Kitesurfing News

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Olly Bridge storms home to win the 2014 Red Bull Lighthouse - Kitesurfing News

Olly Bridge storms home to win the 2014 Red Bull Lighthouse

In perfect weather conditions 17-year-old Olly Bridge from Devon, UK stormed across the Indian Ocean from Rottnest Island, Western Australia to win the fifth annual Red Bull Lighthouse to Leighton kiteboarding race today.

Did you know it is International Female Kite Week this week? - Kitesurfing News

Did you know it is International Female Kite Week this week?

Girls and women all over the world are celebrate female kiting and there are lots of activities happening all over the world

Big Online Raffle - Support Female Kiteboarding and win! - Kitesurfing News

Big Online Raffle - Support Female Kiteboarding and win!

International Female Kite Week is not only fun for the girls, but also for those guys that want to support female kiters around the world or just win some amazing prizes no matter what!

The Pro's Are In Town: Kiteboarding VIP's! - Kitesurfing News

The Pro's Are In Town: Kiteboarding VIP's!

This coming week there's some heavy artillery stationed at beaches around Australia, with several world class riders doing clinics, demo days or simply showing off at a beach near you.

Merimbula Classic Video Wrap Up - Kitesurfing News

Merimbula Classic Video Wrap Up

The longest running event of it's type in Australia...

Redbull Lighthouse to Leighton kitesurf race this Saturday! - Kitesurfing News

Redbull Lighthouse to Leighton kitesurf race this Saturday!

Conditions are looking promising for the longest kite race in Australia

Worlds first Aerial 360 on a Strapless Surfboard - Kitesurfing News

Worlds first Aerial 360 on a Strapless Surfboard

This week down in Merimbula, NSW, Airton Cozzolino achieved at the 2014 Australian Wave Nationals what many kiteboarders have been trying for years.

Kitestock 2015 tickets are on sale!!! - Kitesurfing News

Kitestock 2015 tickets are on sale!!!

The highest attended kitesurfing event in Australia is on again!

Our Pick: Red Bull King of the Air Videos - Kitesurfing News

Our Pick: Red Bull King of the Air Videos

If you've spent any time online this month you are sure to have been bombarded with submissions for the Red Bull King of the Air, a competition held in Cape Town for the biggest, baddest kiteboarders on earth to show the world what they've got.

Compete With Us: Tips from the Best Pro's - Kitesurfing News

Compete With Us: Tips from the Best Pro's

With experience spreading from seasoned world champions, to up-and-coming kiteboarding stars, and even Mr Mega-Loop himself, the Best team is seriously talented when it comes to competition riding. Follow these great competition kiteboarding tips and find

Kiteboarder Raises $20,000 for Charity by riding 1300km! - Kitesurfing News

Kiteboarder Raises $20,000 for Charity by riding 1300km!

The incredible journey of Ian Young has come to an end, with him kiteboarding into Exmouth this weekend to meet a handful of fellow kiteboarders, and a metaphorical cheque for $20,000.

WAKSA WA Kitesurfing Event Update - Kitesurfing News

WAKSA WA Kitesurfing Event Update

Details on downwinder, wave titles & freestyle clinic

1000km from home, and your kite disappears downwind. - Kitesurfing News

1000km from home, and your kite disappears downwind.

Ian Young's incredible downwinder adventure has taken a heart stopping turn this week, when his harness exploded 20km off Gnarloo, requiring a huge swim and a 24km run downwind, UNHOOKED!

KiteJam On the Gold Coast - Kitesurfing News

KiteJam On the Gold Coast

Four days of perfect conditions graced the Gold Coast for the 2014 Cabrinha Kite Jam, even if it was a little hot! With the weeks blazing conditions, seabreezes rolled in on queue every day, and riders made the most of the open competition format to log s

Melbourne Kiteboarding For Sale. - Kitesurfing News

Melbourne Kiteboarding For Sale.

Melbournes Longest Running Kiteboarding School located in St Kilda is up for Sale.

Kiteboarding From Perth to the North West Cape, Ian Young. - Kitesurfing News

Kiteboarding From Perth to the North West Cape, Ian Young.

To raise money for Soldier On, a charity who assists wounded soldiers, Ian Young is kiteboarding from Perth to the North West Cape in WA, a distance of more than 1300km.

Instruct With Us: Tips for Kiteboarding Instructors - Kitesurfing News

Instruct With Us: Tips for Kiteboarding Instructors

Good instructors can teach a student how to ride a kiteboard. But Best Instructors guide students on a path to become true kiteboarders; imparting the knowledge and skills the required to continue kiteboarding for years to come. Try these kiteboarding ins

Kitesurfing Nationals at Merimbula - Kitesurfing News

Kitesurfing Nationals at Merimbula

The nations best wave kiters will be determined in November

The Kiteboarding Demo Day Guide - Kitesurfing News

The Kiteboarding Demo Day Guide

With demo season in full swing, there's never been a better time to test fly your dream kite, ride 'that' board or feel the wet embrace of a new harness. But for first time demo'ers it can be intimidating to walk amongst all that shiny new gear and ask th

Three new release kite movies you NEED to see. - Kitesurfing News

Three new release kite movies you NEED to see.

It's new-season-mega-excitement time for kiteboarding companies, which means not only do we get to test ride fancy new gear, but watch incredible movies produced with Speilberg caliber craftsmanship. This week the powers of the kiteboarding world have rel

Whale carcass spells trouble at premium Perth Wave spot - Kitesurfing News

Whale carcass spells trouble at premium Perth Wave spot

When animals die & wash up on you local...

Across the Bay to Conquer Cancer - Kitesurfing News

Across the Bay to Conquer Cancer

A group of enthusiastic kitesurfers cross the bay each year to raise money for cancer research

Kitesurfing from Perth to the North-West Cape (> 1300km) - Kitesurfing News

Kitesurfing from Perth to the North-West Cape (> 1300km)

Ian Young is a veteran of more than 22 years service in the Australian Army and has set himself a personal goal of kitesurfing from Perth to the North-West Cape as a fundraiser for Soldier On

Head north for a WA Kitesurfing Adventure - Kitesurfing News

Head north for a WA Kitesurfing Adventure

A new company offering adventure in WA awesome (& windy) North West regions

Jacqui Hockaday wins Thoroughbred Racing SA Sport Award - Kitesurfing News

Jacqui Hockaday wins Thoroughbred Racing SA Sport Award

Local SA kiteboarder Jacqui Hockaday has this month been recognized for her contribution to the sports of kiteboarding and stand up paddling, receiving the Thoroughbred Racing SA Sport Award!

Foil kites fly, Inflatables Float - Will they ban foils? - Kitesurfing News

Foil kites fly, Inflatables Float - Will they ban foils?

This week the Polish Kiteboarding Association has kicked a hornets nest in the kite racing world, with a proposal that would outlaw the latest development in kite racing.