Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2021
This topic has been locked
QLD, 3766 posts
16 Aug 2021 7:43PM
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kiterboy said..

cammd said..

kiterboy said..

Edit: this is actually an honest question. I genuinely would like to know peoples' reasons/justifications/rationalisations.
I don't understand how you could be comfortable gambling on their an unknown.
I don't want to get covid, but neither do I want to be a guinea pig.

Life is an unknown so why are you so stressed about the vaccine.

Just the odds tell you your better with it than without it when your turn to catch covid comes around.

Is that your reasoning for getting the jab?
You're happy to trade short term benefit (which is looking more and more unlikely each day) for a possible personal health catastrophe down the track?

Yes, anyway I don't think my jab was correct, I was told if I stick a magnet on my arm it will stick but when I tried today it didn't work so maybe I didn't get the proper stuff.

WA, 7671 posts
16 Aug 2021 5:46PM
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D3 said..

kiterboy said..

cammd said..

kiterboy said..

Edit: this is actually an honest question. I genuinely would like to know peoples' reasons/justifications/rationalisations.
I don't understand how you could be comfortable gambling on their an unknown.
I don't want to get covid, but neither do I want to be a guinea pig.

Life is an unknown so why are you so stressed about the vaccine.

Just the odds tell you your better with it than without it when your turn to catch covid comes around.

Is that your reasoning for getting the jab?
You're happy to trade short term benefit (which is looking more and more unlikely each day) for a possible personal health catastrophe down the track?

Why are the benefits looking less likely?

Coz some flog on youchoob said so... followed by DYOR*

* Watch more youchoob...

WA, 582 posts
16 Aug 2021 6:02PM
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kiterboy said..

cammd said..

kiterboy said..

Edit: this is actually an honest question. I genuinely would like to know peoples' reasons/justifications/rationalisations.
I don't understand how you could be comfortable gambling on their an unknown.
I don't want to get covid, but neither do I want to be a guinea pig.

Life is an unknown so why are you so stressed about the vaccine.

Just the odds tell you your better with it than without it when your turn to catch covid comes around.

Is that your reasoning for getting the jab?
You're happy to trade short term benefit (which is looking more and more unlikely each day) for a possible personal health catastrophe down the track?

Kiterboy what are your concerns with the COVID vax re long term?

QLD, 1356 posts
16 Aug 2021 8:02PM
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Almost forgot one big reason for myself being vaccinated, our season starts in 2 weeks and I don't want to be too sick. If I happen to get infected, hopefully it's over quickly, it's going to be a great season.

883 posts
16 Aug 2021 6:19PM
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Worse than!

443 posts
16 Aug 2021 6:26PM
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lotofwind said..
Today there was about 500 new covid cases in Australia with 8 deaths, none were fully vaxed.
Today there was over 100 000 people who had second covid jab, no deaths from jab.

If you actually check out the deaths, you will note that they all had serious preexisting conditions or were old.

None of them were killed by Covid. They were all at death's door anyway. Likewise for most of the previous ones.

What really pisses me off is the 15 year old is counted as a Covid death even though his doctor said he died of meningitis.

Simple fact . Covid on its own is killing hardly anyone.

NSW, 6451 posts
16 Aug 2021 8:51PM
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Yes we know, covid is just the flu, hasnt killed anyone. The medical experts world wide are wrong.

NSW, 6874 posts
16 Aug 2021 8:55PM
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lotofwind said..
lol, half the antibiotics and chemicals in foods etc. havent been tested for 15 year long term affects yet, but you take them without questioning it. So why this one?
I think a few are getting sucked into this one because its on social media, but will have forgotten about it when the next hot twitter trend starts.

No one has yet explained why this is just the gov. trying to control us, stop us working and traveling conspiracy.

No I don't. (In answer to your statement about antibiotics and chemicals.)

My guess as to why no one has attempted to explain about control is because you have already admitted that you have virtually no understanding of history.

Believe me, if you did have the situation would not need to be explained to you.

Answer me this. When did you last read a book?

NSW, 6451 posts
16 Aug 2021 8:57PM
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lol, Im still waiting for your large amount of quality information from the German covid society that proves its all been planned to cull humans. lol

Read a book?????? ppffftttttt. All the REAL truth is found on social media.

