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Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2021
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WA, 14643 posts
18 Aug 2021 4:28PM
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What a hoax said..
I must say reading these posts have definitely kept me entertained for hours, sadly most of you sheep are too far gone down the make believe tunnel to frankly even bother arguing with. This is way better than Home and Away. Please keyboard warriors don't bother replying.

No need to reply? I know you don't need it, but you probably want some sort of interaction. Hey, is there anything to your username or is that just a random one you were assigned?

You took hours to read all this? You must be a slow reader? Did you find the meme sections easier to understand? I think I am coming around to the idea of writing everything as a meme.

NSW, 6451 posts
18 Aug 2021 6:39PM
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What a hoax said..
I must say reading these posts have definitely kept me entertained for hours, sadly most of you sheep are too far gone down the make believe tunnel to frankly even bother arguing with. This is way better than Home and Away. Please keyboard warriors don't bother replying.

I strongly disagree, Home and Away is much better.
WOW, HW is definitely been allowed back with people making second logins.

What a hoax
WA, 3 posts
18 Aug 2021 4:40PM
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lotofwind said..

What a hoax said..
I must say reading these posts have definitely kept me entertained for hours, sadly most of you sheep are too far gone down the make believe tunnel to frankly even bother arguing with. This is way better than Home and Away. Please keyboard warriors don't bother replying.

I strongly disagree, Home and Away is much better.

WA, 7671 posts
18 Aug 2021 5:18PM
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What a hoax said..

lotofwind said..

What a hoax said..
I must say reading these posts have definitely kept me entertained for hours, sadly most of you sheep are too far gone down the make believe tunnel to frankly even bother arguing with. This is way better than Home and Away. Please keyboard warriors don't bother replying.

I strongly disagree, Home and Away is much better.

Hello hoaxy... long time lurker, brand new poster? Why post in a forum and say don't bother replying? That's kinda how a forum works, right? Anyways, questions, are they sheep or sheeple? Was it thermite or liquefaction? Contrails or Chemtrails?

NSW, 6852 posts
18 Aug 2021 7:28PM
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Bulletin Contact: Garland Favorito November 1, 2020 (404) 664-4044
CDC Admits COVID-19 did not Cause 94% of Reported Deaths Director has 28 Year History of "Scientific Misconduct"

ATLANTA GA - On July 24th, a team of eight doctors released a report on COVID-19 deaths for Children's Health Defense, the organization founded by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to end childhood health epidemics. The report concluded the Center for Disease Control (CDC) changed its fatality reporting procedures only for COVID-19. The doctors found that with CDC's standard fatality reporting practices COVID-19 deaths are actually 90% lower than what CDC reported.

The report specifically noted, among other stunning findings, that:

By August 30th, the CDC admitted Children's Health Defense doctors were correct.

CDC's own report showed 94% of CDC declared COVID-19 deaths were for patients who tested positive but had other primary causes of death. Thus, true COVID-19 fatalities are actually about 6% of over 200,000 reported.

Current CDC Director Robert Redfield began a pattern of deceptive reporting in 1992. As a U.S. Army Lt. Col., Redfield overstated GP160 test results to help an AIDS vaccine maker while speaking at Amsterdam and Anaheim conferences. The U.S. Air Force International Review Subcommittee found: "The information presented by Dr. Redfield seriously threatens his credibility as a researcher" .

They alleged "unethical behavior" in their October 23rd report [pg 9]. An October 21st report from Maj. Craig Hendrix and Col. Neal Boswell to Col. Donald Burke accused Redfield of "misleading or, possibly, deceptive presentations" and sought to "censure Dr. Redfield for potential scientific misconduct..." [pg12].
In 1994, government watchdog group, Public Citizen, sent a letter to Rep. Henry Waxman seeking a Congressional investigation. Instead of being fired, Redfield was promoted to Colonel and retired in 1996. In 2018, Alex Azar, head of the Dept. of Health and Human Services, appointed him CDC Director despite the fraud that should have ended his career. Redfield and the CDC now have no more credibility than the World Health Organization that repeatedly downplayed the impact of the virus when it originated from a Wuhan, China laboratory.

? "Had the CDC used its industry standard, Medical Examiners' and Coroners' Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting Revision 2003, as it has for all other causes of death for the last 17 years, the COVID-19 fatality count would be approximately 90.2% lower than it currently is."

883 posts
18 Aug 2021 5:40PM
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lotofwind said..

What a hoax said..
I must say reading these posts have definitely kept me entertained for hours, sadly most of you sheep are too far gone down the make believe tunnel to frankly even bother arguing with. This is way better than Home and Away. Please keyboard warriors don't bother replying.

I strongly disagree, Home and Away is much better.
WOW, HW is definitely been allowed back with people making second logins.

You are so wrong

Home and Away has not been any good since before Katie grew into DD cups

WA, 2100 posts
18 Aug 2021 8:29PM
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Number said..

psychojoe said..


Don't use a country as an example when you cannot trust the numbers.

But considering that you start with:

"I don't have any individual data"

And then make an uneducated assumption from that I assume you would pick any number anywhere that would support your opinion.

Normally I stay out of discussion online but I cannot stand when someone refer to the Swedish handling as successful. Telling old people that they are on their own if they catch it and fudging numbers is never ok

I was thinking to offer up data from the 150 children in Sweden but it's a bit more effort than I'm willing.
I'll do so little as to validate my comment.
With 90% of Covid deaths being seniors, 80% obese, and 50% smokers, I took the liberty of excluding smoking and seniority as likely confounders for the children. Also about 80% are suffering comorbidities, a large number of which are diabetics, 85% of whom are obese.
Myocarditis is common in elite athletes and is attributed to adverse outcomes in about 1/50,000.
These are of course adult figures.
The complication of most concern in children is MIS-C, about 1 in 18,000 got it, fortunately it has a 99% recovery rate, the similarities between MIS-C and KD suggest it's a matter of genetic predisposition.
The elderly weren't abandoned in Sweden, they were treated by doctors in care facilities with morphine and anxiety reducing medications.
In regard to data reporting, Iceland would have to be the best, sure it's a small population but they were able to collect seroprevalence data on more than half the population to arrive at an IFR of 0.3% which is the same figure reported in Sweden. The US CDC (see Japie's post) was over reporting Covid fatalities by 1,600%.
Anders Tegnell said "judge me in five years" it's only been two but case fatality numbers are down in Sweden, and this was achieved with minimal disruption to civilian life and the Nurumberg Code was not violated. Vaccine hesitancy was low. Domestic violence did not increase 400%. The community was to be honest a little divided, but nothing like Dan Fan/Sheeple Anti Vaxxer/CT Nutter divide we have here and in the US. Swedish nurses are not threatening to not treat subsections of society, nor are they posting secular hate speech online.
I'd have to go back to my original post to find what else it was that offended you but my Laptop is trapped in quarantine so I won't be doing that.

WA, 9500 posts
18 Aug 2021 9:15PM
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japie said..
Bulletin Contact: Garland Favorito November 1, 2020 (404) 664-4044
CDC Admits COVID-19 did not Cause 94% of Reported Deaths Director has 28 Year History of "Scientific Misconduct"

ATLANTA GA - On July 24th, a team of eight doctors released a report on COVID-19 deaths for Children's Health Defense, the organization founded by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to end childhood health epidemics. The report concluded the Center for Disease Control (CDC) changed its fatality reporting procedures only for COVID-19. The doctors found that with CDC's standard fatality reporting practices COVID-19 deaths are actually 90% lower than what CDC reported.

The report specifically noted, among other stunning findings, that:

By August 30th, the CDC admitted Children's Health Defense doctors were correct.

CDC's own report showed 94% of CDC declared COVID-19 deaths were for patients who tested positive but had other primary causes of death. Thus, true COVID-19 fatalities are actually about 6% of over 200,000 reported.

Current CDC Director Robert Redfield began a pattern of deceptive reporting in 1992. As a U.S. Army Lt. Col., Redfield overstated GP160 test results to help an AIDS vaccine maker while speaking at Amsterdam and Anaheim conferences. The U.S. Air Force International Review Subcommittee found: "The information presented by Dr. Redfield seriously threatens his credibility as a researcher" .

They alleged "unethical behavior" in their October 23rd report [pg 9]. An October 21st report from Maj. Craig Hendrix and Col. Neal Boswell to Col. Donald Burke accused Redfield of "misleading or, possibly, deceptive presentations" and sought to "censure Dr. Redfield for potential scientific misconduct..." [pg12].
In 1994, government watchdog group, Public Citizen, sent a letter to Rep. Henry Waxman seeking a Congressional investigation. Instead of being fired, Redfield was promoted to Colonel and retired in 1996. In 2018, Alex Azar, head of the Dept. of Health and Human Services, appointed him CDC Director despite the fraud that should have ended his career. Redfield and the CDC now have no more credibility than the World Health Organization that repeatedly downplayed the impact of the virus when it originated from a Wuhan, China laboratory.

? "Had the CDC used its industry standard, Medical Examiners' and Coroners' Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting Revision 2003, as it has for all other causes of death for the last 17 years, the COVID-19 fatality count would be approximately 90.2% lower than it currently is."

Ah Japie what would the CDC know. Take your vaccine, do the "right thing" and keep everyone safe.

WA, 997 posts
18 Aug 2021 9:18PM
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kiterboy said..

D3 said..

kiterboy said..

D3 said..

kiterboy said..

airsail said..
Seeing what is/was happening overseas in countries that failed to control the virus, thousands dying horrible deaths alone in ICU. It's a fact people die from Covid, lots of them. Yes, some also die from the vaccine but in tiny proportion to the number dying from the virus.

Your right Kiteboy, no one knows how the future will play out regarding the vaccine in years to come. But I know the virus will spread through the community and I'd rather a known protection now from a vaccine than a possible horrible death. So far there are no issues that I'm worried about from vaccinated people overseas, obviously there are for you.

My body, my choice, I'm fully vaccinated. Honestly I hope you avoid the virus when it spreads, mask up, keep healthy and stay reasonably isolated.

Once again, this is not about the short term, if there was a 5 year history of these 'vaccinations', then it would be fair to base your decision on that.
But there isn't.

I agree with you, your body your choice. What you do is up to you.

All I am asking is what was the factor that made you disregard the possible long term effects of the 'vaccine', so that you felt comfortable getting it?

Noone has actually answered that yet and it is perplexing why.

My reason for exposing myself to the possible long term effects of the vaccine:-
1. Going on the miniscule rates of long term affects if other vaccines compared to the viruses the protect against. I am going with the track record of scientists who have developed vaccines that have saved countless lives and almost eradicated some diseases. ( I know you're going to point out that this is a new vaccine technology and somehow try to prove that this discredits all the vaccine and its development)

2. This virus is way worse than the flu, and the flu used to knock me around before I got vaccine each year. So I wanted at least the protection the flu shot gives me against a brand new respiratory disease

3. Every person who catches this disease is a potential site for it to mutate into another hard to deal strain. Why not try my best to remove my self from that pool of candidates?

4. Reduce the risk of passing to my family. I know it doesn't remove that risk entirely, but it certainly will help more than eating salad and showing my anus to the sun.

4. I saw how effective it was in Sweden and wanted that to happen in Australia. Just doing my part to help.

You definitely deserve credit for answering the question.
1. You've already admitted that it's new tech and nothing like other vaccines. The mrna tech is a tailored therapy, not a one size fits all, which the inventor has explicitly stated.
2. short term protection at the risk of developing something worse down the track.
3. it's much more likely that the 'leaky' 'vaccines' are responsible for creating stronger mutations.
4. it's pretty much common knowledge that 'vaccinated' people pass on the virus as much as the unvaccinated, but of course taking the 'vaccinated' mutation creation, you could be doing more harm.
4. (Or was that 5.?) you should probably look at Sweden again, I don't think i t worked the way you think it did.

1. You don't understand the science therefore you fear it. That's OK

2. Key phrase being short term protection. I mean I want long term protection but I'll take the short term over none.

3. That's a pretty incredible claim, it's going to need some incredible evidence to back it up. mRNA is not DNA so that would be quite incredible for it to cause mutation in a virus.

4. I'd prefer common evidence over common knowledge about vaccine transmission. See my comment about incredible claims.

5. They're not even 50% fully vaccinated and they're back to getting on top of the virus

1. Funny. It's actually quite clear that you don't.
2. Short term, of course you do, your whole approach is very myopic which is why you can't bring yourself to look into any of these 5 riduiculous points that you're doubling down on.
3. There's been plenty of discussion on this point here and in the msm, you're either being wilfully ignorant or still myopic.
4. See point above.
5. Thanks for confirming my point on this. Less than 50% un'vaccinated' you say? And they're getting on top of it? Yet there you are having rushed out to be a guinea pig still.

If you want to keep doubling down on your ignorance inspired decision to be a guniea pig, go for it.
You're the one that has to deal with the fact that even though you were very highly likely to get over covid, un'vaccinated', with no issues like the majority of people who have (see your point on Sweden for one example) you instead willingly took an injection that could seriously mess you up a year, two years, three/five years down the track.
You opened yourself up to this even though the touted benefits of the 'vaccine' are being rolled back more and more as more data comes out.

1- I don't need to understand the science, and quite frankly I haven't got the education to do so. However, like I said there is a pretty good track record for the people developing this stuff.

2. The virus is a pretty serious threat right now, and will continue to be one in the future. If Australia is hoping to open international borders at anytime in the future I will want as much protection as I can get. The current vaccines have a pretty good rate of keeping people out of hospital considering they were developed for the original strain and not the Delta which has become the dominant one. (Both Pfizer and AZ are showing to much more effective at preventing serious illness and hospitalisation from Delta than so-called immunity from catching the original strain)

3. I ask for evidence and you refer to discussion? Surely with over 4 billion vaccine doses administered, we'd be seeing more of these "stronger mutations" that you claim "'leaky' 'vaccines' are responsible for"?

4. Once again I ask for evidence and you come up with a glib reply. Studies of populations with high rates of vaccination have been providing loads of data showing that vaccinated people have a quarter to a third as much of the viral load that unvaccinated infected people have. And vaccinated people clear the virus from their system as much as a week faster than unvaccinated.
So, the possibility of spreading the disease is still there, but greatly reduced.

5. Sweden doesn't look great but even without the lockdowns their 7 day average still below 1000, it's likely that the vaccines are helping keep the numbers down . They started vaccinating early but have had an ever slower roll out than us, time will tell if less than 50% vaccinated helps much more than it already has.

In regards to your last paragraph.
Highly likely to get over covid unvaccinated: Well, yes. But waaaaaayyyyyy more likely to end up in Hospital (I have never before been sick enough to need hospitalisation, let alone end up in ICU). But like I said, it's not just for me. if approx 10/100 unvaccinated people end up in hospital but only 1/100 vaccinated end up in hospital, we will significantly reduce the burden on the hospital.
Currently we have 80/8000 in ICU. Yep 80 out of 8000 active cases are so sick with this disease in their system that they require care in ICU. One person per hundred active cases in ICU? We only have 2378 ICU Beds in the country, we only need 237,800 cases to completely fill them with Covid patients. There is surge capacity, but we're already running short on staff
You might laugh and say we will never get that many cases, but that's roughly how many lab tested positive Influenza cases we had in 2017 (only 745 people died). This virus seems to be much more likely to exceed that number if we just let it run wild, seeing how contagious it is compared to the flu (last year 50% more Covid cases than flu, and only 30 death from Flu)

willingly took an injection that could seriously mess you up: You make that statement as if that outcome is somehow more likely than having a serious case of Covid. There is no data to contradict your statement in regards to years down the track. So far with around 8 months of data with a very large sample size, severe adverse reactions are very rare, long term complications are even rarer.
My take on the situation is that the protection provided is worth the risk.

touted benefits of the 'vaccine' are being rolled back more and more as more data comes out. As is commonly known, the vaccines in use now were developed for the original strain, still very effective against that. In the UK a recent study found vaccinated people had a 59% reduced risk of getting symptomatic COVID19 Delta strain compared to unvaccinated. So yes, less effective against the newer strains, but better than natural immunity and hopefully we will get updated boosters in the new future tailored for the new strains. In the US they found reinfection was 2 times more likely among unvaccinated compared to vaccinated. The naturally induced immune response was just not working as well as the vaccine induced immune response.

But feel free to ignore all this and tell me how you think we should be dealing with this Pandemic? It would be great if things like HCQ, Ivermectin, Vitamin C and D etc... worked as claimed. We could use vaccines to reduce the number of people getting seriously ill, and then have really effective treatments for people who do get sick.

WA, 2100 posts
19 Aug 2021 5:42AM
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Had a bit to say there,D3. How come you stopped numbering at 5. Anyway, some of what you said is inaccurate. Six months ago an early study suggested better immunity from the Vax. This from a recent study published in JAMA clearly demonstrates greater immunity in those previously infected.
What's more, this information has been posted on this thread before.
Here, we examine memory B cell evolution 5 months after vaccination with either Moderna (mRNA-1273) or Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) mRNA vaccines in a cohort of SARS-CoV-2 naive individuals. Between prime and boost, memory B cells produce antibodies that evolve increased neutralizing activity, but there is no further increase in potency or breadth thereafter. Instead, memory B cells that emerge 5 months after vaccination of naive individuals express antibodies that are equivalent to those that dominate the initial response. We conclude that memory antibodies selected over time by natural infection have greater potency and breadth than antibodies elicited by vaccination.

There were some other holes in your monologue but I'm not here to be argumentative.

WA, 2100 posts
19 Aug 2021 5:51AM
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I really, really, really wanna say just one more thing, but it definitely steps over the line into HW territory.
Oh man, self restraint!

WA, 997 posts
19 Aug 2021 6:03AM
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psychojoe said..
Had a bit to say there,D3. How come you stopped numbering at 5. Anyway, some of what you said is inaccurate. Six months ago an early study suggested better immunity from the Vax. This from a recent study published in JAMA clearly demonstrates greater immunity in those previously infected.
What's more, this information has been posted on this thread before.
Here, we examine memory B cell evolution 5 months after vaccination with either Moderna (mRNA-1273) or Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) mRNA vaccines in a cohort of SARS-CoV-2 naive individuals. Between prime and boost, memory B cells produce antibodies that evolve increased neutralizing activity, but there is no further increase in potency or breadth thereafter. Instead, memory B cells that emerge 5 months after vaccination of naive individuals express antibodies that are equivalent to those that dominate the initial response. We conclude that memory antibodies selected over time by natural infection have greater potency and breadth than antibodies elicited by vaccination.

There were some other holes in your monologue but I'm not here to be argumentative.

Thanks Joe, evidence is always better way to support your position.

WA, 997 posts
19 Aug 2021 6:03AM
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psychojoe said..
I really, really, really wanna say just one more thing, but it definitely steps over the line into HW territory.
Oh man, self restraint!


QLD, 3754 posts
19 Aug 2021 8:46AM
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TonyAbbott said..

lotofwind said..

What a hoax said..
I must say reading these posts have definitely kept me entertained for hours, sadly most of you sheep are too far gone down the make believe tunnel to frankly even bother arguing with. This is way better than Home and Away. Please keyboard warriors don't bother replying.

I strongly disagree, Home and Away is much better.
WOW, HW is definitely been allowed back with people making second logins.

You are so wrong

Home and Away has not been any good since before Katie grew into DD cups

I stopped watching it after Charlene married Scott and moved to Brissy

WA, 14643 posts
19 Aug 2021 7:04AM
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cammd said..
TonyAbbott said..

lotofwind said..

What a hoax said..
I must say reading these posts have definitely kept me entertained for hours, sadly most of you sheep are too far gone down the make believe tunnel to frankly even bother arguing with. This is way better than Home and Away. Please keyboard warriors don't bother replying.

I strongly disagree, Home and Away is much better.
WOW, HW is definitely been allowed back with people making second logins.

You are so wrong

Home and Away has not been any good since before Katie grew into DD cups

I stopped watching it after Charlene married Scott and moved to Brissy

Was that before or after JR got shot?

2614 posts
19 Aug 2021 7:18AM
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D3 said..
waffle waffl waffle

Are you still here contradicting yourself?

443 posts
19 Aug 2021 9:28AM
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Perhaps mass vaccination will prove to be a mistake:

WA, 14643 posts
19 Aug 2021 11:46AM
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Weren't you the one that didn't understand how immunity works?

But yeah, I get it, you can get more contagious variants evolve when there are a large proportion vaccinated.

Please note that the Delta variant came out of India before there were many vaccinations, clearly showing that more contagious variants are just that and can evolve without anyone being vaccinated. In this case it evolved without mass vaccination.

So, no vaccination and we let whoever die, or do we go for mass vaccination and stop this thing spreading and mutating into a more contagious version?

2614 posts
19 Aug 2021 12:22PM
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FormulaNova said..

Weren't you the one that didn't understand how immunity works?

But yeah, I get it, you can get more contagious variants evolve when there are a large proportion vaccinated.

Please note that the Delta variant came out of India before there were many vaccinations, clearly showing that more contagious variants are just that and can evolve without anyone being vaccinated. In this case it evolved without mass vaccination.

So, no vaccination and we let whoever die, or do we go for mass vaccination and stop this thing spreading and mutating into a more contagious version?

NSW, 6451 posts
19 Aug 2021 2:47PM
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TonyAbbott said..

lotofwind said..

What a hoax said..
I must say reading these posts have definitely kept me entertained for hours, sadly most of you sheep are too far gone down the make believe tunnel to frankly even bother arguing with. This is way better than Home and Away. Please keyboard warriors don't bother replying.

I strongly disagree, Home and Away is much better.
WOW, HW is definitely been allowed back with people making second logins.

You are so wrong

Home and Away has not been any good since before Katie grew into DD cups

I think the real question that needs answering is,
What ever happened to Mrs Mangel.
And did she ever bump uglys with Harrold

NSW, 6852 posts
19 Aug 2021 3:55PM
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Dr Vladimir Zelenko testifying before Israeli Rabbinical court.

Zelenko was the doctor who treated Trump among 6000 other Covid patients in New York.

It probably quite a good idea to have a listen to him if you've not yet been stabbed

WA, 7671 posts
19 Aug 2021 2:33PM
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japie said..
Dr Vladimir Zelenko testifying before Israeli Rabbinical court.

Zelenko was the doctor who treated Trump among 6000 other Covid patients in New York.

It probably quite a good idea to have a listen to him if you've not yet been stabbed

Care to share your key takeaways?

QLD, 1354 posts
19 Aug 2021 4:34PM
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japie said..
Dr Vladimir Zelenko testifying before Israeli Rabbinical court.

Zelenko was the doctor who treated Trump among 6000 other Covid patients in New York.

It probably quite a good idea to have a listen to him if you've not yet been stabbed

What's the point Japie, the world and Oz have moved into vaccination mode. Already companies are moving to no jab, no job. SPC and Qantas so far, Virgin is talking about it and I'm sure hundreds will follow suit.

It's going to be a very quiet unemployed life for the unvaxed, who would want that. Most won't have a choice due to having mortgages to service and food on the table.

You can keep posting links but it really is a lost cause, 70% vaxed by Nov, 80% next year. You really will be in the tiny minority, almost worse than smokers.

WA, 2100 posts
19 Aug 2021 2:38PM
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airsail said..

japie said..
Dr Vladimir Zelenko testifying before Israeli Rabbinical court.

Zelenko was the doctor who treated Trump among 6000 other Covid patients in New York.

It probably quite a good idea to have a listen to him if you've not yet been stabbed

What's the point Japie, the world and Oz have moved into vaccination mode. Already companies are moving to no jab, no job. SPC and Qantas so far, Virgin is talking about it and I'm sure hundreds will follow suit.

It's going to be a very quiet unemployed life for the unvaxed, who would want that. Most won't have a choice due to having mortgages to service and food on the table.

You can keep posting links but it really is a lost cause, 70% vaxed by Nov, 80% next year. You really will be in the tiny minority, almost worse than smokers.

Ha! Smokers aren't a minority, they're 50% of Covid deaths.

NSW, 2215 posts
19 Aug 2021 4:45PM
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Just incase you wanted to know - had my second AZ jab today so if you don't hear from me in 6 months or so I guess some on here maybe right

2614 posts
19 Aug 2021 2:47PM
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airsail said..

japie said..
Dr Vladimir Zelenko testifying before Israeli Rabbinical court.

Zelenko was the doctor who treated Trump among 6000 other Covid patients in New York.

It probably quite a good idea to have a listen to him if you've not yet been stabbed

What's the point Japie, the world and Oz have moved into vaccination mode. Already companies are moving to no jab, no job. SPC and Qantas so far, Virgin is talking about it and I'm sure hundreds will follow suit.

It's going to be a very quiet unemployed life for the unvaxed, who would want that. Most won't have a choice due to having mortgages to service and food on the table.

You can keep posting links but it really is a lost cause, 70% vaxed by Nov, 80% next year. You really will be in the tiny minority, almost worse than smokers.

Yeah! To hell with the people who don't have blind faith in our honest politicians!
They can all suffer!

QLD, 1354 posts
19 Aug 2021 4:51PM
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kiterboy said..

airsail said..

japie said..
Dr Vladimir Zelenko testifying before Israeli Rabbinical court.

Zelenko was the doctor who treated Trump among 6000 other Covid patients in New York.

It probably quite a good idea to have a listen to him if you've not yet been stabbed

What's the point Japie, the world and Oz have moved into vaccination mode. Already companies are moving to no jab, no job. SPC and Qantas so far, Virgin is talking about it and I'm sure hundreds will follow suit.

It's going to be a very quiet unemployed life for the unvaxed, who would want that. Most won't have a choice due to having mortgages to service and food on the table.

You can keep posting links but it really is a lost cause, 70% vaxed by Nov, 80% next year. You really will be in the tiny minority, almost worse than smokers.

Yeah! To hell with the people who don't have blind faith in our honest politicians!
They can all suffer!

Yeah, sorry about that

2614 posts
19 Aug 2021 2:59PM
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airsail said..

kiterboy said..

airsail said..

japie said..
Dr Vladimir Zelenko testifying before Israeli Rabbinical court.

Zelenko was the doctor who treated Trump among 6000 other Covid patients in New York.

It probably quite a good idea to have a listen to him if you've not yet been stabbed

What's the point Japie, the world and Oz have moved into vaccination mode. Already companies are moving to no jab, no job. SPC and Qantas so far, Virgin is talking about it and I'm sure hundreds will follow suit.

It's going to be a very quiet unemployed life for the unvaxed, who would want that. Most won't have a choice due to having mortgages to service and food on the table.

You can keep posting links but it really is a lost cause, 70% vaxed by Nov, 80% next year. You really will be in the tiny minority, almost worse than smokers.

Yeah! To hell with the people who don't have blind faith in our honest politicians!
They can all suffer!

Yeah, sorry about that

Sure you are, Airsail Lewinski.

QLD, 1354 posts
19 Aug 2021 5:24PM
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Part of the Qantas vaccination policy in regards to the unvaccinated.

Employees who do not comply with the requirements of the Policy (except those Employees granted an exemption under section 4) will be considered to have not complied with a lawful and reasonable direction. They may be subject to disciplinary action, which, in the circumstances, is likely to be termination of their employment.

2224 posts
19 Aug 2021 3:32PM
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Thank you sea breeze

I waited 12-14 weeks after registering and today at lunch they jammed that sweet sweet Pfizer into my body.
After the jab I got to sit in a chair for 15 minutes and an orange juice

see how I pull up tomorrow but it seems the 5G network in my house is working better already.

Really wished they mixed a bit of lsd in with the Pfizer at least that would of made the waiting room a bit more entertaining

On a serious note, all those who gave personal reports in this thread I appreciate it,

Will report in on second jab and any affects positive or negative from this one

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?" started by Razzonater