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Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2021
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NSW, 2215 posts
19 Aug 2021 6:30PM
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Razzonater said..
Thank you sea breeze

I waited 12-14 weeks after registering and today at lunch they jammed that sweet sweet Pfizer into my body.
After the jab I got to sit in a chair for 15 minutes and an orange juice

see how I pull up tomorrow but it seems the 5G network in my house is working better already.

Really wished they mixed a bit of lsd in with the Pfizer at least that would of made the waiting room a bit more entertaining

On a serious note, all those who gave personal reports in this thread I appreciate it,

Will report in on second jab and any affects positive or negative from this one

No orange juice with AZ so guess its required as part of the early boost with Pfizer.

2614 posts
19 Aug 2021 4:43PM
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airsail said..
Part of the Qantas vaccination policy in regards to the unvaccinated.

Employees who do not comply with the requirements of the Policy (except those Employees granted an exemption under section 4) will be considered to have not complied with a lawful and reasonable direction. They may be subject to disciplinary action, which, in the circumstances, is likely to be termination of their employment.

How many times did you climax while reading that?

NSW, 6451 posts
19 Aug 2021 6:45PM
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WiFi must be back on at Christmas Island detention center.

QLD, 6806 posts
19 Aug 2021 7:17PM
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So we have already Chinese benign version, London more crippy, Some come from India etc...

Now is the question : when we could see one that come from Chernobyl and F***usima ?

or just from places where people live already on nuclear waste dump sites !
We are going to build soon such dump in Australia near Kimberly ... so people be aware.

some careful readers could find the radiation will multiply this effects of natural mutation exponentially.

looks like we are going to compete now with the poorest counties on Earth to get import of the most toxix stuff on Earth,
and get paid a penny.

Doesn't look very sophisticated our Fort Knox of glowing in dark s888t

WA, 2100 posts
19 Aug 2021 5:20PM
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I've been banging on about age based risk stratification but after reading the article below I'm thinking mood based risk stratification may be more effective. The article suggests that Covid survivors are symptomatically becoming depressed but the more glaringly obvious scenario is that most Covid risk groups have high rates of depression. Smokers make up 50% of Covid deaths, near enough to half of them suffer depression. 85% of diabetes patients have depression and 80% of Covid deaths are obese. Then there's the 90% who are elderly. I can tell you they hand out anti depressants like candy in the nursing homes, even years earlier doctors are prescribing SSRI uptake inhibitors like gummi bears.

NSW, 6451 posts
19 Aug 2021 7:34PM
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It has also been well documented that if social media, conspiracy theorists and antivaxers were around in 1788,
we would still be in small pox lock down now.

WA, 997 posts
19 Aug 2021 5:43PM
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Razzonater said..
Thank you sea breeze

I waited 12-14 weeks after registering and today at lunch they jammed that sweet sweet Pfizer into my body.
After the jab I got to sit in a chair for 15 minutes and an orange juice

see how I pull up tomorrow but it seems the 5G network in my house is working better already.

Really wished they mixed a bit of lsd in with the Pfizer at least that would of made the waiting room a bit more entertaining

On a serious note, all those who gave personal reports in this thread I appreciate it,

Will report in on second jab and any affects positive or negative from this one

Nice one Razz.

We've had a mix of AZ and Pfizer recipients in our office.
General consensus is that Pfizer 2nd shot headache is more common, lasts about 24hrs.
But none had to take any time off.

WA, 14643 posts
19 Aug 2021 6:26PM
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Razzonater said..
Thank you sea breeze

I waited 12-14 weeks after registering and today at lunch they jammed that sweet sweet Pfizer into my body.
After the jab I got to sit in a chair for 15 minutes and an orange juice

see how I pull up tomorrow but it seems the 5G network in my house is working better already.

Really wished they mixed a bit of lsd in with the Pfizer at least that would of made the waiting room a bit more entertaining

On a serious note, all those who gave personal reports in this thread I appreciate it,

Will report in on second jab and any affects positive or negative from this one

Oh man, you got it... oh no

I was waiting for any effects after the 2nd jab, and if anything, I felt like I had a cold about 4 days after. I am still not sure if I had a cold or if it was a side-effect. My logic is that your immune system is responding to the 'virus' and telling your body to fight it, so it would be expected that you would get similar symptoms.

It don't see that sort of response listed as symptoms, but maybe they are more focused on reactions within 24 hours. I got nothing.

Hopefully it makes you feel comfortable that if you get Covid you should be better off.

WA, 14643 posts
19 Aug 2021 6:28PM
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warwickl said..
Razzonater said..
Thank you sea breeze

I waited 12-14 weeks after registering and today at lunch they jammed that sweet sweet Pfizer into my body.
After the jab I got to sit in a chair for 15 minutes and an orange juice

see how I pull up tomorrow but it seems the 5G network in my house is working better already.

