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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
13831 posts
2 Mar 2017 6:19PM
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Be coming down mate

13831 posts
2 Mar 2017 6:59PM
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2017 Beergarden Masters Surf Off - Goldie Southern Division

Tomoz will bring another gathering of glitterati ..... Pup is out & wild on the slab , Macaha is frothing , Asea has gone blind from overfroth & Vanders is ready to pounce & we hear the Chippolata is ripe ..... leaderboard will be tight if Macaha falls over with surf gout or something evil & rotten like fin kankers

Macaha 8.5 ***
Pup 8 Wildcard
Asea 6.5 ***
Vanders 6 ***
Lacey 6 ***
Proudly sponsored by the above ^^^^

NSW, 7269 posts
2 Mar 2017 10:22PM
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thePup said..
Be coming down mate

Come on down Pup or anyone else who want's to. Long trip for the QLD crew. I wouldn't mind heading north in winter for a few days.

Al G
NSW, 7678 posts
3 Mar 2017 7:05AM
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smh said..

Al G said..

smh said..

chrispy said..
Red sands?

Now you've let the cat out of the bag Chrispy. That's the one and it's not for elderly barge riders

Al G said..

smh said..

Al G said..

smh said..
Surfed a reef break near home that I rarely go to because it's a tight take off spot but there was only a handful out so I went out and got a few. Nice conditions and shoulder high peaks with an east swell. Water very warm. Rode the 10'6. Then went down to Kiama Harbour and tried out my new fly rod and got a few fish but nothing to write home about.

Good onya smh,that reef break doesn't start with a R does it

No Al it starts with an S and if R is the one I'm thinking of theres no way I'd go out there on the barge. Too heavy

Aha,that's the one on the other side of R,cool,used to like surfing there except for those nice needles in ya feet sometimes
Yeah it is hey,that's what I was thinkin,you're game on a barge out there if it was that spot, surfed it on a short board yeeeeaaars ago,it's a guillotine alright

Plenty of ledges around here Al.

Yeah smh,I've surfed a few places down there but not for roughly 25 years or so

It's a bit more crowded now Al especially with the instant locals that appeared with the new nearby suburb. They're putting a boat harbour in behind South Shellharbour with a new breakwall running out the southeren end of the beach. Hoping there might be a few new banks around it because it's rarely ever good.

Yeah smh,would that new suburb be S Cove,they where just starting building that when I was down there and there where plans for the boat harbour I remember!...
I have heard they call Reddies, Albion Park Beach,hahaha!...

NSW, 7269 posts
3 Mar 2017 9:08AM
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Al G said..

smh said..

Al G said..

smh said..

chrispy said..
Red sands?

Now you've let the cat out of the bag Chrispy. That's the one and it's not for elderly barge riders

Al G said..

smh said..

Al G said..

smh said..
Surfed a reef break near home that I rarely go to because it's a tight take off spot but there was only a handful out so I went out and got a few. Nice conditions and shoulder high peaks with an east swell. Water very warm. Rode the 10'6. Then went down to Kiama Harbour and tried out my new fly rod and got a few fish but nothing to write home about.

Good onya smh,that reef break doesn't start with a R does it

No Al it starts with an S and if R is the one I'm thinking of theres no way I'd go out there on the barge. Too heavy

Aha,that's the one on the other side of R,cool,used to like surfing there except for those nice needles in ya feet sometimes
Yeah it is hey,that's what I was thinkin,you're game on a barge out there if it was that spot, surfed it on a short board yeeeeaaars ago,it's a guillotine alright

Plenty of ledges around here Al.

Yeah smh,I've surfed a few places down there but not for roughly 25 years or so

It's a bit more crowded now Al especially with the instant locals that appeared with the new nearby suburb. They're putting a boat harbour in behind South Shellharbour with a new breakwall running out the southeren end of the beach. Hoping there might be a few new banks around it because it's rarely ever good.

Yeah smh,would that new suburb be S Cove,they where just starting building that when I was down there and there where plans for the boat harbour I remember!...
I have heard they call Reddies, Albion Park Beach,hahaha!...

Dapto bommie

NSW, 1301 posts
3 Mar 2017 9:44AM
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Looks like a bit of swell for the weekend at long last Id better put my training fins on as its been a while could be wobbly

Al G
NSW, 7678 posts
3 Mar 2017 11:43AM
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smh said..

Al G said..

smh said..

Al G said..

smh said..

chrispy said..
Red sands?

