Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
13831 posts
31 Dec 2017 11:59AM
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Al G said..

thePup said..
Had a ripper surf this morning - near perfect conditions just before the high tide - waist to the odd beautiful clean shoulderies ran amok .... Brother Lancetti's wave count was down a touch today due to distraction by a tight curvaceous Roxy shortjohn (or is that short Janice hmmmm????) .... mind you that was near perfection too hehehe

Sounds like a good morning there fellas,nothing wrong with a good old optic nerveHad 2 surfs this morning slow rollers but fun anyway on the 10 footer

btw Pup,I hope there was no CF's down your way this morning

Thankfully there weren't - few local crew today mate

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
31 Dec 2017 3:45PM
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Macaha said..

Al G said..

Macaha said..
Watagos small but refreshing now at fresh

Mrs G's favourite beachShe's jealous

It was beautiful mate still now but the nut cases are starting to come out so we headed home.

Yeah mate,we did the same thing the other day,got to go early

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
31 Dec 2017 3:46PM
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thePup said..

Al G said..

thePup said..
Had a ripper surf this morning - near perfect conditions just before the high tide - waist to the odd beautiful clean shoulderies ran amok .... Brother Lancetti's wave count was down a touch today due to distraction by a tight curvaceous Roxy shortjohn (or is that short Janice hmmmm????) .... mind you that was near perfection too hehehe

Sounds like a good morning there fellas,nothing wrong with a good old optic nerveHad 2 surfs this morning slow rollers but fun anyway on the 10 footer

btw Pup,I hope there was no CF's down your way this morning

Thankfully there weren't - few local crew today mate

Gotta watch out for those CF's mate they pop up anytime

13831 posts
31 Dec 2017 12:55PM
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Farken dismal things hey mate

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
31 Dec 2017 4:08PM
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Yeah nasty bloody things those CF's mate we wouldn't want them on any roadtrips either

NSW, 1488 posts
31 Dec 2017 4:25PM
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thePup said..
Hahaha geez mate - she got me two days ago , hypnosis & paralysis by bikini I had to paddle away seriously mate

Haha..I think her sister and friends were a few klms south of you/her today Pup...
I was shocked at the unbridled show and exposure of female flesh on a public beach..

That said..I followed her closely as she seemed to have great wave sense and a fetish for the best waves coming through....Top qualities in a member of the female of the species who was clearly demonstrating her bikini wear expertise ..several CF were observing from afar ...trying to fly under the pervator radar

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
31 Dec 2017 4:38PM
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And their sisters and friends have been down here to,lots of themGlad to hear those CF's where afar mate

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Jan 2018 12:49PM
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Same again . doesnt seem like im ever going to get off the foy

QLD, 21884 posts
1 Jan 2018 1:37PM
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I wasn't going to mention where I surfed today,I got 3 very very small waves if you could call them waves,,I came in not feeling good but came in because I could see myself injuring my knee or elbow again in the shallows at K.

8266 posts
1 Jan 2018 11:54AM
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Well done mate, that's 3 more waves than me today

NSW, 1488 posts
1 Jan 2018 2:58PM
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MickPC said..
Well done mate, that's 3 more waves than me today

Ditto here Mick..I was hoping there would be something but the Nth flatulence got up early and spoiled the party
Always tomorrow and maybe some of the holiday/work crowd will be goooooone....

13831 posts
1 Jan 2018 12:22PM
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Hit the banks again pity the northerly didnt ease up overnight but we scored quite a few reasonable scraps - Lancelotti nabbed a couple of nice rides he looked in fine touch the little maestro

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Jan 2018 3:14PM
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Macaha said..
I wasn't going to mention where I surfed today,I got 3 very very small waves if you could call them waves,,I came in not feeling good but came in because I could see myself injuring my knee or elbow again in the shallows at K.

It was small. Ill be honest. I surfed a 66 race board and ride waves that didnt break in the morning. Not even v on his 12 fter would have done much

Determined,i went to shell st at 11 and got some small low tide offerings.

13831 posts
1 Jan 2018 2:07PM
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ah the apartments - a good old backup plan that was for the old cock & I

WA, 9675 posts
2 Jan 2018 10:53AM
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No surf here today.