2614 posts
16 Aug 2021 6:58PM
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Pugwash said..

kiterboy said..

Pugwash said..

kiterboy said..

Pugwash said..

kiterboy said..

lotofwind said..
lol, half the antibiotics and chemicals in foods etc. havent been tested for 15 year long term affects yet, but you take them without questioning it. So why this one?
I think a few are getting sucked into this one because its on social media, but will have forgotten about it when the next hot twitter trend starts.

No one has yet explained why this is just the gov. trying to control us, stop us working and traveling conspiracy.

So that is your reasoning is it?
The jab is just one more bad decision, in a long line of bad decisons, to put inside your body?

When was the last time you pounded down a quarter pounder? Chowed a Big Mac? Woofed a cheese burger. Soz, don't know what else that place sells now.

It's 25 years since I put that stuff in my body.


Thanks for the vitue signalling, but you didn't say why you're happy to take the gamble.

What gamble do you mean?

Playing the odds of CV19 vs vaccine risks?

#FullyVaccinated. -> 2 glorious dose of Pfizer.

Why were you happy to gamble your health by taking an injection of an experimental treatment, that noone knows the long-term adverse health effects of?

Simple. Covid kills. I'll take 0.0001% chance of vaccine side effects over 2-3% fatality rate of Covid and the 20% chance of long Covid any day of the week.

Currently, this is choose your own adventure. you've chosen yours, I've chosen mine. I wish you all the best with the gamble.

This isn't a question of the possible short term effects of the 'vaccine', those are becoming quite clear.
This a question of what effect these 'vaccines' could have on you in the long term.
That is the big unknown, and it's a pretty huge unknown.
I prefer to gamble with as much information as possible, having a punt on a massive unknown is not the way to gamble.

NSW, 6874 posts
16 Aug 2021 9:04PM
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TonyAbbott said..
It is offen said that we should speak to our gp's about the vaccine. Under the guise that we would get the best advice.

However, they are only allowed regurgitate the government position or risk being unregistered.


Work mates daughter, RN in aged facility, asked the attending quack whether she should get the "vaccine".
His reply was that he could not answer that but that if she ere his daughter he would advise against it.

My house mates quack who has a thriving business built on a great reputation, (she charges a fortune), told her at a consultation the other day that she was highly suspicious of what was going on with Covid and that it was odd that the hype had been ramped up right after Scummo returned fro the G7.

NSW, 6874 posts
16 Aug 2021 9:10PM
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lotofwind said..
lol, Im still waiting for your large amount of quality information from the German covid society that proves its all been planned to cull humans. lol

Read a book?????? ppffftttttt. All the REAL truth is found on social media.

It's there.

I reply to your statements not in order to enlighten you.

I do so in order to emphasise to the broader audience the level of ignorance we have to contend with.

NSW, 6451 posts
16 Aug 2021 9:12PM
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If it out right proves it like you stated before, why are you and your german mentors keeping it quiet.

NSW, 6874 posts
16 Aug 2021 9:14PM
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psychomub said..

lotofwind said..
Today there was about 500 new covid cases in Australia with 8 deaths, none were fully vaxed.
Today there was over 100 000 people who had second covid jab, no deaths from jab.

If you actually check out the deaths, you will note that they all had serious preexisting conditions or were old.

None of them were killed by Covid. They were all at death's door anyway. Likewise for most of the previous ones.

What really pisses me off is the 15 year old is counted as a Covid death even though his doctor said he died of meningitis.

Simple fact . Covid on its own is killing hardly anyone.

I lost interest in the statistics when it was revealed that doctors and institutions in the US were given financial incentives to record Covid on death certificates.

Funny that!

NSW, 6874 posts
16 Aug 2021 9:17PM
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lotofwind said..
If it out right proves it like you stated before, why are you and your german mentors keeping it quiet.

They are not.

It has obviously escaped your attention that the level of censorship of anything counter to the official narrative extends across the whole of the mainstream media and ALL of the big tech social media platforms.

2614 posts
16 Aug 2021 7:18PM
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airsail said..
Seeing what is/was happening overseas in countries that failed to control the virus, thousands dying horrible deaths alone in ICU. It's a fact people die from Covid, lots of them. Yes, some also die from the vaccine but in tiny proportion to the number dying from the virus.