Now you've let the cat out of the bag Chrispy. That's the one and it's not for elderly barge riders

Al G said..

smh said..

Al G said..

smh said..
Surfed a reef break near home that I rarely go to because it's a tight take off spot but there was only a handful out so I went out and got a few. Nice conditions and shoulder high peaks with an east swell. Water very warm. Rode the 10'6. Then went down to Kiama Harbour and tried out my new fly rod and got a few fish but nothing to write home about.

Good onya smh,that reef break doesn't start with a R does it

No Al it starts with an S and if R is the one I'm thinking of theres no way I'd go out there on the barge. Too heavy

Aha,that's the one on the other side of R,cool,used to like surfing there except for those nice needles in ya feet sometimes
Yeah it is hey,that's what I was thinkin,you're game on a barge out there if it was that spot, surfed it on a short board yeeeeaaars ago,it's a guillotine alright

Plenty of ledges around here Al.

Yeah smh,I've surfed a few places down there but not for roughly 25 years or so

It's a bit more crowded now Al especially with the instant locals that appeared with the new nearby suburb. They're putting a boat harbour in behind South Shellharbour with a new breakwall running out the southeren end of the beach. Hoping there might be a few new banks around it because it's rarely ever good.

Yeah smh,would that new suburb be S Cove,they where just starting building that when I was down there and there where plans for the boat harbour I remember!...
I have heard they call Reddies, Albion Park Beach,hahaha!...

Dapto bommie

Yeah,heard some names like that to,hahaha!....

Al G
NSW, 7678 posts
3 Mar 2017 11:45AM
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Ricardo1709 said..
Looks like a bit of swell for the weekend at long last Id better put my training fins on as its been a while could be wobbly

Yeah me toThey're saying we'll get it here by Mon-Tues!...

QLD, 3570 posts
3 Mar 2017 11:48AM
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Some nice peaks hitting the banks here at BB...

WA, 9675 posts
3 Mar 2017 5:01PM
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bazz61 said..
Some nice peaks hitting the banks here at BB...

Yes it was so good to get some really good waves at home

Al G
NSW, 7678 posts
4 Mar 2017 9:46AM
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Just back from a few nice rights around the corner at the reef,had the wobbly boot on with some of themlittle bit quicker take offs than at Waikiki,got a bit lazy lately I think

The swell seems to be on the rise

QLD, 21949 posts
4 Mar 2017 8:55AM
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Meet Lacey, SA and Asea at Kirra, SA had just come in so Lacey and I surfed rainbow, we did see Pup out Kirra, Lacey was on fire me not so much, I'm scoring today Lacey 6 Pionts Pup 4 and 3 for myself. Now on a serious note surfing half rank Kirra has got to stop, boys that was rubbish at Kirra today Lacey's orders.

13831 posts
4 Mar 2017 7:00AM
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hahaha mate I scored some cracking rides - saw SA latch onto a couple of pearlers & almost get himself cleaned up by a drop in

Gone now tho' .... shame really it was filthy first light

13831 posts
4 Mar 2017 7:09AM
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2017 Beergarden Masters Surf Off - Goldie Southern Division

well thye standings have condensed - Chippolata has rocketed up the table , screaming into a share of second & right up Macaha's jacksey (No problem - I'll smash him in the semi's hahahaha )

The Prez has fallen apart , looks shot to shizz - miles behind the leader Macaha

*** Special message to da Prez - the CW Titans board ripped today

Macaha 12.5
Pup 12
Lacey 12
Vanders 7
Asea 6.5

Proudly nourished by ......

QLD, 21949 posts
4 Mar 2017 9:22AM
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Lacey said it was Sh-t at first light.

13831 posts
4 Mar 2017 7:26AM
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we did alright

13831 posts
4 Mar 2017 7:30AM
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Gotta add that I was told yesterday was damned good - shame I couldn't be there

QLD, 21949 posts
4 Mar 2017 9:37AM
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Mate we had a class wave today Kirra is just a half arse wave until it hits 4 foot, we had class barrels long workable walls of joy. PS signed Lacey

Al G
NSW, 7678 posts
4 Mar 2017 10:38AM
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thePup said..
Gotta add that I was told yesterday was damned good - shame I couldn't be there

If ya did go you might have been on the top of the leaderboard

13831 posts
4 Mar 2017 7:39AM
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Macaha said..
Mate we had a class wave today Kirra is just a half arse wave until it hits 4 foot, we had class barrels long workable walls of joy. PS signed Lacey

Get a big fat Mango up you Lacey hahaha class hahahaha funny man you are

13831 posts
4 Mar 2017 7:42AM
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Al G said..

thePup said..
Gotta add that I was told yesterday was damned good - shame I couldn't be there

If ya did go you might have been on the top of the leaderboard

I'll get 'em brother give 'em a headstart & reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel 'em in

13831 posts
4 Mar 2017 9:18AM
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just a little special one for SA , Bec & bub - be careful on the way back home please even tho I only got a couple in with ya's it still was a worthy memory until next time guys ciao

NSW, 1301 posts
5 Mar 2017 8:07AM
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Cracking waves yesterday arvo wind swung offshore and some nice random peaks with 6 others. Dropped a bit overnight but picking up again after lunch with s/w winds be good for tha latey

Al G
NSW, 7678 posts
5 Mar 2017 8:24AM
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thePup said..

Al G said..

thePup said..
Gotta add that I was told yesterday was damned good - shame I couldn't be there

If ya did go you might have been on the top of the leaderboard

I'll get 'em brother give 'em a headstart & reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel 'em in

NSW, 1650 posts
5 Mar 2017 9:29AM
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thePup said..
just a little special one for SA , Bec & bub - be careful on the way back home please even tho I only got a couple in with ya's it still was a worthy memory until next time guys ciao

Thanks mate. Home safe. Had a great trip yesterday making it home in 10 1/2 hours including a 1/2 hour kip at a rest stop near Kempsey.
The family flew back safely Friday night and had dinner ready for me last night...spoilt.

As for yesterday, I'm not sure what Lacey was looking at but it was amazing IMHO hence my paddle out early (frother)....maybe a lull ?

Pup got some beauties sitting wide....long walls aplenty and he surfed them great. I snagged a few a little further toward the groin.

Im going to start a new post with some vids of the week so you can judge for yourselves I guess but I know I'm stoked (a couple of grabs below).

Great seeing you guys and look forward to doing it again.

QLD, 21949 posts
5 Mar 2017 8:36AM
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Yeah I'm with you SA Lacey knows sh-t

Al G
NSW, 7678 posts
5 Mar 2017 11:02AM
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nice pics SA

13831 posts
6 Mar 2017 8:40AM
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thePup said..
2017 Beergarden Masters Surf Off - Goldie Southern Division

Surfed with the Prez this morning - the Godfather was on fire , one nice little head set was dispatched with flair , a beautiful drop followed by crisp footwork , a nice cutback , a hint of a dropped knee then a lovely trim n glide
He said the newy was wicked he loves it thankyou very much kaaaaaaaching

Maximum points to the Big Marn in this one ..... he has suddenly joined Macaha on points .... it is game on now

Pup 13
Macaha 12.5

Asea 12.5
Lacey 12
Vanders 8

Proudly nourished by ......

QLD, 21949 posts
6 Mar 2017 12:57PM
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thePup said..

thePup said..
2017 Beergarden Masters Surf Off - Goldie Southern Division

Surfed with the Prez this morning - the Godfather was on fire , one nice little head set was dispatched with flair , a beautiful drop followed by crisp footwork , a nice cutback , a hint of a dropped knee then a lovely trim n glide
He said the newy was wicked he loves it thankyou very much kaaaaaaaching

Maximum points to the Big Marn in this one ..... he has suddenly joined Macaha on points .... it is game on now

Pup 13
Macaha 12.5

Asea 12.5
Lacey 12
Vanders 8

Proudly nourished by ......

Very disappointing to not receive the call today about the event being ON.

How can one score points with Pups scam

13831 posts
6 Mar 2017 11:05AM
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Macaha said..

thePup said..

thePup said..
2017 Beergarden Masters Surf Off - Goldie Southern Division

Surfed with the Prez this morning - the Godfather was on fire , one nice little head set was dispatched with flair , a beautiful drop followed by crisp footwork , a nice cutback , a hint of a dropped knee then a lovely trim n glide
He said the newy was wicked he loves it thankyou very much kaaaaaaaching

Maximum points to the Big Marn in this one ..... he has suddenly joined Macaha on points .... it is game on now

Pup 13
Macaha 12.5

Asea 12.5
Lacey 12
Vanders 8

Proudly nourished by ......

Very disappointing to not receive the call today about the event being ON.

How can one score points with Pups scam

The Godfather was in charge of scoring this morning champion you'll notice I only got 1 measly point the Asea was on fire tho this morning


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo