sorry I.will.only mock you all now. ****ing cave man diet.they.are.all dead now pffft

Paleo also makes you less grumpy.

So doubting people and hear them tell others what to eat,which is what I have been doing my whole life as I that is the food I was brought up on. We'll what a farken wank.
grumpy pfffft it's what us wogs have eaten for years.
Geez even you have changedd your opinion on how it can affect health. More in the the cake hole,more exercise needed.

1195 posts
26 Aug 2013 5:03PM
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chrispy said..
wavelength said...

chrispy said..

So for all the years I was being teased for eating wog food,is now now considered a super diet. Geez you blokes are way ahead of your Times lol. Sorry I.will.only mock you all now. ****ing cave man diet.they.are.all dead now pffft

Paleo also makes you less grumpy.

So doubting people and hear them tell others what to eat,which is what I have been doing my whole life as I that is the flood I was brought up on. We'll what a farken wank.

grumpy pfffft it's the wogs have eaten for years.

Geez even you have changedd your opinion on how it can affect health. More in the the cake hole,more exercise needed.

Actually I didn't change my view, just clarified a couple of things and attempted (unsuccessfully apparently) a bit of humour. I didn't want to write an essay or anything, so maybe I wasn't as clear as you thought I should have been. But Scotty asked in the first place: "Tell us what worked for you." So I did. I'd like to see the bloke have a win. Don't care how he does it. I was actually trying to be positive and constructive and in the spirit of the thread.
Peace out.

WA, 9675 posts
26 Aug 2013 5:39PM
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I'm a grumpy wog who loves life....peace out

WA, 24860 posts
26 Aug 2013 6:00PM
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So while all you guys were having a little bitch fight I was training the house down,now drinking a protein shake followed by fresh snapper and salad.
I don't care what diet you choose but without training you will not have a good shape.

WA, 9675 posts
26 Aug 2013 6:02PM
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62mac said...
So while all you guys were having a little bitch fight I was training the house down,now drinking a protein shake followed by fresh snapper and salad.
I don't care what diet you choose but without training you will not have a good shape.

So how should poor people eat and train?

13831 posts
26 Aug 2013 6:05PM
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Thank farken rhone & his Pomeranian ferret that I have a freight train metabolism geez

WA, 9675 posts
26 Aug 2013 6:12PM
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I'm.going back for another stint in rehab. Diet pffft

WA, 24860 posts
26 Aug 2013 6:18PM
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chrispy pup you guys are lucky your both naturals.

WA, 9675 posts
26 Aug 2013 6:20PM
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62mac said...
chrispy pup you guys are lucky your both naturals.

I will.tell you if.your right in 14 days

WA, 24860 posts
26 Aug 2013 6:23PM
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What do you mean 14 days are you starting something?

1195 posts
26 Aug 2013 6:25PM
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chrispy said..
I'm a grumpy wog who loves life....peace out

1195 posts
26 Aug 2013 6:26PM
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62mac said..
So while all you guys were having a little bitch fight I was training the house down,now drinking a protein shake followed by fresh snapper and salad.

I don't care what diet you choose but without training you will not have a good shape.

That don't hurt, I've been compared to a politician today.

So where's Scotty? Anyone know? It's Monday check in time?

WA, 9675 posts
26 Aug 2013 6:26PM
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62mac said...
What do you mean 14 days are you starting something?

Yep I sure am. Sadly I will not get to Surf........big picture

WA, 24860 posts
26 Aug 2013 6:28PM
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Come on more info please.

2350 posts
28 Aug 2013 10:20AM
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I haven't weighed in for nearly 2 weeks but I know I am loosing at least 1 kg per week.
As I mentioned previously, I don't have scales at home and have been jumping on scales at local chemist.
The Mrs is buying new set of scales this week and I will start posting every Monday.
I am on my 4th week of Lite N Easy (3 meals + snacks on Monday to Friday only) and can feel the difference with my clothes already.
Lite N Easy is suiting my hectic schedule atm and will probably do another 4 weeks on it then go on my own with the healthy eating.
I doubt I will get to my initial goal of 110 kg but I am not focusing on it to much.
I am in for the long haul and with loosing 1 kg per week it's a better pace then a fad diet anyway.
Focus is good.