Took a leaf out of smh book and took the 666 to the flat water. No fishing, dropped a crab pot in and it will be ready to make me happy in about 3 hours ..i hope

QLD, 21884 posts
2 Jan 2018 1:12PM
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New years eve holiday crowd

WA, 9675 posts
2 Jan 2018 11:44AM
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Macaha said..
New years eve holiday crowd

The wreck,love that place. Some real quality people surf there

10979 posts
2 Jan 2018 6:03PM
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chrispy said..
No surf here today.

Took a leaf out of smh book and took the 666 to the flat water. No fishing, dropped a crab pot in and it will be ready to make me happy in about 3 hours ..i hope

Did you catch crabs?

1 posts
2 Jan 2018 6:42PM
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Didn't get to surf new years.

Keen to get out this weekend 6th/7th, anywhere going to get anything this weekend in Melbourne? Island or Balnarring way?

13831 posts
3 Jan 2018 7:52AM
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Across the banks - gliders with the very rare bigger one , superb conditions couldn't have asked for better water just required some size which hopefully will come overnight Lance on fire further up I did see him grab those couple

13831 posts
4 Jan 2018 6:48AM
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Gliders , Sliders & peelers sadly - the swell is blowing straight past us in a northerly direction the bastard ... geez

NSW, 7269 posts
4 Jan 2018 3:29PM
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Onshore slop here so I paddled the river instead. Pretty hard work into the outgoing tide .It's not so bad Chrispy . At least you did something

10979 posts
4 Jan 2018 12:31PM
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Surfing, what is that?

Been terrible here for a few weeks. Besides new years eve and the day before which were ok we are in a solid pattern of my small summer conditions and onshore winds.

WA, 9675 posts
4 Jan 2018 2:56PM
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smh said..
Onshore slop here so I paddled the river instead. Pretty hard work into the outgoing tide .It's not so bad Chrispy . At least you did something

100% right smh. Thats the mantra for me these days. So had a fun bodybash with a 10km walk. Surf was rubbish,it was windy but I was there

SP I got a few blue swimmers but it was enough for a snack only. Just dropped anither pot in around the corner. Hopefully the morning will be a crabby one

13831 posts
5 Jan 2018 6:22AM
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Sliders with Lance up at the top end - absolutely glorious morning with heaps of all size Rays out & about

NSW, 1488 posts
5 Jan 2018 9:31AM
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thePup said..
Sliders with Lance up at the top end - absolutely glorious morning with heaps of all size Rays out & about

I had a look but toooo small and low tide so seeing a lot of CFs were down the beach I had a swim and a perve

13831 posts
5 Jan 2018 6:34AM
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Gazza copped two eyefulls at the steps the poor bastard is blind now mate hahaha

NSW, 1125 posts
5 Jan 2018 9:35AM
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SP said..
Surfing, what is that?

Been terrible here for a few weeks. Besides new years eve and the day before which were ok we are in a solid pattern of my small summer conditions and onshore winds.

Surfing .... its a sport where you paddle and stand up on a board using the inertia and energy of a WAVE, or you use other craft or just your body, swim and prone "surf" the wave.
Only thing is ..... based on recent weather conditions and work, I believe this is something our forefathers were engaged in and is now stuff of legend and history

QLD, 21884 posts
5 Jan 2018 8:59AM
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climber said..

SP said..
Surfing, what is that?

Been terrible here for a few weeks. Besides new years eve and the day before which were ok we are in a solid pattern of my small summer conditions and onshore winds.

Surfing .... its a sport where you paddle and stand up on a board using the inertia and energy of a WAVE, or you use other craft or just your body, swim and prone "surf" the wave.
Only thing is ..... based on recent weather conditions and work, I believe this is something our forefathers were engaged in and is now stuff of legend and history

Well said and come next Monday when all the holiday makers return to work and start crying about it,I'll be laughing as I as others have worked all though the Christmas break. PS.I look forward to my end of week beers this afternoon.

NSW, 1301 posts
5 Jan 2018 2:26PM
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Been nothing down my way for a while,looking forward to hitting the road next week,forecast not epic but bound to find some waves somewhere along the coast,only taking one mal,a shortie and a kite board plus fishing gear,scaleing way back on equipment for this trip,please Huey provide some goodness over the next 2 weeks


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo