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Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2021
This topic has been locked
WA, 1000 posts
17 Aug 2021 5:33AM
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kiterboy said..

D3 said..

kiterboy said..

D3 said..

kiterboy said..

D3 said..
Hey kiterboy, no one knows the long term problems that come from actually catching Covid.
There are some pretty rough short term affects.
Like being sick enough to be put in hospital.

The vaccines have passed all the sane safety requirements as every flu shot, and the only ingredient in them that we're unsure about is the actual Covid bit (whether it's the mRNA or whatever). And by unsure, I mean it's the only bit we haven't been able to see the affects on humans for years. So choose having a reaction to the Covid part of a vaccine or choose having a reaction to the actual disease.

Well no, they haven't and you contradicted yourself nicely there.
They haven't passed 'all the sane safety requirements', because as you state further on, 'the only bit we haven't been able to see the affects on humans for years'.

That's a pretty big unknown to be exposing youself to, isn't it?

Same unknown you get with the virus. But without the same challenge to your health

Not even close.

How so? One is developed in a lab using materials we know.
The other, well who cares where it started cos it's doing it's own thing now.

Wrong yet again.

Do explain.

WA, 1000 posts
17 Aug 2021 5:46AM
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kiterboy said..

D3 said..

kiterboy said..

airsail said..
Seeing what is/was happening overseas in countries that failed to control the virus, thousands dying horrible deaths alone in ICU. It's a fact people die from Covid, lots of them. Yes, some also die from the vaccine but in tiny proportion to the number dying from the virus.

Your right Kiteboy, no one knows how the future will play out regarding the vaccine in years to come. But I know the virus will spread through the community and I'd rather a known protection now from a vaccine than a possible horrible death. So far there are no issues that I'm worried about from vaccinated people overseas, obviously there are for you.

My body, my choice, I'm fully vaccinated. Honestly I hope you avoid the virus when it spreads, mask up, keep healthy and stay reasonably isolated.

Once again, this is not about the short term, if there was a 5 year history of these 'vaccinations', then it would be fair to base your decision on that.
But there isn't.

I agree with you, your body your choice. What you do is up to you.

All I am asking is what was the factor that made you disregard the possible long term effects of the 'vaccine', so that you felt comfortable getting it?

Noone has actually answered that yet and it is perplexing why.

My reason for exposing myself to the possible long term effects of the vaccine:-
1. Going on the miniscule rates of long term affects if other vaccines compared to the viruses the protect against. I am going with the track record of scientists who have developed vaccines that have saved countless lives and almost eradicated some diseases. ( I know you're going to point out that this is a new vaccine technology and somehow try to prove that this discredits all the vaccine and its development)

2. This virus is way worse than the flu, and the flu used to knock me around before I got vaccine each year. So I wanted at least the protection the flu shot gives me against a brand new respiratory disease

3. Every person who catches this disease is a potential site for it to mutate into another hard to deal strain. Why not try my best to remove my self from that pool of candidates?

4. Reduce the risk of passing to my family. I know it doesn't remove that risk entirely, but it certainly will help more than eating salad and showing my anus to the sun.

4. I saw how effective it was in Sweden and wanted that to happen in Australia. Just doing my part to help.

You definitely deserve credit for answering the question.
1. You've already admitted that it's new tech and nothing like other vaccines. The mrna tech is a tailored therapy, not a one size fits all, which the inventor has explicitly stated.
2. short term protection at the risk of developing something worse down the track.
3. it's much more likely that the 'leaky' 'vaccines' are responsible for creating stronger mutations.
4. it's pretty much common knowledge that 'vaccinated' people pass on the virus as much as the unvaccinated, but of course taking the 'vaccinated' mutation creation, you could be doing more harm.
4. (Or was that 5.?) you should probably look at Sweden again, I don't think i t worked the way you think it did.

1. You don't understand the science therefore you fear it. That's OK

2. Key phrase being short term protection. I mean I want long term protection but I'll take the short term over none.

3. That's a pretty incredible claim, it's going to need some incredible evidence to back it up. mRNA is not DNA so that would be quite incredible for it to cause mutation in a virus.

4. I'd prefer common evidence over common knowledge about vaccine transmission. See my comment about incredible claims.

5. They're not even 50% fully vaccinated and they're back to getting on top of the virus

NSW, 6451 posts
17 Aug 2021 8:51AM
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japie said..
There you go.

Theres enough reading on there to keep you quiet for three or four months.

Assuming you're not working

OK, thanks for the links, I think its a bit of a scam when these sites ask you to donate money in pop ups to support their cause. lol
How much have you sent them so far ?
Where is the large quantity of quality information from the German Covid Society that proves all has been coordinated by gov. world wide to cull all humans?
Or have the gov. deleted them ?
The disclaimer at the bottom of all their web pages dosent fill me with much confidence lol

Disclaimer: Nothing on this Website provides medical advice or any form of diagnosis or treatment of any kind to web users. Medical decisions should be made by the patient's physician who can consider a review of the BIRD materials and knowledge of the patient's medical history and condition. All information provided on the BIRD website or in connection with the Website are offered to promote consideration by trained health care professionals of possible treatments and for general informational purposes and are not medical advice to users. Errors and Omissions excepted.

So after all their propaganda they say decisions should be made by your personnel doctor, but please send us money
What did your personnel doctor tell you ?

2614 posts
17 Aug 2021 7:09AM
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D3 said..

kiterboy said..

D3 said..

kiterboy said..

airsail said..
Seeing what is/was happening overseas in countries that failed to control the virus, thousands dying horrible deaths alone in ICU. It's a fact people die from Covid, lots of them. Yes, some also die from the vaccine but in tiny proportion to the number dying from the virus.

Your right Kiteboy, no one knows how the future will play out regarding the vaccine in years to come. But I know the virus will spread through the community and I'd rather a known protection now from a vaccine than a possible horrible death. So far there are no issues that I'm worried about from vaccinated people overseas, obviously there are for you.

My body, my choice, I'm fully vaccinated. Honestly I hope you avoid the virus when it spreads, mask up, keep healthy and stay reasonably isolated.

Once again, this is not about the short term, if there was a 5 year history of these 'vaccinations', then it would be fair to base your decision on that.
But there isn't.

I agree with you, your body your choice. What you do is up to you.

All I am asking is what was the factor that made you disregard the possible long term effects of the 'vaccine', so that you felt comfortable getting it?

Noone has actually answered that yet and it is perplexing why.

My reason for exposing myself to the possible long term effects of the vaccine:-
1. Going on the miniscule rates of long term affects if other vaccines compared to the viruses the protect against. I am going with the track record of scientists who have developed vaccines that have saved countless lives and almost eradicated some diseases. ( I know you're going to point out that this is a new vaccine technology and somehow try to prove that this discredits all the vaccine and its development)

2. This virus is way worse than the flu, and the flu used to knock me around before I got vaccine each year. So I wanted at least the protection the flu shot gives me against a brand new respiratory disease

3. Every person who catches this disease is a potential site for it to mutate into another hard to deal strain. Why not try my best to remove my self from that pool of candidates?

4. Reduce the risk of passing to my family. I know it doesn't remove that risk entirely, but it certainly will help more than eating salad and showing my anus to the sun.

4. I saw how effective it was in Sweden and wanted that to happen in Australia. Just doing my part to help.

You definitely deserve credit for answering the question.
1. You've already admitted that it's new tech and nothing like other vaccines. The mrna tech is a tailored therapy, not a one size fits all, which the inventor has explicitly stated.
2. short term protection at the risk of developing something worse down the track.
3. it's much more likely that the 'leaky' 'vaccines' are responsible for creating stronger mutations.
4. it's pretty much common knowledge that 'vaccinated' people pass on the virus as much as the unvaccinated, but of course taking the 'vaccinated' mutation creation, you could be doing more harm.
4. (Or was that 5.?) you should probably look at Sweden again, I don't think i t worked the way you think it did.

1. You don't understand the science therefore you fear it. That's OK

2. Key phrase being short term protection. I mean I want long term protection but I'll take the short term over none.

3. That's a pretty incredible claim, it's going to need some incredible evidence to back it up. mRNA is not DNA so that would be quite incredible for it to cause mutation in a virus.

4. I'd prefer common evidence over common knowledge about vaccine transmission. See my comment about incredible claims.

5. They're not even 50% fully vaccinated and they're back to getting on top of the virus

1. Funny. It's actually quite clear that you don't.
2. Short term, of course you do, your whole approach is very myopic which is why you can't bring yourself to look into any of these 5 riduiculous points that you're doubling down on.
3. There's been plenty of discussion on this point here and in the msm, you're either being wilfully ignorant or still myopic.
4. See point above.
5. Thanks for confirming my point on this. Less than 50% un'vaccinated' you say? And they're getting on top of it? Yet there you are having rushed out to be a guinea pig still.

If you want to keep doubling down on your ignorance inspired decision to be a guniea pig, go for it.
You're the one that has to deal with the fact that even though you were very highly likely to get over covid, un'vaccinated', with no issues like the majority of people who have (see your point on Sweden for one example) you instead willingly took an injection that could seriously mess you up a year, two years, three/five years down the track.
You opened yourself up to this even though the touted benefits of the 'vaccine' are being rolled back more and more as more data comes out.

WA, 14681 posts
17 Aug 2021 7:16AM
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theDoctor said..
FormulaNova said..

No, just avoiding someone I think is an idiot and not worth discussing things with. It is a public forum. We all have that choice.

funny, i think the same when i see your long winded dribble

Its a public forum meme-boy. I know you struggle when there are more than four words and no pictures to help you understand.

WA, 14681 posts
17 Aug 2021 7:20AM
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D3 said..
kiterboy said..

D3 said..

kiterboy said..

airsail said..
Seeing what is/was happening overseas in countries that failed to control the virus, thousands dying horrible deaths alone in ICU. It's a fact people die from Covid, lots of them. Yes, some also die from the vaccine but in tiny proportion to the number dying from the virus.

Your right Kiteboy, no one knows how the future will play out regarding the vaccine in years to come. But I know the virus will spread through the community and I'd rather a known protection now from a vaccine than a possible horrible death. So far there are no issues that I'm worried about from vaccinated people overseas, obviously there are for you.

My body, my choice, I'm fully vaccinated. Honestly I hope you avoid the virus when it spreads, mask up, keep healthy and stay reasonably isolated.

Once again, this is not about the short term, if there was a 5 year history of these 'vaccinations', then it would be fair to base your decision on that.
But there isn't.

I agree with you, your body your choice. What you do is up to you.

All I am asking is what was the factor that made you disregard the possible long term effects of the 'vaccine', so that you felt comfortable getting it?

Noone has actually answered that yet and it is perplexing why.

My reason for exposing myself to the possible long term effects of the vaccine:-
1. Going on the miniscule rates of long term affects if other vaccines compared to the viruses the protect against. I am going with the track record of scientists who have developed vaccines that have saved countless lives and almost eradicated some diseases. ( I know you're going to point out that this is a new vaccine technology and somehow try to prove that this discredits all the vaccine and its development)

2. This virus is way worse than the flu, and the flu used to knock me around before I got vaccine each year. So I wanted at least the protection the flu shot gives me against a brand new respiratory disease

3. Every person who catches this disease is a potential site for it to mutate into another hard to deal strain. Why not try my best to remove my self from that pool of candidates?

4. Reduce the risk of passing to my family. I know it doesn't remove that risk entirely, but it certainly will help more than eating salad and showing my anus to the sun.

4. I saw how effective it was in Sweden and wanted that to happen in Australia. Just doing my part to help.

You definitely deserve credit for answering the question.
1. You've already admitted that it's new tech and nothing like other vaccines. The mrna tech is a tailored therapy, not a one size fits all, which the inventor has explicitly stated.
2. short term protection at the risk of developing something worse down the track.
3. it's much more likely that the 'leaky' 'vaccines' are responsible for creating stronger mutations.
4. it's pretty much common knowledge that 'vaccinated' people pass on the virus as much as the unvaccinated, but of course taking the 'vaccinated' mutation creation, you could be doing more harm.
4. (Or was that 5.?) you should probably look at Sweden again, I don't think i t worked the way you think it did.

1. You don't understand the science therefore you fear it. That's OK

2. Key phrase being short term protection. I mean I want long term protection but I'll take the short term over none.

3. That's a pretty incredible claim, it's going to need some incredible evidence to back it up. mRNA is not DNA so that would be quite incredible for it to cause mutation in a virus.

4. I'd prefer common evidence over common knowledge about vaccine transmission. See my comment about incredible claims.

5. They're not even 50% fully vaccinated and they're back to getting on top of the virus

You may as well give up. You never get decent considered replies. You just get some silly response such as 'wrong again' or 'you don't understand'. If you wanted logic and an explanation you are arguing with the wrong person. Check the responses you have gotten so far to see the lack of conversation and just simple replies.

In summary, they are scared because its a new vaccine, but seemingly not scared by Covid as they think the virus is made up and a government conspiracy.

NSW, 9202 posts
17 Aug 2021 9:31AM
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Of the 66 people in ICU in NSW.
59 are not vaccinated. 7 have had one dose.
No one currently in ICU or requiring ventilation has been fully vaccinated.
This matches data from the rest of the world.

@Kiterboy the long term effects of the virus are becoming better known. I personally know one woman in her thirties overseas who has lost half her lung capacity, permanently.
Australia has been spared, almost entirely, so far.

WA, 14681 posts
17 Aug 2021 7:51AM
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evlPanda said..
Of the 66 people in ICU in NSW.
59 are not vaccinated. 7 have had one dose.
No one currently in ICU or requiring ventilation has been fully vaccinated.
This matches data from the rest of the world.

@Kiterboy the long term effects of the virus are becoming better known. I personally know one woman in her thirties overseas who has lost half her lung capacity, permanently.
Australia has been spared, almost entirely, so far.

No, someone will now drag out stats from some country where 97.2% are vaccinated, and then point to the cases in ICU being vaccinated. Which makes sense when you have almost everyone vaccinated, but you will then get cries of 'see the vaccine doesn't work'.

I tried to point out earlier in this thread why the vaccine does not work in absolutely preventing transmission, but I guess unless its in a really simple form people don't get it.

WA, 7671 posts
17 Aug 2021 7:52AM
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evlPanda said..
Of the 66 people in ICU in NSW.
59 are not vaccinated. 7 have had one dose.
No one currently in ICU or requiring ventilation has been fully vaccinated.
This matches data from the rest of the world.

@Kiterboy the long term effects of the virus are becoming better known. I personally know one woman in her thirties overseas who has lost half her lung capacity, permanently.
Australia has been spared, almost entirely, so far.

As someone with a chronic respiratory condition and 70% lung function, I can tell you exactly how challenging that is for general health. Loss of half lung capacity will be devastating for all the normal life activities.

NSW, 6874 posts
17 Aug 2021 10:21AM
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lotofwind said..

japie said..
There you go.

Theres enough reading on there to keep you quiet for three or four months.

Assuming you're not working

OK, thanks for the links, I think its a bit of a scam when these sites ask you to donate money in pop ups to support their cause. lol
How much have you sent them so far ?
Where is the large quantity of quality information from the German Covid Society that proves all has been coordinated by gov. world wide to cull all humans?
Or have the gov. deleted them ?
The disclaimer at the bottom of all their web pages dosent fill me with much confidence lol

Disclaimer: Nothing on this Website provides medical advice or any form of diagnosis or treatment of any kind to web users. Medical decisions should be made by the patient's physician who can consider a review of the BIRD materials and knowledge of the patient's medical history and condition. All information provided on the BIRD website or in connection with the Website are offered to promote consideration by trained health care professionals of possible treatments and for general informational purposes and are not medical advice to users. Errors and Omissions excepted.

So after all their propaganda they say decisions should be made by your personnel doctor, but please send us money
What did your personnel doctor tell you ?

You will find a disclaimer on the packet of every medical product on the market telling you to seek advice from your personal doctor. I don't have one.

You will also find a disclaimer on virtually every medical article you can find.

The FLCCC and BIRD are non profit organisations which function without advertisers. This is a deliberate tactic which allows them to justifiably claim that they have no external commercial influence.

It's deliberate because they are fully aware that they have to distance themselves from the commercial corruption endemic in the pharmaceutical industry.

There are hours of interviews with experts from all walks of life on Fuelmich's site who are qualified to speak about the corona pandemic. You won't have heard any of them because they question the narrative.

For someone who lol's at the end of every sentence you come across as a dimwit.

NSW, 6451 posts
17 Aug 2021 10:25AM
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So you havent got any info on the german covid society's human culling mass of evidence you told us about

I guess the good thing is the "BIRD" people have a gift shop on their page where you can buy their merchandise, coffee cups and Tshirts.

NSW, 6451 posts
17 Aug 2021 10:35AM
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japie said..
The FLCCC and BIRD are non profit organisations which function without advertisers. This is a deliberate tactic which allows them to justifiably claim that they have no external commercial influence.