Re: Paleo diet. I farkin hate bacon.
Much prefer smoked salmon with av on soy and linseed toast anyway.

4627 posts
28 Aug 2013 10:44AM
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NewScotty said..

I haven't weighed in for nearly 2 weeks but I know I am loosing at least 1 kg per week.
As I mentioned previously, I don't have scales at home and have been jumping on scales at local chemist.
The Mrs is buying new set of scales this week and I will start posting every Monday.
I am on my 4th week of Lite N Easy (3 meals + snacks on Monday to Friday only) and can feel the difference with my clothes already.
Lite N Easy is suiting my hectic schedule atm and will probably do another 4 weeks on it then go on my own with the healthy eating.
I doubt I will get to my initial goal of 110 kg but I am not focusing on it to much.
I am in for the long haul and with loosing 1 kg per week it's a better pace then a fad diet anyway.
Focus is good.

Re: Paleo diet. I farkin hate bacon.
Much prefer smoked salmon with av on soy and linseed toast anyway.

Just trying to picture you at the chemist with no cloths on

WA, 24860 posts
28 Aug 2013 1:02PM
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52 kgs in a year sounds good Scotty

2350 posts
28 Aug 2013 2:05PM
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TB, that would create Beatlemainia x 100.
You would need crowd control, baracades and mounted police to control those women.
They would lose all control.
Mac, @ 21 I was 97kg and fit as - who wasn't ?

2350 posts
2 Sep 2013 11:27AM
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Official weigh-in today and current weight is 137 kg.
That's 7kg in 7 weeks so I am happy with that.
16 weeks til Xmas.
Looking forward to daylight saving to have more time to paddle as well.
I reckon I could have been lighter as I really enjoyed myself on Fathers Day yesterday.

13831 posts
2 Sep 2013 12:08PM
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Rippling mate - great work rapt for ya

WA, 24860 posts
2 Sep 2013 12:27PM
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Good work Scotty,you must feel better for dropping the 7 kgs wait until you drop the next 7

QLD, 1820 posts
2 Sep 2013 2:34PM
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thats solid scotty awesome

WA, 24860 posts
2 Sep 2013 12:52PM
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jasdeking said..

thats solid scotty awesome

hows your new board coming on Jas'

I may have one on its way

4627 posts
2 Sep 2013 1:31PM
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Keep it up Scotty great work

2350 posts
2 Sep 2013 6:16PM
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Cheers gents.
The journey continues.

2350 posts
22 Sep 2013 6:37AM
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Just an update.
Currently at 134 kg which is 1 kg per week for 10 weeks.
Slow but steady.
I have been eating well but haven't exercised or paddled for past 3 weeks.
My busiest time at work is from now to Xmas so I will have to really work out an exercise schedule around work.
Exercise is the key to reaching my goal by Xmas.
There is a new gym opening on Oct long weekend which is a 3 min walk from my joint.
I will be ramping up the training for the last ten weeks before Xmas and looking forward to evenings on the 666 with daylight saving on the way.
I will post weight on 1st Nov, 1st Dec and Xmas eve (maybe a couple in between).

10979 posts
22 Sep 2013 10:09AM
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Good stuff Scotty, slow and steady wins the race mate.

WA, 6913 posts
22 Sep 2013 10:15AM
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NewScotty said..

Just an update.
Currently at 134 kg which is 1 kg per week for 10 weeks.
Slow but steady.
I have been eating well but haven't exercised or paddled for past 3 weeks.
My busiest time at work is from now to Xmas so I will have to really work out an exercise schedule around work.
Exercise is the key to reaching my goal by Xmas.
There is a new gym opening on Oct long weekend which is a 3 min walk from my joint.
I will be ramping up the training for the last ten weeks before Xmas and looking forward to evenings on the 666 with daylight saving on the way.
I will post weight on 1st Nov, 1st Dec and Xmas eve (maybe a couple in between).

Slow of means its more of a lifestyle change and the better chance it will stick and you'll keep the weight of Well done

WA, 1403 posts
22 Sep 2013 10:37AM
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I lost 14kg via L&E and have kept it off. It works Scotty good on ya.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"My goal to lose 34 kg's by Xmas." started by NewScotty