Your right Kiteboy, no one knows how the future will play out regarding the vaccine in years to come. But I know the virus will spread through the community and I'd rather a known protection now from a vaccine than a possible horrible death. So far there are no issues that I'm worried about from vaccinated people overseas, obviously there are for you.

My body, my choice, I'm fully vaccinated. Honestly I hope you avoid the virus when it spreads, mask up, keep healthy and stay reasonably isolated.

Once again, this is not about the short term, if there was a 5 year history of these 'vaccinations', then it would be fair to base your decision on that.
But there isn't.

I agree with you, your body your choice. What you do is up to you.

All I am asking is what was the factor that made you disregard the possible long term effects of the 'vaccine', so that you felt comfortable getting it?

Noone has actually answered that yet and it is perplexing why.

NSW, 6874 posts
16 Aug 2021 9:19PM
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japie said..

lotofwind said..
If it out right proves it like you stated before, why are you and your german mentors keeping it quiet.

They are not.

It has obviously escaped your attention that the level of censorship of anything counter to the official narrative extends across the whole of the mainstream media and ALL of the big tech social media platforms.


Virtually all of the MSM

Fox and Sky have been broadcasting some counter narrative material.

NSW, 6451 posts
16 Aug 2021 9:22PM
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japie said..

lotofwind said..
If it out right proves it like you stated before, why are you and your german mentors keeping it quiet.

They are not.

It has obviously escaped your attention that the level of censorship of anything counter to the official narrative extends across the whole of the mainstream media and ALL of the big tech social media platforms.

Well if you have a copy of all this info from the german covid society why dont you post it up here. It would prove the gov. conspiracy once and for all.

2614 posts
16 Aug 2021 7:24PM
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D3 said..
Hey kiterboy, no one knows the long term problems that come from actually catching Covid.
There are some pretty rough short term affects.
Like being sick enough to be put in hospital.

The vaccines have passed all the sane safety requirements as every flu shot, and the only ingredient in them that we're unsure about is the actual Covid bit (whether it's the mRNA or whatever). And by unsure, I mean it's the only bit we haven't been able to see the affects on humans for years. So choose having a reaction to the Covid part of a vaccine or choose having a reaction to the actual disease.

Well no, they haven't and you contradicted yourself nicely there.
They haven't passed 'all the sane safety requirements', because as you state further on, 'the only bit we haven't been able to see the affects on humans for years'.

That's a pretty big unknown to be exposing youself to, isn't it?

NSW, 6874 posts
16 Aug 2021 9:30PM
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lotofwind said..

japie said..

lotofwind said..
If it out right proves it like you stated before, why are you and your german mentors keeping it quiet.

They are not.

It has obviously escaped your attention that the level of censorship of anything counter to the official narrative extends across the whole of the mainstream media and ALL of the big tech social media platforms.

Well if you have a copy of all this info from the german covid society why dont you post it up here. It would prove the gov. conspiracy once and for all.
There you go.

Theres enough reading on there to keep you quiet for three or four months.

Assuming you're not working

NSW, 1314 posts
16 Aug 2021 9:47PM
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TonyAbbott said..

Worse than!

Actually this is what worse than death looks

WA, 1000 posts
16 Aug 2021 8:06PM
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kiterboy said..

D3 said..
Hey kiterboy, no one knows the long term problems that come from actually catching Covid.
There are some pretty rough short term affects.
Like being sick enough to be put in hospital.

The vaccines have passed all the sane safety requirements as every flu shot, and the only ingredient in them that we're unsure about is the actual Covid bit (whether it's the mRNA or whatever). And by unsure, I mean it's the only bit we haven't been able to see the affects on humans for years. So choose having a reaction to the Covid part of a vaccine or choose having a reaction to the actual disease.

Well no, they haven't and you contradicted yourself nicely there.
They haven't passed 'all the sane safety requirements', because as you state further on, 'the only bit we haven't been able to see the affects on humans for years'.

That's a pretty big unknown to be exposing youself to, isn't it?

Same unknown you get with the virus. But without the same challenge to your health

2614 posts
16 Aug 2021 8:11PM
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D3 said..

kiterboy said..