The non stop asking for donations get annoying trying to read the BIRD peoples info.
I guess its good they ask you to print out their pamphlets to hand out in the community.

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Aug 2021 11:14AM
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Oh, Boy
You may be doing very well now ( in logical coherence terms)
but that doesn't mean that your life will be any easier.

Here on SB you will be subject to constant Zombie's attack.

Lets have some fun,
Lets have some brake and watch Z Nation movie.
which is fabulized and scripted version of our SB forum.

I wish to be NSA analyst here ,
but feel rather like a Murphy.
With many many bites on the skin,
is already immune to SB Zombies attacks.

Now we could even do small quiz and everybody here on SB could choose the favorite character
that feel most like him.

Straight shooter Mark is obvious ! The sniper guy..gets his 10,000 sb zombies already, or is close to it..





Oooo, yep, my bad...most of the SB's are zombies and they don't have any name....

WA, 7671 posts
17 Aug 2021 9:23AM
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Macroscien said..
Oh, Boy
You may be doing very well now ( in logical coherence terms)
but that doesn't mean that your life will be any easier.

Here on SB you will be subject to constant Zombie's attack.

Lets have some fun,
Lets have some brake and watch Z Nation movie.
which is fabulized and scripted version of our SB forum.

I wish to be NSA analyst here ,
but feel rather like a Murphy.
With many many bites on the skin,
is already immune to SB Zombies attacks.

Now we could even do small quiz and everybody here on SB could choose the character
that feel most like him.

Yeah, nah. I'll save the fiction for light-hearted nights in front of the tele . . . and SB for . . . ah . . . yeah.

Think there might be a hole in your bucket dear Liza as you scraped the heck out of the bottom of the barrel with this one.

Mr Milk
NSW, 2995 posts
17 Aug 2021 11:51AM
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NSW Deputy Premier is quoted as pointing out that nobody gets too worked up about which brand of flu vaccine they get and rare side effects of flu vaccine. It's not often that he makes sense.
Anyway, here's a list of rare side effects from flu vaccine

RARE side effects If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression
Decreased Blood Platelets
Inflammation Of The Spinal Cord
A Type Of Brain Function Problem Called Encephalopathy
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Sudden Blindness And Pain Upon Moving The Eye
Inflammation Of The Blood Vessels
A Skin Disorder With Blistering And Peeling Skin Called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
Trouble Breathing
A Significant Type Of Allergic Reaction Called Anaphylaxis
A Type Of Allergic Reaction Called Angioedema
A Hypersensitivity Reaction To A Drug
A Serum Sickness Reaction
Bell's Palsy Paralysis Of One Side Of The Face
A Disorder Of The Brachial Plexus, A Bundle Of Nerves In The Shoulder

2614 posts
17 Aug 2021 9:59AM
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FormulaNova said..

D3 said..

kiterboy said..

D3 said..

kiterboy said..

airsail said..
Seeing what is/was happening overseas in countries that failed to control the virus, thousands dying horrible deaths alone in ICU. It's a fact people die from Covid, lots of them. Yes, some also die from the vaccine but in tiny proportion to the number dying from the virus.

Your right Kiteboy, no one knows how the future will play out regarding the vaccine in years to come. But I know the virus will spread through the community and I'd rather a known protection now from a vaccine than a possible horrible death. So far there are no issues that I'm worried about from vaccinated people overseas, obviously there are for you.

My body, my choice, I'm fully vaccinated. Honestly I hope you avoid the virus when it spreads, mask up, keep healthy and stay reasonably isolated.

Once again, this is not about the short term, if there was a 5 year history of these 'vaccinations', then it would be fair to base your decision on that.
But there isn't.

I agree with you, your body your choice. What you do is up to you.

All I am asking is what was the factor that made you disregard the possible long term effects of the 'vaccine', so that you felt comfortable getting it?

Noone has actually answered that yet and it is perplexing why.

My reason for exposing myself to the possible long term effects of the vaccine:-
1. Going on the miniscule rates of long term affects if other vaccines compared to the viruses the protect against. I am going with the track record of scientists who have developed vaccines that have saved countless lives and almost eradicated some diseases. ( I know you're going to point out that this is a new vaccine technology and somehow try to prove that this discredits all the vaccine and its development)

2. This virus is way worse than the flu, and the flu used to knock me around before I got vaccine each year. So I wanted at least the protection the flu shot gives me against a brand new respiratory disease

3. Every person who catches this disease is a potential site for it to mutate into another hard to deal strain. Why not try my best to remove my self from that pool of candidates?

4. Reduce the risk of passing to my family. I know it doesn't remove that risk entirely, but it certainly will help more than eating salad and showing my anus to the sun.

4. I saw how effective it was in Sweden and wanted that to happen in Australia. Just doing my part to help.

You definitely deserve credit for answering the question.
1. You've already admitted that it's new tech and nothing like other vaccines. The mrna tech is a tailored therapy, not a one size fits all, which the inventor has explicitly stated.
2. short term protection at the risk of developing something worse down the track.
3. it's much more likely that the 'leaky' 'vaccines' are responsible for creating stronger mutations.
4. it's pretty much common knowledge that 'vaccinated' people pass on the virus as much as the unvaccinated, but of course taking the 'vaccinated' mutation creation, you could be doing more harm.
4. (Or was that 5.?) you should probably look at Sweden again, I don't think i t worked the way you think it did.

1. You don't understand the science therefore you fear it. That's OK

2. Key phrase being short term protection. I mean I want long term protection but I'll take the short term over none.

3. That's a pretty incredible claim, it's going to need some incredible evidence to back it up. mRNA is not DNA so that would be quite incredible for it to cause mutation in a virus.

4. I'd prefer common evidence over common knowledge about vaccine transmission. See my comment about incredible claims.

5. They're not even 50% fully vaccinated and they're back to getting on top of the virus

You may as well give up. You never get decent considered replies. You just get some silly response such as 'wrong again' or 'you don't understand'. If you wanted logic and an explanation you are arguing with the wrong person. Check the responses you have gotten so far to see the lack of conversation and just simple replies.

In summary, they are scared because its a new vaccine, but seemingly not scared by Covid as they think the virus is made up and a government conspiracy.

Pfft, you don't even respond to 'decent considered replies', you certainly don't provide them yourself.
You go ahead and make up bull**** if you want.
I've never said I believe the virus to be make believe or a government conspiracy.
You are a tard of the highest order.

2614 posts
17 Aug 2021 10:05AM
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evlPanda said..
Of the 66 people in ICU in NSW.
59 are not vaccinated. 7 have had one dose.
No one currently in ICU or requiring ventilation has been fully vaccinated.
This matches data from the rest of the world.

@Kiterboy the long term effects of the virus are becoming better known. I personally know one woman in her thirties overseas who has lost half her lung capacity, permanently.
Australia has been spared, almost entirely, so far.

I don't have any doubts about the potential long term effects of having covid.

What about the long term effects of the 'vaccine'?
There may be none, there may be many, it's just way too early to know.

This is why I'm asking the question about why/how people have justified getting the jab.
Only one person has actually answered the question; short term benefit and to hell with any long term negative effects from the 'vaccine'.
Fair enough, their choice.

Every other responder has had a melt down and avoided answering honestly.

NSW, 6874 posts
17 Aug 2021 12:22PM
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lotofwind said..
So you havent got any info on the german covid society's human culling mass of evidence you told us about

I guess the good thing is the "BIRD" people have a gift shop on their page where you can buy their merchandise, coffee cups and Tshirts.

Sonny I'm not going to spoon feed you. You've obviously gorged on mainstream bias

If you cannot grasp the concept of looking at both sides in depth then you're a prime target for being misled.

QLD, 3766 posts
17 Aug 2021 12:28PM
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kiterboy said..

evlPanda said..
Of the 66 people in ICU in NSW.
59 are not vaccinated. 7 have had one dose.
No one currently in ICU or requiring ventilation has been fully vaccinated.
This matches data from the rest of the world.

@Kiterboy the long term effects of the virus are becoming better known. I personally know one woman in her thirties overseas who has lost half her lung capacity, permanently.
Australia has been spared, almost entirely, so far.

I don't have any doubts about the potential long term effects of having covid.

What about the long term effects of the 'vaccine'?
There may be none, there may be many, it's just way too early to know.

This is why I'm asking the question about why/how people have justified getting the jab.
Only one person has actually answered the question; short term benefit and to hell with any long term negative effects from the 'vaccine'.
Fair enough, their choice.

Every other responder has had a melt down and avoided answering honestly.

evlpanda gave you the answer, so did I, so did FN and everyone else.

Here it is again for you, we think the vaccine will help prepare our immune system for when we get covid and hopefully offer some protection to avoid a severe case.

Not so hard to understand if you try

WA, 7671 posts
17 Aug 2021 10:38AM
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japie said..

lotofwind said..
So you havent got any info on the german covid society's human culling mass of evidence you told us about

I guess the good thing is the "BIRD" people have a gift shop on their page where you can buy their merchandise, coffee cups and Tshirts.

Sonny I'm not going to spoon feed you. You've obviously gorged on mainstream bias

If you cannot grasp the concept of looking at both sides in depth then you're a prime target for being misled.

Matey, there's a long and slow recovery process for those that only lap their milk from the bowls of the CT nutters on youchoob.

NT, 197 posts
17 Aug 2021 12:12PM
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cammd said..

kiterboy said..

evlPanda said..
Of the 66 people in ICU in NSW.
59 are not vaccinated. 7 have had one dose.
No one currently in ICU or requiring ventilation has been fully vaccinated.
This matches data from the rest of the world.

@Kiterboy the long term effects of the virus are becoming better known. I personally know one woman in her thirties overseas who has lost half her lung capacity, permanently.
Australia has been spared, almost entirely, so far.

I don't have any doubts about the potential long term effects of having covid.

What about the long term effects of the 'vaccine'?
There may be none, there may be many, it's just way too early to know.

This is why I'm asking the question about why/how people have justified getting the jab.
Only one person has actually answered the question; short term benefit and to hell with any long term negative effects from the 'vaccine'.
Fair enough, their choice.

Every other responder has had a melt down and avoided answering honestly.

evlpanda gave you the answer, so did I, so did FN and everyone else.

Here it is again for you, we think the vaccine will help prepare our immune system for when we get covid and hopefully offer some protection to avoid a severe case.

Not so hard to understand if you try

"the vaccine will help prepare our immune system for when we get covid and hopefully offer some protection to avoid a severe case."

... thus freeing up one more bed in an ICU for those that need it.

The selflessness is not as complicated as the selfishness.

NSW, 6874 posts
17 Aug 2021 12:47PM
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Pugwash said..

japie said..

lotofwind said..
So you havent got any info on the german covid society's human culling mass of evidence you told us about

I guess the good thing is the "BIRD" people have a gift shop on their page where you can buy their merchandise, coffee cups and Tshirts.

Sonny I'm not going to spoon feed you. You've obviously gorged on mainstream bias

If you cannot grasp the concept of looking at both sides in depth then you're a prime target for being misled.

Matey, there's a long and slow recovery process for those that only lap their milk from the bowls of the CT nutters on youchoob.

Time will tell.

The likes of Mike Yeadon, Peter McCollogh and Geert Vanden Bossche are often banned from YouTube and relegated to dark corners because they speak what they believe is the truth.

Vanden Bossche said that vaccinating in the middle of a pandemic was very dangerous.

Lets sit back and watch the variants spread!

WA, 7671 posts
17 Aug 2021 11:24AM
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japie said..

Pugwash said..

japie said..

lotofwind said..
So you havent got any info on the german covid society's human culling mass of evidence you told us about

I guess the good thing is the "BIRD" people have a gift shop on their page where you can buy their merchandise, coffee cups and Tshirts.

Sonny I'm not going to spoon feed you. You've obviously gorged on mainstream bias

If you cannot grasp the concept of looking at both sides in depth then you're a prime target for being misled.

Matey, there's a long and slow recovery process for those that only lap their milk from the bowls of the CT nutters on youchoob.

Time will tell.

The likes of Mike Yeadon, Peter McCollogh and Geert Vanden Bossche are often banned from YouTube and relegated to dark corners because they speak what they believe is the truth.

Vanden Bossche said that vaccinating in the middle of a pandemic was very dangerous.

Lets sit back and watch the variants spread!

Time has not told yet...

From flat earth to lizard people to chemtrails to moon landings to JFK assassination to 911 to the current Covid rar rar... "Time will tell" is limitless in the human perspective... you and I will both be gone long long long before time...

WA, 9503 posts
17 Aug 2021 11:46AM
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japie said..

lotofwind said..
So you havent got any info on the german covid society's human culling mass of evidence you told us about

I guess the good thing is the "BIRD" people have a gift shop on their page where you can buy their merchandise, coffee cups and Tshirts.

Sonny I'm not going to spoon feed you. You've obviously gorged on mainstream bias

If you cannot grasp the concept of looking at both sides in depth then you're a prime target for being misled.

Oh that's a keeper that could be applied to a lot of replies.

"You've obviously gorged on mainstream bias".

must admit though some decent arguments from each side that I subscribe to. Pain in the ass sitting in the middle on this - well slightly left on the "noway" side to be honest. Sometimes i wish i could take one extreme side and be done with it.

just not enough real data on either side and even that data, one questions validity, transparency and straight out mis information to suite a narrative.
hence without this - in the middle, no mans land i sit.

WA, 14681 posts
17 Aug 2021 12:03PM
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eppo said..

just not enough real data on either side and even that data, one questions validity, transparency and straight out mis information to suite a narrative.
hence without this - in the middle, no mans land i sit.

Nah, you are good. Your kids will be okay. Statistically they will have at least one parent and one grandparent around to help them out, whichever way the cards fall

I am not sure I would be okay with my wife saying "I told you so" when I am dead and trying to haunt her though. Nagging in the afterlife?

WA, 9503 posts
17 Aug 2021 12:11PM
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A disguised but typical tribal response. Could have scripted the same idea but used a vaccinated person as the protagonist. Or my wife whose about to get her first shot and would be more likely to nag me in the after life.
i also wish the analysis and potential Issues of this vaccine ive read and heard came from Tin foil hat tards and not leading professionals in their chosen field.

WA, 14681 posts
17 Aug 2021 2:05PM
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eppo said..
A disguised but typical tribal response. Could have scripted the same idea but used a vaccinated person as the protagonist. Or my wife whose about to get her first shot and would be more likely to nag me in the after life.
i also wish the analysis and potential Issues of this vaccine ive read and heard came from Tin foil hat tards and not leading professionals in their chosen field.

Hey, it was a joke. I know you mentioned that your wife and father both were either vaccinated or okay with getting vaccinated.

Not everything has another meaning

2614 posts
17 Aug 2021 4:00PM
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finsup said..

cammd said..

kiterboy said..

evlPanda said..
Of the 66 people in ICU in NSW.
59 are not vaccinated. 7 have had one dose.
No one currently in ICU or requiring ventilation has been fully vaccinated.
This matches data from the rest of the world.

@Kiterboy the long term effects of the virus are becoming better known. I personally know one woman in her thirties overseas who has lost half her lung capacity, permanently.
Australia has been spared, almost entirely, so far.

I don't have any doubts about the potential long term effects of having covid.

What about the long term effects of the 'vaccine'?
There may be none, there may be many, it's just way too early to know.

This is why I'm asking the question about why/how people have justified getting the jab.
Only one person has actually answered the question; short term benefit and to hell with any long term negative effects from the 'vaccine'.
Fair enough, their choice.

Every other responder has had a melt down and avoided answering honestly.

evlpanda gave you the answer, so did I, so did FN and everyone else.

Here it is again for you, we think the vaccine will help prepare our immune system for when we get covid and hopefully offer some protection to avoid a severe case.

Not so hard to understand if you try

"the vaccine will help prepare our immune system for when we get covid and hopefully offer some protection to avoid a severe case."

... thus freeing up one more bed in an ICU for those that need it.

The selflessness is not as complicated as the selfishness.

So the answer for you both atleast is; you had the jab of the 'vaccine' for a short term immune system boost (debatable but also won't stop you spreading it to other possibly more vunerable people), and because of this you are happy to suffer any adverse health effects the 'vaccine' may have on you in the long term.

Is this correct?

2614 posts
17 Aug 2021 4:01PM
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Don't read this if you are 'vaccinated'...

QLD, 1356 posts
17 Aug 2021 6:22PM
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kiterboy said..
Don't read this if you are 'vaccinated'...

Come on Kitergirl, you can do better than that. The antivax community are first to jump up and down saying someone didn't die of Covid, it was with Covid.
The guy was 86, his medical history included systemic arterial hypertension, chronic venous insufficiency, dementia and prostate carcinoma. Being hit by a butterfly would have knocked him over.

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"Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?" started by Razzonater