Really wished they mixed a bit of lsd in with the Pfizer at least that would of made the waiting room a bit more entertaining

On a serious note, all those who gave personal reports in this thread I appreciate it,

Will report in on second jab and any affects positive or negative from this one

No orange juice with AZ so guess its required as part of the early boost with Pfizer.

They generally give that sort of thing to make sure you are hydrated. They used to give it all the time when I used to donate blood.

I think with these current vaccinations they just give it to you to make you feel rewarded for the vaccination, even if its a $1 box of juice...

My local centre would have had juice if you got AZ as well as they have AZ on some days of the week and Pfizer on the others.

NSW, 6451 posts
19 Aug 2021 8:39PM
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I think they have got you scared, they are useing that exact fear on you. This fear is clouding reality and you have read too many CT and are brain washed

So now we are slaves, what have the government achieved by paying us not to work, closing borders stopping tourism dollors etc.
What have they won?

Hopefully Seabreeze will pull the vid off this site, Im sure they dont want to advertise illegal protests.

WA, 14643 posts
19 Aug 2021 6:52PM
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lotofwind said..
I think they have got you scared, they are useing that exact fear on you. This fear is clouding reality and you have read too many CT and are brain washed

So now we are slaves, what have the government achieved by paying us not to work, closing borders stopping tourism dollors etc.
What have they won?

Well, I know for sure that they are going to round up the unvaccinated and place them into camps, and mark them so we know who they are.... oh hang on, no they aren't.

They probably are rounding up idiots that are Covid positive and showing that they aren't responsible enough to isolate themselves. If only I had a random video on twitter (where I do all my deep research) that shows some random person doing what they want instead of what is good for the rest of the community.

Its hard to see why any government would choose this route of a pandemic and its not as if there are any, anywhere, that are saying 'nah, doesn't exist, we are good'. Even North Korea is not saying its made up.

QLD, 6493 posts
19 Aug 2021 9:13PM
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lotofwind said..
illegal protests

Well there's your problem. You have a right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly -- and that includes protesting.

But I'm hardly surprised that you're selective in your application of human rights. Lock 'em all up eh?

QLD, 6493 posts
19 Aug 2021 9:14PM
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lotofwind said..
a lot of trying to spread fear in society

Weirdly, you're fine when it's the government and legacy media doing the fear mongering. That's a rum 'un.

NSW, 6451 posts
19 Aug 2021 9:22PM
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Kamikuza said..

lotofwind said..
illegal protests

Well there's your problem. You have a right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly -- and that includes protesting.

But I'm hardly surprised that you're selective in your application of human rights. Lock 'em all up eh?

Usually yes, but against the law atm for mass gatherings. You are asking people to travel around to protest? Are you coming over from WA to a covid hot spot to protest?? Im guessing even if WA was allowed to cross borders you would be too scared of covid.
It will just end the same as the last protest, with thousands of dollars in fines handed out to the Karens and a waste of police resources .

NSW, 6852 posts
19 Aug 2021 9:22PM
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lotofwind said..
I think they have got you scared, they are useing that exact fear on you. This fear is clouding reality and you have read too many CT and are brain washed

So now we are slaves, what have the government achieved by paying us not to work, closing borders stopping tourism dollors etc.
What have they won?

They have got me scared? What?

Have a look around you. We've got people walking around with face nappies over their faces, people being traced wherever they go, coerced into taking vaccines which are injuring people in droves around the world. We've got the military on the streets exerting draconian bull sh1t laws for a disease that is killing a minuscule percentage of elderly and sick people but they couldn't be called out last year to help fight bush fires?

We've got suicide rates doubled, businesses going bust, domestic violence through the roof.

Remember flatten the curve?

Christ talk about myopic.

You really deserve what's being served up. If you seriously think it's going to stop here you're going to be sorely disappointed.
Unfortunately me and mine have to wear the consequences of your stupidity as well.


The whole bloody country is scared. Turned into a nation of cowards by a mob of sociopathic bureaucrats who allow no debate, who obviously have zero concern for the harm they are doing and are obviously following a premeditated game plan.

And "they" have got me scared!

Im not scared. I'm not even angry. I'm just gobsmacked at how " the land of the free and the brave" can be turned almost overnight into this appalling state we have now.

NSW, 6451 posts
19 Aug 2021 9:27PM
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I think you may be confused, we are not in the land of the free and brave, thats the USA. This is Australia mate, we are girt by sea.

So are you going to the protests? Or are you staying safe at home? Im guessing the last.

I think promoting illegal protests and gatherings on Seabreeze is waaaaay into HW territory.

2614 posts
19 Aug 2021 7:33PM
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lotofwind said..
WiFi must be back on at Christmas Island detention center.

Wow. Sick burn, bro.