D3 said..
Hey kiterboy, no one knows the long term problems that come from actually catching Covid.
There are some pretty rough short term affects.
Like being sick enough to be put in hospital.

The vaccines have passed all the sane safety requirements as every flu shot, and the only ingredient in them that we're unsure about is the actual Covid bit (whether it's the mRNA or whatever). And by unsure, I mean it's the only bit we haven't been able to see the affects on humans for years. So choose having a reaction to the Covid part of a vaccine or choose having a reaction to the actual disease.

Well no, they haven't and you contradicted yourself nicely there.
They haven't passed 'all the sane safety requirements', because as you state further on, 'the only bit we haven't been able to see the affects on humans for years'.

That's a pretty big unknown to be exposing youself to, isn't it?

Same unknown you get with the virus. But without the same challenge to your health

Not even close.

WA, 1000 posts
16 Aug 2021 8:21PM
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kiterboy said..

airsail said..
Seeing what is/was happening overseas in countries that failed to control the virus, thousands dying horrible deaths alone in ICU. It's a fact people die from Covid, lots of them. Yes, some also die from the vaccine but in tiny proportion to the number dying from the virus.

Your right Kiteboy, no one knows how the future will play out regarding the vaccine in years to come. But I know the virus will spread through the community and I'd rather a known protection now from a vaccine than a possible horrible death. So far there are no issues that I'm worried about from vaccinated people overseas, obviously there are for you.

My body, my choice, I'm fully vaccinated. Honestly I hope you avoid the virus when it spreads, mask up, keep healthy and stay reasonably isolated.

Once again, this is not about the short term, if there was a 5 year history of these 'vaccinations', then it would be fair to base your decision on that.
But there isn't.

I agree with you, your body your choice. What you do is up to you.

All I am asking is what was the factor that made you disregard the possible long term effects of the 'vaccine', so that you felt comfortable getting it?

Noone has actually answered that yet and it is perplexing why.

My reason for exposing myself to the possible long term effects of the vaccine:-
1. Going on the miniscule rates of long term affects if other vaccines compared to the viruses the protect against. I am going with the track record of scientists who have developed vaccines that have saved countless lives and almost eradicated some diseases. ( I know you're going to point out that this is a new vaccine technology and somehow try to prove that this discredits all the vaccine and its development)

2. This virus is way worse than the flu, and the flu used to knock me around before I got vaccine each year. So I wanted at least the protection the flu shot gives me against a brand new respiratory disease

3. Every person who catches this disease is a potential site for it to mutate into another hard to deal strain. Why not try my best to remove my self from that pool of candidates?

4. Reduce the risk of passing to my family. I know it doesn't remove that risk entirely, but it certainly will help more than eating salad and showing my anus to the sun.

4. I saw how effective it was in Sweden and wanted that to happen in Australia. Just doing my part to help.

WA, 7671 posts
16 Aug 2021 8:23PM
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Known knowns. Known unknowns. Meh. just believe something we did see on youchoob coz to those in power, it is an unknown unknown.

One thing we all miss about HW is the inane drivel that the earf is phlat

WA, 1000 posts
16 Aug 2021 8:24PM
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kiterboy said..

D3 said..

kiterboy said..

D3 said..
Hey kiterboy, no one knows the long term problems that come from actually catching Covid.
There are some pretty rough short term affects.
Like being sick enough to be put in hospital.

The vaccines have passed all the sane safety requirements as every flu shot, and the only ingredient in them that we're unsure about is the actual Covid bit (whether it's the mRNA or whatever). And by unsure, I mean it's the only bit we haven't been able to see the affects on humans for years. So choose having a reaction to the Covid part of a vaccine or choose having a reaction to the actual disease.

Well no, they haven't and you contradicted yourself nicely there.
They haven't passed 'all the sane safety requirements', because as you state further on, 'the only bit we haven't been able to see the affects on humans for years'.

That's a pretty big unknown to be exposing youself to, isn't it?

Same unknown you get with the virus. But without the same challenge to your health

Not even close.

How so? One is developed in a lab using materials we know.
The other, well who cares where it started cos it's doing it's own thing now.

WA, 2109 posts
16 Aug 2021 8:41PM
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D3 said...
The other, well who cares where it started cos it's doing it's own thing now.

I care.
And it matters.
And importantly, who is deleting files from the world genome bank, and why are they doing it now of all times.
Ok, in truth it probably doesn't matter, but it does matter until it's proven that it doesn't matter.

2614 posts
16 Aug 2021 9:16PM
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D3 said..

kiterboy said..

airsail said..
Seeing what is/was happening overseas in countries that failed to control the virus, thousands dying horrible deaths alone in ICU. It's a fact people die from Covid, lots of them. Yes, some also die from the vaccine but in tiny proportion to the number dying from the virus.

Your right Kiteboy, no one knows how the future will play out regarding the vaccine in years to come. But I know the virus will spread through the community and I'd rather a known protection now from a vaccine than a possible horrible death. So far there are no issues that I'm worried about from vaccinated people overseas, obviously there are for you.

My body, my choice, I'm fully vaccinated. Honestly I hope you avoid the virus when it spreads, mask up, keep healthy and stay reasonably isolated.

Once again, this is not about the short term, if there was a 5 year history of these 'vaccinations', then it would be fair to base your decision on that.
But there isn't.

I agree with you, your body your choice. What you do is up to you.

All I am asking is what was the factor that made you disregard the possible long term effects of the 'vaccine', so that you felt comfortable getting it?

Noone has actually answered that yet and it is perplexing why.

My reason for exposing myself to the possible long term effects of the vaccine:-
1. Going on the miniscule rates of long term affects if other vaccines compared to the viruses the protect against. I am going with the track record of scientists who have developed vaccines that have saved countless lives and almost eradicated some diseases. ( I know you're going to point out that this is a new vaccine technology and somehow try to prove that this discredits all the vaccine and its development)

2. This virus is way worse than the flu, and the flu used to knock me around before I got vaccine each year. So I wanted at least the protection the flu shot gives me against a brand new respiratory disease

3. Every person who catches this disease is a potential site for it to mutate into another hard to deal strain. Why not try my best to remove my self from that pool of candidates?

4. Reduce the risk of passing to my family. I know it doesn't remove that risk entirely, but it certainly will help more than eating salad and showing my anus to the sun.

4. I saw how effective it was in Sweden and wanted that to happen in Australia. Just doing my part to help.

You definitely deserve credit for answering the question.
1. You've already admitted that it's new tech and nothing like other vaccines. The mrna tech is a tailored therapy, not a one size fits all, which the inventor has explicitly stated.
2. short term protection at the risk of developing something worse down the track.
3. it's much more likely that the 'leaky' 'vaccines' are responsible for creating stronger mutations.
4. it's pretty much common knowledge that 'vaccinated' people pass on the virus as much as the unvaccinated, but of course taking the 'vaccinated' mutation creation, you could be doing more harm.
4. (Or was that 5.?) you should probably look at Sweden again, I don't think i t worked the way you think it did.

2614 posts
16 Aug 2021 9:17PM
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D3 said..

kiterboy said..

D3 said..

kiterboy said..

D3 said..
Hey kiterboy, no one knows the long term problems that come from actually catching Covid.
There are some pretty rough short term affects.
Like being sick enough to be put in hospital.

The vaccines have passed all the sane safety requirements as every flu shot, and the only ingredient in them that we're unsure about is the actual Covid bit (whether it's the mRNA or whatever). And by unsure, I mean it's the only bit we haven't been able to see the affects on humans for years. So choose having a reaction to the Covid part of a vaccine or choose having a reaction to the actual disease.

Well no, they haven't and you contradicted yourself nicely there.
They haven't passed 'all the sane safety requirements', because as you state further on, 'the only bit we haven't been able to see the affects on humans for years'.

That's a pretty big unknown to be exposing youself to, isn't it?

Same unknown you get with the virus. But without the same challenge to your health

Not even close.

How so? One is developed in a lab using materials we know.
The other, well who cares where it started cos it's doing it's own thing now.

Wrong yet again.

NSW, 5780 posts
17 Aug 2021 12:21AM
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FormulaNova said..

No, just avoiding someone I think is an idiot and not worth discussing things with. It is a public forum. We all have that choice.

funny, i think the same when i see your long winded dribble

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?" started by Razzonater