2614 posts
19 Aug 2021 7:49PM
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FormulaNova said..
Well, I know for sure that they are going to round up the unvaccinated and place them into camps, and mark them so we know who they are.... oh hang on, no they aren't.

You sure about that?

2614 posts
19 Aug 2021 7:56PM
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Kamikuza said..
But I'm hardly surprised that you're selective in your application of human rights. Lock 'em all up eh?

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lotofhotwind said more of her usual bs

Yeah dodge the question you facsist.

2614 posts
19 Aug 2021 7:59PM
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lotofwind said..
I think you may be confused, we are not in the land of the free and brave, thats the USA. This is Australia mate, we are girt by sea.

So are you going to the protests? Or are you staying safe at home? Im guessing the last.

I think promoting illegal protests and gatherings on Seabreeze is waaaaay into HW territory.

Translation: 'Quick daddy mods! Delete this thread cause I don't like it when others don't agree with me!'

NSW, 6451 posts
19 Aug 2021 10:00PM
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wow....sick burn bro

Are you going to the protests bro?

WA, 6635 posts
19 Aug 2021 8:13PM
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lotofwind said..
...Are you coming over from WA to a covid hot spot to protest?? ..

Hey loto, pretty sure you are currently in a COVID hotspot.

Not had a case since April. April 2020 that is.

But it's a hot-spot.

The army is patrolling the Qld border to stop you crossing the street from the NSW side to Qld side.

If you read the West Australian then apparently the whole of NSW is "riddled with Covid" and in a "Covid crisis".

You going out kiting tomorrow in the NEer ??

QLD, 6806 posts
19 Aug 2021 10:18PM
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kiterboy said..

lotofwind said..
I think you may be confused, we are not in the land of the free and brave, thats the USA. This is Australia mate, we are girt by sea.

So are you going to the protests? Or are you staying safe at home? Im guessing the last.

I think promoting illegal protests and gatherings on Seabreeze is waaaaay into HW territory.

Translation: 'Quick daddy mods! Delete this thread cause I don't like it when others don't agree with me!'

just did

NSW, 6451 posts
19 Aug 2021 10:44PM
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Carantoc said..

lotofwind said..
...Are you coming over from WA to a covid hot spot to protest?? ..

Hey loto, pretty sure you are currently in a COVID hotspot.

Not had a case since April. April 2020 that is.

But it's a hot-spot.

The army is patrolling the Qld border to stop you crossing the street from the NSW side to Qld side.

If you read the West Australian then apparently the whole of NSW is "riddled with Covid" and in a "Covid crisis".

You going out kiting tomorrow in the NEer ??

Not riddled in my little area atm, has been detected in sewerage, but not running around scared lol
Was out kiting today, bit light though.
Will prob go for a paddle in the morning then hope for a breeze to kite in the arvo, if Im not too terrified that is. lol I really wish the gov. would stop controlling me to do this everyday, god damn it.

Was going to ask japie if he was keen for a kite at Valla, but Im guessing he is on his way to Sydney to protest, for the land of the free and the brave. lol

300 000 vaxed in Aus today, no deaths from vax.

WA, 9500 posts
19 Aug 2021 9:51PM
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airsail said..
Part of the Qantas vaccination policy in regards to the unvaccinated.

Employees who do not comply with the requirements of the Policy (except those Employees granted an exemption under section 4) will be considered to have not complied with a lawful and reasonable direction. They may be subject to disciplinary action, which, in the circumstances, is likely to be termination of their employment.

Why am i more worried about the above than getting covid? Scary stuff. Especially with language like "Complied with a lawful and reasonable direction". Am i not the only one that can see the seeds of almost facism in the making here ? Regardless if getting the "vaccine" turns out to be the right way to go.

273 posts
19 Aug 2021 10:17PM
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Wow. Russia 1937. They always came at night with a doc from psychiatric ward or a few neighbors to make things look more legit. Even words are similar just different language. I didn't know your government had some advising grandparents from that era/place.
The problem is complacency. That's how all regimes are born and only can exist. And then the answer to anything is I was ordered to do it.. police guy was ordered by his boss to arrest this man, some looser docs were ordered to support this insanity and the guy was ordered by police to comply.

NSW, 6451 posts
20 Aug 2021 8:05AM
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Which protest are you going to japie?

2614 posts
20 Aug 2021 6:18AM
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lotofwind said..
wow....sick burn bro

Are you going to the protests bro?

Wow, so original. But then everything else you verbally spew out shows that you can't think for yourself.

443 posts
20 Aug 2021 6:36AM
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Deadly virus...

WA, 7671 posts
20 Aug 2021 6:44AM
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japie said..

Smug man waiting in line for 56th booster thinks back to the 17th wave when the anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine protesters were last at the vaccination centre. Sure, he'd noticed them getting fewer and fewer since the 10th wave, but none at all? Where did they go?

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?" started by Razzonater